"Why, my neighbors are all idiots." No matter how hard he tried, Tzeentch couldn't figure out why everyone was a Chaos Evil God and he was the only one with a sane mind.

Slaanesh and Khorne on the left are fighting again. The armies of both sides are fighting fiercely in the Sky Knife Plains and Skull Plateau. Every day, a large number of demons come from the depths of both sides' fields, and then throw themselves into this. On the endless battlefield.

Tzeentch only hoped that the reason why the two guys were fighting could be the same, and that it wouldn't be like three hundred years ago, when Slaanesh stole Khorne's ax and played with it.

Nurgle on the right was also dishonest and cheered in their filthy gardens. Tzeentch felt sick at the sound of their phlegm-coated throats.

"They must be playing house with that Eldar goddess again. What new things did they cook this time? It happens every few hundred years. It's really annoying."

Tzeentch looked up at the increasingly clear line of fate, feeling that he might not have much time left, and even the entire Chaos Realm was almost running out of time. The Subjector was so unstoppable that even the chess pieces secretly planted by Tzeentch failed to delay them as they should.

Kaznamak's eyes, that idiot bald man really dared to believe that the three black legion soldiers he dispatched really lived up to his reputation of being victorious, and were so easily given to the hands of the subject, even even It took half a year to delay.

On the eve of the teleportation rift that he specially maintained on the ship is about to attract the other three gods' armies, he only needs to give him ten more seconds to make the rift open directly in the center of the three evil gods' domains. By then, the entire Flame will be Falling into utter corruption, their fleets could only tearfully destroy the hopeless ship, leaving an immortal subject adrift in the torrent of the Warp.

It's a pity that the damn Corpse Emperor actually took action in the end. That damn double-headed eagle icon must have been pointed directly at the Corpse Emperor himself. Only then would Tzeentch, who was maintaining the portal, be injured and the energy supply of the rift be completely cut off.

Seeing that this operation could not hold off the subject for too long, Tzeentch could only silently modify the solid line of destiny and envelope the Armageddon sector with an entire impenetrable subspace storm, but this way How long can it be delayed? One year? Two years? Without a stable supply of energy from the subspace rift, the subspace storm caused by the Chaos Gods would not last long.

"What should we do?"

"Those orcs will definitely take a long time."

"Plans have to be reset."

"Choose a place further away."

"A fringe one."

"The place where the star torch's light reaches its limit."

During the conversation and analysis of the several heads that continued to grow, these heads obtained a common answer.

"Tau Empire!"

"That's right! The Tau Empire."

"The edge of light."

"The Edge of Empire,"

"Far from the Eye of Terror."

"Stay further away from me!"

Tau Empire, Tau people, such an inconspicuous and insignificant word, naive and stupid, completely unaware of the depth and terror beneath the calm ocean surface. Their warp projections are so small and dim that even the least picky soul devourer would find them indescribable.

Titanium is stronger

But they are indeed a good choice. In the battle between Damocles and Tzeentch, he saw their vitality and their unique acceptance buried under childishness. If even these guys are going to fail, then Tzeentch will also Wouldn't mind using the fate dice again.

After ending his chaotic thinking, the heads and shadows that appeared as his thoughts merged into one again. Tzeentch turned his hand over, and an extremely ordinary six-sided dice appeared in his hand. If possible, Tzeentch really doesn't want to use the things left by those subjects. This die is one of the items carried by the first subject, and it has the ability to modify the results depending on the number of faces.

After countless conspiracies, wars, and turmoil, this dice of destiny that transcends the rules of the entire universe came into the hands of Tzeentch. If those Tau people really can't hold on for too long, then use this dice to help them quietly, as long as it can restrain the guy.

Silently calling his followers in the empire, those nobles in high positions, and those officials hidden in the imperial departments all received the oracle from Tzeentch: "Complete the deployment of the Casare Corps as soon as possible, and let them end the Armiji After the Battle of Dodon, he immediately rushed to the Gulf of Damocles."

"As you command, my master."

But fate needs more variables to make this stage more complicated and chaotic, and Tzeentch also called one of his capable servants.


Lin Fan, who was eating his lunch in the ship's mess hall, suddenly sneezed. He could clearly feel that something was staring at him. This feeling made him very uncomfortable. He turned his head and could only see three people. The soldiers of the 17th Regiment and several other regiments were sitting quietly on chairs eating their meals, not even talking or looking around.

"I think I should have taught you to stay focused when eating, instead of looking around, Captain Soap." Commissar Oude, who was wearing a big political commissar hat, looked at Lin Fan and felt a little unhappy.

"I'm sorry, Commissar Oude, I just feel like a little bug is tickling me." Lin Fan quickly apologized to Commissar Oude and sat upright.

"Hahaha, hero, please relax. This is just an occupational disease of the Austro-German political commissar." Colonel Mark didn't express much and touched the serious Austro-German political commissar with his arm.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Political Commissar Oude nodded slightly and agreed with Colonel Mark's statement. Generally speaking, if Lin Fan was not invited by those Space Wolves to drink and eat meat, he would have dinner with Colonel Mark, Political Commissar Oude and the other several company captains.

Old Jock and Domian ate with the rest of the sergeants. Delia, as a technology priest, naturally could not stay with the Astra Militarum. Instead, she and her mechanical colleagues performed maintenance in the Gear Consecration Hall. and supplies, but since Delia's body modification is not that pure yet, she will also eat some of it.

Lin Fan silently prepared his meal as a captain. Compared with the mashed potatoes mixed with meat, a large bowl of cellulose mixed with protein puree, and a small glass of low-alcohol beer, the soldiers below were assigned a meal. It is more substantial, with the same mashed potatoes and meat, but you can eat a serious vegetable salad and a whole piece of unknown barbecue, as well as wine specially allocated for officers. But compared to the meal of the Space Wolves, it was still a bit bland.

After eating, Lin Fan prepared to take a rest and headed towards the dormitory assigned to him. Just when I opened the door and was about to go in, I was stopped.

He looked back at the person who stopped him. It was a young liaison soldier running over from the other end of the passage. Standing at attention in front of Lin Fan, he made a military salute. The liaison soldier excitedly reported to Lin Fan: "The noble angels hope that you can quickly go to their hall to meet. There is something important that needs your help."

"The Space Wolves need my help? Isn't it because the wine is not brewed yet and you need to deal with the dangerous explosives yourself?" Lin Fan thought like this, but didn't take it seriously. After all, he has been floating in space for the past few days, waiting for the storm. The days that passed were so peaceful that many of the energetic soldiers under his command could only perform various trainings and exercises every day to release their energy.

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