Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 712 Don’t talk about martial ethics

A golden sun flare hangs in the deep blue sky, and below is a field of corpses built up by insects, all planted with endless scarlet spore clusters. Among them is an eleven or twelve meter high executioner from hell, with claws stretched out and spread out. Big mouth, stabbing at a Leman Russ tank.

A beam of gravity waves hit Hell's Executioner. The giant creature slowed down visibly to the naked eye, but he was still able to break through the blockade of the gravity waves and continue to move forward.

The second gravity wave and the third gravity wave.

More and more gravity waves enveloped Hell's Executioner, rendering him unable to move.

The increasing weight made him feel painful, and he lay on the ground overwhelmed, his chitinous carapace collapsing inward.

The internal organs suffered more damage, and no blood flowed out of the collapsed wounds, only jelly-like blood clots trembling.

The Leman Russ tank slid away provocatively, its tracks sending clouds of dirt towards the executioner's face, reflecting the driver's superb skills.

The explosive musket was aimed at the gap in the executioner's carapace, igniting the terrifying beast.

The behemoth's vitality was quite tenacious, and he sustained the devastating burning for 5 minutes.

The scorching ash on the ground is a symbol of the Executioner's presence, and he will re-nourish the planet's soil like other insect ash on the planet.

It was so easy.

If the situation of the imperial army in the past were to go by, they would have used melta guns to kill this executioner.

If the power of the Melta Gun is only calculated, then it is indeed much more powerful than the Explosive Gun.

One shot makes you red, two shots makes you gasp, and three shots makes you famous.

Except for the particularly difficult and rare enemies, most enemies will be evaporated without even seeing the second melt.

However, the shortcomings of the melt gun are also extremely obvious, including a slow rate of fire, a short range, and a fuel magazine that is heavier than a plasma battery.

Soldiers who use melta guns are all warriors who dare to fight the enemy with bayonets.

The imperial army will use death to cover the soldiers using melta guns to approach the dangerous hell executioners, and the hell executioners will also sense the dangerous smell of melta gun fuel and stare at these soldiers equipped with special weapons to kill.

In the end, the hell executioner successfully fell to the ground, and one or two regiments of infantry were crushed into minced meat. The generals in the rear called this outcome a victory.

"But now we have these treasures!" He held up the gravity gun, which was engraved with the identification code produced by the canteen. "These treasures can not only make a single target heavier or lighter, but also create a shock wave. It shoots away bugs like a shotgun.”

"Wow!" The soldiers who only owned laser guns and standard bulletproof armor exclaimed, "Then the soldiers who use these weapons must be among the best, right?"

"Of course." The soldier using the gravity gun said proudly, "I passed the level 25 weapons test."

His answer confused ordinary soldiers, who did not understand the concept of a level 25 weapons test.

Seeing the stunned look of these soldiers, he also changed to a more intuitive example.

"Have you all seen that magnificent and powerful cathedral?"

The soldiers nodded, and they all praised the sacredness and majesty of the cathedral, thanking the Emperor for allowing them to see such a miraculous creation.

"If you want to become a Cathedral operator, you must prove that you have passed a level 100 weapons test, withstood Geller pressure in 32 situations, can skillfully fly all types of battle suits, and can fill the battleship's seaman shortage when necessary."

"Sounds like a job reserved for Mechanicus."

"Pfft! The Mechanic Priests are still a little behind. If you ask me, the Mechanic Priests in your army can at most get a level 65 certificate."

"Wow." More praises came from the soldiers, who believed his words deeply.

"Private Gillette!" A dissatisfied roar interrupted his bragging. A political commissar approached with calm steps, and the soldiers quickly stood up because of his momentum.

"Commissar Via!" Private Gillette, who passed the level 25 weapons test, behaved like a rabbit in front of Chief Via.

"Are you very free now?"

"Report to the political commissar! No!"

"Not free?"



"Not idle."

Nervous sweat dripped from Gillette's forehead. He knew that Commissar Via would not shoot him for talking too much, but he was afraid that he would not be able to use the powerful weapon of the gravity gun.

It is an unspeakable shame for a soldier to be deprived of his weapons.

Political Commissar Via stared at Gillette for about 5 seconds, and then he ordered Gillette to prepare military rations for all of them.

"Yes commissar!"

Looking at Gillette's trotting back, Via also felt helpless. The soldiers under his command have indeed developed this bad habit of being superior to others recently. They rely on their better equipment and smarter skills to show off in front of the Planetary Defense Force.

When the war is over, the soldiers on the list must go to the Krieger training class for a few days to wash away their pride.

"Both hands must be grasped in combat effectiveness and thought, and both hands must be strong."

Via narrowed his eyes and thought like this. He turned back and ordered the Planetary Defense Force to return to their posts.

Gillette helped the cooking soldier open a square metal box, which contained long cylindrical metal cans.

When opened, there is a thick round piece about the same size as the palm of Gillette's hand. This is a highly compressed nutritional ration.

If it is not soaked in water, this thick nutritional tablet is quite strong. According to tests, it can block more than ten rounds of automatic weapons.

Dozens of liters of water and a few nutritional tablets were poured into the large pot. As the hot water rolled, the white nutritional tablets became more and more fluffy, and all the dehydrated food compressed inside was showing its original appearance.

A pot of steaming, thick and delicious soup is ready. After it cools down, it will have a smooth and smooth texture like jelly. Many soldiers will wait for the soup to cool in their lunch boxes if they have time, just to take a bite of the jelly soup.

Of course, there is no chance to drink this soup at all times. If the war becomes more intense, they can only open the bottle hanging on their waist and eat the emergency nutrition tablets inside.

The pinky-sized emergency nutritional tablets have a bland taste that is not delicious but will not cause nausea. The nutritional tablets will be completely decomposed in the digestive system without leaving any residue.

Taking emergency nutrition tablets for too long may make people forget how to poop. So after a long battle, soldiers would squat in the toilet after eating a meal and remember how to use their anus.

Commissar Wea is waiting for the soup to cool down. He is a big fan of frozen soups, and it would be better if he could have a bottle of hot sauce.

"This is the headquarters. The New Spirit Reconnaissance Team has found the location of the Zerg node creature. They cannot handle it and need support. Please respond quickly to the troops closest to the coordinates."

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