The brain of the biological artillery made the fire-devouring insect quickly turn the muzzle, and the latter slowly turned its body with its head buried in the food.

Acid surged in his stomach, but the soldiers fired a plasma missile before he could fire.

Plasma and acid intertwined, causing the body that had experienced deflagration and incineration to appear fragile, cracking inch by inch.

Before death came, the fire-devouring insects did not forget to continue eating to relieve the pain of hunger.

"Advance steadily! Move closer to the ranger! Engineers deploy heavy beacons!"

The explosive gun is extremely effective at clearing out small bugs. A single hit from knife bugs and gun bugs can turn them into ashes in a matter of seconds.

Four XV-88 battle suits pressed behind the soldiers, and their railguns could easily penetrate heavy bugs crushed by gravity guns.

You can confirm the race of the pilot inside from the serial number of the battle suit. The xve series is for humans, and the xv series is for the Tau. As for the Eldar, they have better Hades armor, but this The thing is essentially an armor driven by the power of dead souls, and the Eldar don't like to use this kind of thing.

There is no difference in combat obedience performance, only the brain-computer interface is slightly different.

The Tau's use of battle suits is much more efficient than humans, and they can enter the state of man-machine integration more quickly.

According to Odemeyer's research, this is due to the faster metabolism of the Tau than humans. One year of combat uniforms for these Tau is equivalent to three or even five years of experience for humans.

However, their lifespan is not long. If humans can live for 100 years, the Tau will only live for 50 years or even less.

Red detonation lasers, blue plasma clusters, green gravity beams, magnetic rail projectiles that tear through the sound barrier.

Feeling that his men were dying in droves, the neuron worm decided to personally eliminate these enemies, especially the two Eldar rangers. They had to die.

Hive guards accompany the neuron bugs. These loyal guards are equipped with biochemical plasma cannons. The soldiers' Aegis can block splash damage, but they cannot leave whole corpses from the core range of the explosion.

These long-range specialized bugs put considerable pressure on Imperial soldiers, and gravity guns and railguns prioritized targeting these dangerous guys.

The neuron worms relied on their psychic powers to keep the wounded Hive Guards fighting, allowing them to ignore the most serious injuries.

Commissar Via's Aegis was overloaded, and the biochemical plasma explosion blew him away.

The heavy beacon was finally deployed by the engineers, and the Terminator troops in the fleet activated the point-to-point transmitter in the armor after confirming that the transmission beacon was stable.

In most Space Marine Chapters, only the warriors of the First Company are equipped with the rare and highly defensive Terminator armor.

Each set of Terminator armor of these Chapters is consecrated and considered a physical expression of the Chapter's fighting spirit.

But for today's Weeper medical company, the fighting spirit of these white Terminator armors is worth pondering.

A few seconds before the teleportation, the white-armored and yellow-helmed Terminator captain was so encouraging to his brothers.

"The soldiers of the empire are bleeding under the attack of aliens! As doctors, we should save the lives of the injured! As long as we kill all the enemies, our friendly forces will be safe!"

"In the name of the merciful Emperor!"

The thunder of lightning sent the Terminators into the cave, and 100 fully armed Terminators suddenly appeared in the center of the running insect swarm.

These Terminator armors were further upgraded and improved by Odemair and Perturabo, reducing production costs and manufacturing hours.

Both want and want. For the great sages of the forging world, they will regard this request as an offense to the God of All Machines and an unforgivable bad joke.

But for Odemeyer: As long as the materials are ready, I can give you as much as you want, and I can do whatever you want.

Hundreds of Terminators stood neatly, and the Aegis shields on their bodies merged with each other to form an overall energy shield.

A shield wasp pops out of the Terminator's back armor. These very useful machine assistants can block sneak attacks from behind for the Terminator. They also use magnetic adsorption devices to carry more weapons for the Terminator.

The left hand is a heavy assault cannon, the right hand is a jump shield wrapped in a force field, and there are six armor-piercing missiles on each side of the shoulder.

The Neuron Bug knew something was wrong the moment it sensed these troops.

The sound of heavy assault cannons firing in unison was unbearable to the Imperial soldiers, who hid behind Aegis shields and turned off the sound receivers completely.

The huge explosive bombs tore the thin air apart again and again, and the sound of shooting overwhelmed all the roars of the insects.

The insect nest guards were completely shattered, and the rock wall at the other end of the cave was a solid wall made of metal warheads, preventing the cave from collapsing under the shock of the fire.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Itko was nervous about the killing field created by 100 Terminators. If these war machines were sent into the Ark, they would have to pay considerable casualties to eliminate these troops.

"Fortunately, we are allies." Tyco touched his friend's shoulder. "I heard that they have an ancestor from the Golden Age. It would be great if we could also have one. Of course, I am not talking about the Phoenix Lord and the Harlequin Troupe. There is a problem, it’s just that they are.”

"Elusive and self-respecting. Maybe this is the reason why our clan is declining." Itke sighed.

"Change weapons! Install the Blackstone Scepter!" A loud command came from the Terminator's loudspeaker grille. 50 Terminators handed over the heavy assault cannon to the Shield Bee to carry. They were now using a composite bolter. Inside the magazine are precious handmade black stone explosive bombs.

Another 15 Terminators inserted a slender black stone double-headed eagle scepter into the ground, and the soulless silence was slowly growing.

The Eldar rangers felt this all too well, their faces beneath their helms taking on disgusting expressions.

The Neuron Bug completed a psychic focus, and he launched a powerful psychic strike towards the shield wall formed by the Terminator.

The black stone scepter weakened the power of the psychic attack, but the Aegis energy shield composed of a hundred Terminators still trembled violently.

The spiraling psychic thrust fiercely penetrated the Aegis shield, knocking off a string of Terminators behind it.

This attack was effective. There was a big hole in the Terminator armor at the front, and even the flesh was half cooked by the psychic lightning.

Fortunately, there are more life vaccines in these Terminator armors, and they received good treatment the moment they were injured.

Not only that, the Terminator armor also shows the characteristics of a tree when infiltrated by the life vaccine. The metal faults are pulling out thin branches and slowly repairing the damage.

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