"This is too narcissistic." Perturabo commented in a sullen voice, "If it were me, I would at most make some adjustments to the order, such as letting me stand in the front, and you guys would be distributed on both sides in a triangular formation."

"Maybe this was not made by him. Judging from the texture of these sculptures, they lack the fineness of the Primarch's own polishing. But it is indeed a bit narcissistic. If it were me, I would use a circular square to place these artworks, so that everyone's attention would be focused on the Emperor in the center of the square." Fulgrim added a few more words, "I think it was made by his descendants themselves. What do you think, Dorn?"

Dorn, wearing black armor, looked up at the statue of Guilliman.

The statue was tall and huge, and the sunlight evenly sprinkled on Guilliman's whole body, creating a sense of sacred majesty for the statue.

There were statues of other Primarchs on both sides of Guilliman's statue, but these statues were only one-third of Guilliman's height and lacked sunlight.

The rebellious Primarch was covered with a piece of cloth, and Dorn could only guess who was underneath from the degree of wrinkles in the cloth.

After a long period of silent thinking, Dorn replied calmly, "If the dome above the statue collapses, it will become a good load-bearing column."

"Hahaha." Perturabo and Fulgrim laughed in the container. They could already imagine Guilliman's embarrassment when he saw these statues after waking up.

The door opened.

Calgar walked into the room. His eyes first turned to Dorn standing under Guilliman's statue and the sacred golden coffin floating beside him, and then he showed undisguised respect to Guilliman's statue.

"Respected elder." Calgar saluted Dorn. He did not learn more from Helbrecht, but only knew that he was an ancient hero from the Great Crusade.

The sense of honor of meeting a legend made Calgar's voice tremble.

"No need to be polite, child."

This sentence was so natural from the elder's mouth that Calgar could not feel any disgust.

"Macragge has been saved, and we will provide you with all the help."

"The Ultramarines will never forget the elder's help to Macragge."

"No, you haven't understood what I mean. We will provide you with all the help."

"What?" Calgar blinked, he really didn't understand what Dorn meant.


Pointing at the floating container, Dorn continued, "The key to saving your father is stored here."

"What?!" Calgar raised his voice because of shock, his voice echoed in the empty hall, he immediately realized his mistake and apologized to the statue of the Primarch.

Resurrect our father

Is this... is this really possible?

Calgar's heart was full of mixed feelings, his respect for the Father of Genes and his vigilance against the mysterious man in front of him collided with each other, and it was difficult to tell which was better.

"Excuse me." Calgar tried to calm his tone as much as possible. He looked at Dorn seriously. "How can this sacred coffin resurrect the descendants of the Emperor, our great gene father?"

"Don't tell him that Fulgrim is going to summon Slaanesh, otherwise we will have to rush into Guilliman! I can't guarantee that no one will be injured in this process!" Perturabo hurriedly reminded him. He was really afraid that Dorn, a straightforward guy, would let the cat out of the bag.

Dorn was silent for a long time. This silence made Calgar feel uneasy. He felt that his breathing became heavy and difficult.

Finally, Dorn thought of the answer. He said to Calgar, "Through the power of the Emperor's Friends."

Friend of the Emperor?

Calgar was even more shocked. He looked at the sacred coffin with pale lips, thinking about who in the empire could be called the Emperor's Friend.

After reviewing the ocean of knowledge, Calgar could only extract a matching name from the precious records left by Guilliman.

Imperial Prime Minister - Malcador.

The Primarch Father's evaluation of Malcador was quite complicated. He believed that Malcador's ability to handle the Empire's political affairs far exceeded his own. The Empire's loss of Malcador during the rebellion was an indescribable loss.

If all the information left by the Gene Father was true, then the Holy Coffin was the legacy of the Empire's Prime Minister Malcador?

And the powerful and mysterious warrior in front of him was the loyal man who accepted Malcador's secret mission in a critical moment and searched for Malcador's legacy in the dark galaxy?

Calgar felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth. He could even imagine the scene at that time.

The Empire's Prime Minister Malcador was far-sighted. He observed the flow of fate and knew that Guilliman would be defeated by the demon Fulgrim in the future.

With such considerations, he made arrangements in advance and made every effort to hold on to the last hope.

"Guilliman, you are the last hope of the Empire." The old man sighed and pressed the future of the Empire on Guilliman's shoulders.

Calgar got goose bumps because of the sense of honor. He took a deep breath and his eyes sparkled.

How difficult is this ten thousand year mission? The elder in front of him had shown his infinite loyalty to the Emperor and the Empire in so many desperate battles.


Calgar bowed deeply to Dorn, saying that he would cooperate with Dorn's actions.

"I always feel that his eyes are a little strange, but I can't tell what's strange." Fulgrim frowned and whispered.

Later, Dorn brought the container called "Sacred Golden Coffin" by Calgar to Guilliman's throne room.

This is a very magnificent hall, and all designs are given priority to satisfy the huge body of the Primarch.

This is a pretty good design for Dorn, as well as Perturabo and Fulgrim in the container.

They find buildings by mortal standards closed and crowded, and even rooms built according to Space Marine standards may cause them to bump into some protrusions accidentally.

Marble columns support a dome painted with images of Macragge's great deeds, and this is where the Chapter's greatest glory and sorrow lie.

Guilliman's body sat quietly on the throne equipped with a stasis field. His eyes were closed and his lips were pale. The poison of Slaanesh in his body was torturing the strong body of his original body.

Calgar had felt both reverence and pain at the sight of the Primarch on the throne, but now there was a hint of hope on his face.

The sacred golden coffin was explored by Diglis, the director of the think tank, using his spiritual power. He did not find any demonic runes or plots.

The golden relief has an artistry that Diglis can only dream of. This is simply an ancient treasure that can only be made by the original body.

This must be a backhand left behind by our father, right? This is just as the holy scripture says, only by being fully prepared can we be invincible.

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