Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 730 Disconnecting Consciousness

Elafren was like a bucket with a big hole in it. The rapid drying up frightened Lin Fan.

He quickly gave Elafren an injection of healing agent, and Elafren became normal again, with crystal saliva dripping from his mouth.

"We have to knock them unconscious so that they lose their awareness of the world." Jaghatai frowned, and with a strike of his hand, Elafren lost consciousness, and his saliva finally stopped flowing.

The remaining Eldar, swaying like grass, also received help from Chagatai, and lay limply on the ground unconscious.

Lin Fan picked up Elafren from the driver's seat, and Chagatai squatted in front of the driver's seat to fly the Void Phoenix fighter. Although he could not achieve the same 100% perfect adaptability as the Eldar, he drove the fighter to VK -01 Galaxy can still do it easily.

The fighter plane left the webway and headed for Volani's headquarters.

The entire planet was silent, with nothing but the sound of the wind.

Lin Fan and Chagatai decided to go down and have a look. Before leaving, Lin Fan asked Khan if it was okay to leave the unconscious Eldar on the ship.

"No problem, trust my skills. This is an ancient skill from Chogoris, called acupuncture."

"Acupuncture? I remember, isn't this thing just for human use? They are the spirit race."

"The Eldar can also do it. I took a lot of Dark Eldar to practice during the days of racing in the webway."

Then you are really awesome.

Lin Fan silently gave Chagatai a thumbs up and walked off the plane with him.

The sight of unconscious people everywhere made people panic. Some of them were piled up together, their limbs folded and entangled, like living bricks. Lin Fan couldn't figure out how their bodies could support such behavior.

"Cognitive pollution." Chahetai looked solemn. "These troops, like the Eldar, have detected something terrible, and that thing is polluting their cognition."

"What could it be?" Lin Fan asked.

Chagatai rolled his eyes at him and said, "I'm the one who should ask the question. Now let's go to the headquarters and find the detection information of the recent period."

Arriving at the headquarters, Volani and Kravos were lying on the ground.

There was a wound on Wolani's arm caused by the ion pistol. Fortunately, his body had quite good biochemical modifications, and the wound did not kill him.

Chagatai passed over the two of them, threw himself on the console, and retrieved the information in the library.

Everything in front of him became unfamiliar, and the discomfort in his body became more and more obvious. A very trustworthy voice came from his ears, and something was telling him that Chagatai was a chess piece made of resin glue.

Chagatai's movements were so stiff that it was quite difficult to move his fingers. He squeezed out some sounds through his teeth and asked Lin Fan for help.

Lin Fan hurried over and slapped Chagatai.

Only then did Chagatai feel that the stiffness in his body had subsided, but the area within his field of vision was still crazy and chaotic and beyond comprehension.

Huge furniture and chandeliers, and several huge humanoid shadows with unclear faces were discussing some topic.

The scene reaches an abstract and fragmented conclusion, as he sees himself wandering aimlessly through the Webway.

The next moment, he saw himself joining Horus' camp and becoming a member of the traitors to attack the Royal Palace of Terra.

In this changing scene, the only thing that remained unchanged was Lin Fan's figure. All abstractions deliberately avoided his presence and flowed towards the dark corridor behind him.

The information that flooded into his mind at this moment was too complicated, and it took him a long time to remember what he wanted to do.

"Come here and see, I can't read."

"Huh?" Lin Fan felt baffled. He stood beside Chagatai and after a series of operations and searches, he found the detection information in recent months.

Lin Fan didn't bother to look carefully at the words and numbers. The first thing he browsed were the hundreds of pictures sent by the void detector.

The resolution of these pictures is low. Even the Motorola used by Lin Fan in 2008 was much higher definition than these pictures.

No, it doesn’t seem to be an issue of unclearness.

Lin Fan compared it and found that there was no change in the clarity of the picture. It was just that an area in the middle became extremely blurry. This sudden blur affected the effect of the entire picture.

Lin Fan moved closer, trying to find something useful in the blurry area.

After magnifying it millions of times, Lin Fan found a group of red pixels among the blurred black spots, which was exactly in the center of the picture.

What the hell is this?

Lin Fan thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out. Finally, he felt that he wanted to go and see for himself.

"Can you go? You don't look well."

Jaghatai was sitting against the wall. The only difference between him and Volani and Kravos was that he could still respond to Lin Fan's questions.

"You go alone." Chagatai said with difficulty, "If my situation eases, I will bring someone to find your signal."


Lin Fan nodded, and before leaving, he asked Chagatai if he wanted sleeping services.

Jaghatai shook his head and snored loudly as if sleeping.

Lin Fan relied on the coordinate parameters provided by the detector to find an accurate direction.

The light spear was thrown, and Lin Fan followed closely behind.

Somewhere light-years away from the VK-01 galaxy.

There is only dust and darkness left here, and only the green light of the Silent King's Ark exists.

"King." A Pharaoh saluted to the Silent King, "The troops we can draw from the Milky Way defense line are all in the cracks of space. We only need to wait for the King's order to do so."

"Don't worry, let the subjective person touch him first."

"But this will break away from our control." The Emperor was a little anxious.

"Control?" King Silence asked back, "Our family has never really controlled anything, we are just struggling."

The King of Pharaoh knelt on the ground without saying a word. The King of Silence asked him to step back and wait for his orders, and then asked the time and space magician to prepare the space contraction spell.


After losing the reference object, people's perception of speed becomes quite blurry. Lin Fan has long been unable to distinguish between fast and slow.

He didn't know how long he had been flying with the light spear, and he didn't know where he was in the universe.

The expansion and contraction of the dark space next to him was not known to him. The space-time warlock perfectly shortened the distance between Lin Fan and an ancient enemy.

"Aren't you afraid?"

The silence was broken by a whisper, a voice that came not from inside my head but from outside.

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, thinking that this must be the culprit that affected Chagatai and the others.

He temporarily removed the light spear, and darkness enveloped everything.

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