Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 741 The Past of the Spirit Clan

Bad laughter and vomiting sounds mixed together, and the snot-nosed man who was the first to taste the disgusting spores suddenly jumped up from the ground. There was a spark of wisdom in his eyes, and his speech became much clearer.

"I understand! I understand everything!" Snotlout yelled and ran towards Glut, "We have to dismantle those skeletons! We have to..."


The long whip was thrown hard on Snotlout's face, cutting off his long nose.

Although the spores gave Snotlout some knowledge, they did not give Snotlout much-needed supplies to live in a savage orc society.

Strong physique.

"You skinny thing! What do you understand! I think you are crazy!" Grots beat Snotlout and rolled all over the floor. The violence became more and more violent. He poured out all the anger of the orcs who bullied him on Snotlout. , and finally the tip of the whip hit Snotlout's fragile neck.

The scarred Snotlout died, and with him some of the knowledge contained in the spore.

But who cares? Perhaps only the Necrontyr in the cracks of space would feel a little sorry for the decline of the orcs.

"From now on, all weapons produced by the Orks will not shake the foundation of the galaxy. Our technological advantage over the Orks is crushing."

The warlock who oversaw the development of the orc society passed the information into the venue, and the King of Silence solemnly left the seal of the Three Saints at the end of the first item to be dealt with in the contract.

This process took 20,000 years, but for the kings who had experienced a longer war in heaven, this was just a blink of an eye.

Galaxy collapse coefficient (45%)

The warlock updated the data again, diluting the joyful emotion in the venue that the plan was successful.

The Silent King wrote the second article on the contract, "Next, we deal with the issues of the Eldar and the Warp."

While the Necrontyr were busy dealing with the Orks, the Eldar struggled in the sea of ​​warp god wars.

Were there gods in the Warp before? Even if the Silent King didn't have the research and calculations of a warlock, he could give an extremely clear negative answer.

The only real gods in this universe are the Star Gods and the Ancient Sages. As for the subjective, no one can say what it is that transcends the Three Realms and is not among the Five Elements.

The warlocks in the venue created a direct passage to the Pantheon for the Silent King, and the King of France also mobilized his legion to prepare to act with the Silent King.

But the Silent King did not like such fanfare. He ordered the legion not to act rashly, but to go to the Eldar Pantheon with the left and right hands on the throne.

These spiritual races.

King Silence shook his head. Who would have thought that this infancy race could survive to the end?

Although the King of the Dynasty was very critical of the Eldar's cunning and greed for life and fear of death, the Warlocks of the Dynasty were particularly interested in the advantages and avoidance of disadvantages of these life forms. Perhaps it was this cowardice that allowed them to escape from the slaughterhouse of the War in Heaven. survived. (Based on the ancient orcs and necrophobes who are greedy for life and afraid of death)

The Silent King still remembered the shy appearance of the Eldar when they first joined the war. They were designed to be powerful psykers to target the weakness of the Star Gods who were not good at dealing with psychic powers.

Under the tutelage of the Old Ones, they learned how to create warp entities to aid in healing, warfare, and fortification.

But is this really enough?

The Silent King suddenly sneered. Those Ancient Saints should not leave the task of designing war races to the moderate Ancient Saints. This would do nothing but increase casualties.

I remember it was the first battle between King Armas and the Eldar, right?

The Silent King's question was answered by his right and left hands, because King Armas had his first contest with the Eldar in the Four Stars of Sauron.

The ancient battle reports were retrieved by the left and right hands. After being modified by the power of the Star God's bystander, the Silent King could observe every individual on the battlefield from an absolutely objective perspective.

The gorgeous and elegant ships made of wraith bones were completely different from the brick-shaped ships produced by the Orc Empire. Because Pharaoh Armas was shocked by these gorgeous ships, he asked his subordinates if he was robbing an art troupe.

"This is the enemy's main void fleet." Chief Assassin Lotaros's reply made King Inamas even more confused.

"What a bunch of kids." The King of France shook his head and ordered the warlocks to warm up their weapons and try to destroy the entire enemy fleet in one salvo.

Meanwhile in the Eldar's Ark, their leader is delivering a speech to the warriors.

"Look at those mottled, rotten and crude creations. Did they also pull up the graves to fight?"


"Please allow me to introduce this warrior. He is the most outstanding student in our academy. Look at the entities he can build. How powerful and powerful he is."

A handsome and handsome male Eldar walked onto the stage with cheers. He saluted everyone gracefully and wiped out a brilliant spiritual spark with his finger.

A giant dragon solidified behind him, its silver scales sparkling, and its elegant body curves amazed the Eldar.

Being able to condense and carve invisible subspace energy into such a form is enough to show how terrifying this person's talent is.

"The SSS-level entity, the Silver Mosasaurus, can extinguish a star with just one breath."

"so amazing!"

The applause continued, and the orc officer corps sitting in the corner remained silent for a long time. The one with the highest rank among them put his hat on the table for a long time.

Putting his head on his hands in distress, he complained, "Are these our new reinforcements? What are the Ancient Sages doing? This is a life-and-death war, not a child's house game!"

"Shhh. Don't dampen their enthusiasm. Once they are on the verge of extinction three or five times, they will understand the cruelty of war. Besides, the Star Gods are also some strange guys."

"How to say?"

"According to the spying of our intelligence department, the Necrontyr is withdrawing half of the energy supply produced by the entire civilization to prevent the Star Gods from filling their stomachs when they are happy."

"That's good news indeed."

The chat didn't last long. The King of France gave an order, and Gaussian arcs all bombarded the Eldar's gorgeous battleships.

The sudden and comprehensive attack left the Eldar unable to mount any counterattack. Their disintegrating corpses were mixed with the debris of the battleship, and the warp entities accompanying them lost control.

Only a shining silver dragon and his master were lucky enough to survive the bombardment of the Gaussian arc. The Eldar was devastated by the death of his compatriots in an instant. He piloted the dragon and flew towards the dynasty fleet, with thunder in his palm. stir.

"I want to avenge my compatriots!"

The King of France yawned boredly. He thought how powerful this new creation of the ancient saint could be.

"Don't waste your energy. Lotaros goes and chops off his head."

Lotaros flashed, and there was an Eldar head in his hand.

"It's so ugly." King Imamas commented.

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