Terra was unified, but the planet was still devastated.

Once the core of human civilization with advanced science, elegant arts, and magical technology, the glory of Old Earth has disappeared.

Warlord wars continue one after another, and the entire world has become a huge battlefield of long attrition wars.

Chemical, biological and thermonuclear weapons of mass destruction were sprinkled on the earth without any worries. A solid doomsday fortress stood among the ruins. Under the towering walls were a group of depraved and savage nomads, crazy prophets, prosthetic-enhanced warlords and Mutant leader.

The succession of tyrants could not quell wars, and the rise and rise of pocket empires often occurred.

Countless dreams were crushed in the cycle of destruction and reconstruction, hundreds of millions of people disappeared in the flames of war, leaving only some distant horror legends floating in the wasteland.

Callagan. Callagan.

The Emperor stared closely at the name on the hide.

As the ruler of the huge Ursh Empire, he was brutal and powerful, commanding an army of barbarians whose minds were controlled by chemicals. Behind this leader stood the Four Gods, and he was nothing more than a puppet.

The vast plains of Old Russia and Central Asia were riddled with aberrations and pollution through Chaos magic achieved through human sacrifice, which consumed the Emperor's considerable energy in dealing with these problems.

But it was a small matter, the Emperor told himself, and it would only take a little time and effort to solve the pollution problem in the plains.

Malcador has contacted the Mechanicus of Mars and dug out a usable spaceship from the ground.

The Great Crusade will soon enter its second phase, and things are heading in a good direction.

It would have been better if Orpesson and Erda had not left.

The emperor frowned and sighed deeply, remembering the previous quarrel between him, Orpeson and Erda.

"Do you think you are the savior? I don't think so! Your methods are no different from the Terminators we once fought against! Let me guess, that damn Ascension Throne is also part of your plan, right?"

Orpeson threw a medal made of animal bones to the ground. It was a gift given to him by the Emperor himself.

Waldo was very angry. He blocked Orpeson's way and stared at Orpeson's face with cold eyes.

"Gene Slave Warrior, that's great!" Orpeson was not afraid of Waldo, who was much taller than him. The Emperor did not want to see the two of them fighting here.

"Let him go." The emperor's face was buried in the shadows, and his expression could not be seen clearly.

Valdor made way for Orpeson, and the Emperor never saw his first Warmaster again.

Then there was Erda. As the Emperor's most trusted genetic expert, she had access to all the laboratories in the bunker.

Including the laboratory where 20 Primarchs were bred.

The alarm sounded, and an open subspace rift made the Emperor's hair stand on end. When he led the Imperial Guard underground, he only saw Erda standing alone in the empty laboratory.

The Emperor wanted to get angry, to roar. But he looked at the four gloomy shadows behind Erda, and he couldn't say the words that were on his lips.

You can only be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no way to prevent a thief for a thousand days. Even if Erda doesn't do it, other accidents will happen.

Erda is gone, lost contact in Africa. The Emperor could only use the remaining material to remedy the situation, and the result of this birth was the Thunder Warrior.

They were unstable, but the Emperor had little recourse. The only thing he could do was to record their contributions in the Declaration of Unification for future generations to admire.

"The Battle of Mount Ararat in the Kingdom of Urartu was the last battle of the Unification War. In this great battle, the last Thunder Warrior died heroically, and Arik Taranis raised the flag of lightning. , From now on, their merits will remain immortal in the land of Terra."

Stopping writing, the emperor rubbed his eyes and carefully reviewed this paragraph for any loopholes.

There was nothing wrong with it except that it was inconsistent with the facts. The Emperor nodded and put the document aside.

He picked up a battle damage report, which was submitted by the imperial army after cleaning the battlefield of Mount Ararat.

Thanks to the assistance of the Custodes, otherwise the casualties of the newly born Astartes Legion would have been at least four to five times higher.

In addition to these powerful genetic warriors, the casualties of the Hundred, composed of mortals, also made the Emperor look askance.

It's just that what counts them now is not a single number, but a list of people who have been removed from the list one after another.

"This is just the beginning." The Emperor closed his eyes. There would be even more heavy casualties in the future.

Attack from all directions from Terra, regain the galaxy and return to the Empire's territory, implement the Empire's truth in a world where order has collapsed and evil gods and aliens are rampant, let the conquered planets resume production as soon as possible, and then continuously provide blood for the Great Crusade and the Webway Project , but also to establish a mature mortal parliament system to compete with the expeditionary force led by the original body.

Many people would die in this process, and many worlds would be burned to the ground. Sometimes the Emperor would ponder in the dead of night whether it was worth it.


Maybe I won't win, or at least I won't let those four bastards live too comfortably.

"My Lord, we have found the surviving Thunder Warriors. They are in the slums of Bavaria." Waldo contacted the Emperor and asked for his orders.

The Emperor heard murderous intent in Waldo's calm tone, so he asked, "What are the Thunder Warriors doing?"

"He is a gladiator in an underground arena, and now he is drinking a bottle of wine mixed with gasoline and industrial alcohol in the house." Waldo answered.

"Leave him alone," the Emperor ordered. "If some Thunder Warriors rely on their special characteristics to get rid of the troubles of genetic surgery, let them live quietly."

"As you wish, my lord."

The Emperor felt pain after dealing with these matters. He could accept the death and injury of countless innocent people during the Unification War with great regret, but he could not easily accept the suspicion that his comrades did not share his ideas.

The last one to leave was Orpeson, the next to leave is Erda, and maybe even Malcador will leave him.

In the end, only the Emperor was left to walk this arduous road.

Such a future made the Emperor a little scared and confused. He hurriedly called Malcador and expressed that he wanted to play chess with him to connect his feelings.

"You look confused." Malcador said, knowing that the Emperor was not looking for him simply to play chess.

"Now I'm starting to worry about those children. They may fall directly into the magic cave full of witchcraft and become the lackeys of those four bastards when they are vulnerable."

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