Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 807 You have such a good appetite


Creed assigned Sergeant Aurora and her men to the 14th Heavy Weapons Operations Squad of the 8th Cadia Regiment. Although Sergeant Aurora began her military career as a medic, her personal file was quite impressive.

She chopped down a team of orcs in a close-range assault, fought guerrilla warfare with an anti-tank team in a building complex, and destroyed four Leman Russ tanks of the rebels.

Creed couldn't help but whistle in admiration. When he and Aurora were talking together, he really didn't realize that this little girl had such combat capabilities.

There was a knock on the door, and Creed's adjutant Kyle reminded that the legion banquet would start in 20 minutes.

After sorting out the documents, Creed grabbed his officer's coat, casually draped it over his shoulders, and walked out of the door.

Adjutant Kyle raised his eyebrows. He knew that Creed was not interested in banquets. "Sir, you can't wear this to the banquet. The Vostroyans and the Mordians will think you are looking down on them."

"Look down on them?" Creed blinked. He patted Kyle's shoulder and comforted him. "It's okay. Let Reese and the others handle the etiquette. They won't pay much attention to my little admiral."

Kyle had no way to deal with Creed's stubbornness. He could only sigh and follow Creed, smoothing the wrinkles of Creed's battle-hardened old officer's coat with his hands.

The banquet was held on the ship's observation deck. The logistics officer raised the deck piece by piece at the control console and directed the sailors to lay the white tablecloth.

The food on each table was equally rich. As for the deliciousness, it was not considered. Some officers with serious homesickness would have strict requirements for the cooking of food.

Creed didn't stay in the admiral's circle for too long. After Warmaster Reese finished his opening remarks, Creed went to find his officers.

"Oh? Look, who is this!" An exaggerated shout came from Creed's side, and Lieutenant General Tamas saluted Creed with a glass of red wine.

Creed just smiled and ignored Lieutenant General Tamas's provocation. Lieutenant General Tamas is now 140 years old. If Creed had not delayed the onslaught of hundreds of thousands of orcs with a regiment of troops on Yad V, thus preventing the main force of Warmaster Reese from being surrounded, the position of admiral should have belonged to Lieutenant General Tamas.

Lieutenant General Tamas took a sip of wine and slapped the glass on the table to show his dissatisfaction with Creed. The last battle was his last chance to work towards the position of admiral, but Creed destroyed it all. When he retired, he could only fight for opportunities and benefits for his family as a lieutenant general.

Creed shuttled among the officers, some of whom cast respectful eyes on him, while others thought he was a coward.

"Cadia will not fall. We will prove that your worries are wrong." An officer said to Creed's hurried back, and his words were unanimously agreed by the people around him.

Creed looked at the officer who spoke seriously, "If I am wrong, that would be great."

The banquet prepared for several legions soon turned into a meeting to exchange tactical experience. Warmaster Reese and another white-haired General Mordian argued fiercely.

The wrinkles of the tablecloth and various containers loaded with food became substitutes for the complex battlefield environment. Tactical Reese sprinkled the broth on the table and loudly told the other side that this was an absolute dead place with thousands of years of industrial wastewater.

Although Warmaster Reese is a little complacent now, his ability to command the army has not regressed. Creed watched the lively sand table exercise from a distance, thinking that it would be great if there was a Catachan Corps here.

The Catachans' noise is not as gentle as Reese's. They only greet these generals with their hometown swear words that are not included in the imperial dictionary.

"This wine is really bad." Creed swallowed a mouthful of wine with a bitter face. He had become more picky since he drank the fine wine made by the Catachans.

This wine completely killed Creed's appetite. He put his knife and fork neatly and looked at Sergeant Aurora with some envy.

Sergeant Aurora had an amazing appetite. She could swallow a juicy steak the size of her face in two or three bites.

"Sergeant Aurora." Creed kindly reminded.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Aurora answered vaguely, chewing a large piece of meat in her mouth, her lips shiny.

Creed said, "You should eat less. Eating too much is not conducive to a soldier's full strength. An overfilled stomach will affect activity and will cause cramps after strenuous exercise."

Aurora swallowed the meat in her mouth reluctantly. She took out a piece of paper to wipe her mouth clean. During this process, her eyes never left the food on the table.

Now it looked like the Eighth Regiment was torturing a female soldier with hunger. Creed leaned over and tried to check Aurora's abdomen.

There was no bulge at all. Under the uniform and skin was Aurora's endless hunger for food.

"Okay, Sergeant Aurora." Creed touched his head, "Maybe you can eat a little more. What do you think you are like now? I want to hear the most real feelings."

"Well." Sergeant Aurora touched his stomach and thought for a while, "One-third full?"

Creed's hand trembled, and he stared with his eyes and couldn't believe Sergeant Aurora's answer.

He thought he would hear words like seven-tenths full, but he didn't expect that the dozens of steaks just now were just a simple beginning.

This child has a special constitution.

Creed convinced himself with such a simple reason, and then he watched Staff Sergeant Aurora continue to eat with interest.

"This may be a sequelae of war." Adjutant Kyle gave his opinion after looking at it for a long time. "Sgt. Aurora and her troops have been fighting in industrial garbage pits without any supplies for a year. , that experience made her particularly able to eat. You know, just like Tartarus beasts in winter, they must eat a lot of food in order to survive the severe cold, so that they can survive until the next spring before the fat is used up. "

"Maybe." Creed shrugged. He had seen many soldiers with special abilities.

For example, a boy in the Assault Reconnaissance Squadron of the Third Company has a reaction speed far beyond that of ordinary people, and his hair grows very quickly. If his hair is not treated for a week, his whole body will be covered with a layer of warm short hair. , according to the genetic research of the company's engineer, it was found that he and the cat-man have similar genetic sequences. It is these things that affect his reaction speed and hair growth.

Perhaps Sergeant Aurora's good appetite was also influenced by genes, and it must be the gene fragment that allowed Ogryn to eat and digest.

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