Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 809 You said I was a traitor? Where is the evidence?

The process of vetting traitors is meticulous.

Even the most paranoid Inquisitor will not easily label someone a traitor. You can suspect that anyone has abandoned the Emperor's light and turned to the Destruction Force, but you must provide evidence to prove that he is really a traitor. Just fine.

If someone stands in front of you and talks about a certain person or group as a hateful traitor but cannot produce any evidence, his behavior is already quite suspicious.

It is not uncommon for loyalists to be labeled as traitors and eliminated to facilitate their own actions. At least in Creed's 40-year life, he has seen dozens of similar things.

But it is not too difficult to find evidence. The traitors will show their disregard for and blasphemy of imperial rules and regulations in details.

Tattoos, ornaments on uniforms, and the smoothness of the double-headed eagle markings on weapons can all arouse political commissars' suspicions that the military is declining.

However, Captain Colvin of the Raven Guard stated that he did not find anything unusual when he secretly observed the Voskani Cavalry. Even Wodehouse said that he was using psychic powers to probe the Voskani brains. Shiya didn't feel the presence of any evil shadow.

The Voskani still wore neat and neat red military uniforms. Everyone had their guns polished and polished, and everyone knew the Emperor's sayings by heart.

If he hadn't kept Lin Fan's reminder in mind, Colvin would never have doubted such a solemn army.

In fact, Colvin was already shaken. He felt that the internal turmoil caused by rashly annihilating a "loyal legion" of millions of people would be far more serious than a true rebellion of a legion. (I don’t know how many people there are in the Voskani group.

Thinking about it from another angle, Colvin's concerns are not unreasonable.

If it were the Dark Angels or Iron Hands who were fighting alongside Lin Fan, they would have come over to Colvin who knew nothing and said, "Hey brother, there is a legion who has been fighting for the Empire for hundreds of years and wants to be a traitor." We are ready to kill all these traitors, will you come?"

Colvin definitely didn't believe it, and then he would think carefully about whether the brothers who asked him to fight the traitors together would be the real traitors.

"Aren't you very good at sneaking? Why don't we go get some deformed heads, and you throw them on the legion commander's bed, and we both get the spoils, so no one can say anything more." Cather White Teeth Seriously, this saves a lot of effort.

"Whatever is done must leave traces." Colvin did not agree with Kaiser White Fang's approach. "The Raven Guard will never do such a frame-up, and even if we do, you must do it." Consider that if this behavior is exposed, the traitors will seize this opportunity to publicize and panic the warriors of the entire sector, fearing that they will be suddenly labeled as traitors and the Raven Guard will be found out, changing from a glorious original battle group. Become a framed thief, and then you can only hear the unwilling screams of the Raven Guard in the dying place of the Ghoul Sector."

Apart from the lack of evidence, another problem also troubled Creed.

That is, the fact that the Voskani Cavalry is a traitor is not known to the top management of Cadia.

Wodehouse did not trust Cadia's senior officials, and he felt that there were hidden traitors among them.

Apart from the Space Marines in front of him, Creed was the second mortal who had the honor to learn that the Voscani Cavalry were traitors. The first mortal to know the news was Inquisitor Weiss.

Creed smacked his lips. Although he understood the importance of confidentiality, he was also distressed that he was involved in such a dangerous and troublesome matter. "To be honest, I think we are more like traitors. We have already decided without evidence." We made plans to massacre friendly forces, our gathering was also so secret, and the things we discussed were not known to any imperial agency."

At this point Creed looked at the Space Marines in front of him, and he suddenly thought boldly, is it possible that these Space Marines are the real traitors?


Creed quickly rejected his idea. If even the original warband who first followed the Emperor in his expeditions chose to betray, then it would only be a matter of time before the Cadia sector fell.

"The truth is that someone knows about our plans," Wodehouse said.


"Yes, he knows."

"But still. I don't have any objections to the Emperor who protects mankind, but this is not convincing unless you..."

"Unless I shine with golden light and make all enemies tremble for me? The friendly forces march forward bravely under my light, and the guilty cry bitterly and swear that they will use their lives to wash away their sins?"

"That's it. This is what is written in the scriptures of the state religion. Even the biography of Sun Lord Macarius does not lack such descriptions."

Wodehouse smiled. He knew that Lin Fan could meet Creed's needs, but now it was meaningless to say that Lin Fan was not in the Cadia sector, so Wodehouse informed Creed of his plan. Virtue.

"Do you know about planet 0-B1?"

Creed nodded. It was a barren planet that produced nothing but stone. The Mechanicus only installed an excavation factory and tens of thousands of slave workers on the surface of the planet.

The only one with a large demand for stone is the forge world of Agpilina, which requires large amounts of stone and earth to fill its hole-riddled foundation.

Chapter Master Colvin cleverly and expertly sabotaged the engines carrying the Voscani Cavalry warship, causing it to become paralyzed when it sailed near the planet 0-B1.

The personnel on the battleship alone would naturally be unable to repair the damage caused by Colvin himself, and they would inevitably request technical assistance from the Agrippina Forge World.

"And I happen to have some friendship with the great sage of Agrippina's forging world. He will help us complete the next thing." Corsaro Khan said from behind.

"Then what do I do?" Creed asked. He saw Wodehouse smiling meaningfully, and waves of uneasiness welled up from deep in his heart.

"Actually, it's nothing. We are going to let you test out the Voskani Cavalry." Wodehouse said.

"Testing?" Creed's uneasiness became more and more serious.

Wodehouse took out a necklace from his arms, and hanging on the rope was an eight-pointed star stained black with blood.

The moment Creed saw the eight-pointed star, his eyes stung. He seemed to understand what Wodehouse wanted to do.

This think tank wanted to wear this filthy Chaos Evil Object to test the officers of the Voscani Cavalry. If they really rebelled, they would naturally turn a blind eye to Creed's Chaos Evil Object. , if they had not rebelled, Creed would have had a hole in his forehead.

(I really don’t know how many people there are in the Voskani Regiment, but there is this description in the Fall of Cadia: There are millions of Cadian warriors stationed on the Tyrok Plains. And the Voskani Regiment is They rebelled at the landing site on this plain. Their raid slaughtered all the senior generals of Cadia and turned the Tyrok Plain upside down. So I think the Voskani regiment should have a lot of people, if only a few. There is a small group of thousands of people, and I don’t think it is necessary for the Cadian High Command to come to greet them in person.)

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