Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 939: Causing people to go crazy

Carlos was relieved to have done all this, but his work was not over yet. He also needs to fulfill his agreement with Abaddon and let Chaos regain the upper hand.

A historical fragment obtained from a bystander was held in Carlos's hand. Viewed from any angle, this historical fragment would only show the same picture.

Huge doors swelled from the flesh-like walls, blood gathered along the transparent pipes on the floor to form a winding river of blood, and the road underfoot was covered in mucus like a tongue. From time to time, hideous winged creatures flitted past the bone arch and perched on the shelves of ribs. The Imperial Guard marched in this boundless terror. Even though they had been shaped into powerful warriors without blood or tears, they were still trembling uncontrollably due to terror.

All these details tell the truth about the historical fragments. This is what the Vengeful Spirit looked like during the siege of Terra. The glorious battleship at that time became the real warmaster - the cave where Horus absorbed the power of subspace, and the blessings of the four gods carried by Horus in turn nourished the Spirit of Vengeance towards a subspace entity. Change of direction. Abaddon now only controls the shell of the Vengeful Spirit, and he knows nothing about the subspace form of the Vengeful Spirit.

Now, through the power of bystanders, the true Spirit of Vengeance, which once made the entire empire tremble and the Custodes fear, will return to the world.

The sound of a heavy heartbeat spread in the void, and the orcs, humans, and elves all heard the sound. The heartbeat became louder and louder, spreading a violent sense of terror to every corner of the battlefield.

Even the Space Marines, who were known for their strength and fearlessness, turned pale at the sound of heartbeats. Although Jaghatai Khan was not intimidated by the sound of heartbeats, his expression was extremely solemn. Through the Primarch's special acuity, he discovered the source of fear.

Vengeful Spirit!

This battleship, which originally had a steel structure, quickly transformed into a living creature, becoming a vent for the craziest power of the subspace. Every Gothic-style window turned into a terrifying star that unleashed malice. Eyes, each cannon became a hungry maw with tongues and fire.

Its interior is even more severely distorted, with space and time being roughly and disorderly split apart. What was a narrow passage one second has turned into a deep pit similar to a throat the next second. The wide deck turned into a cliff made of broken bones, and a waterfall of yellowish liquid poured down the gap, and it was unknown where it fell.

Slaves, servitors, mutant hordes, Chaos Space Marines, they are all struggling in this endless madness. A fetid mist filled their vision, obscuring the cannibal corridors, and flies swarmed over their armor, clogging every link with their seeded eggs.

Abaddon and his warriors were at a loss when faced with the aberrations of the Vengeful Spirit. Lin Fan, who was thinking about handling the magic sword, was also dumbfounded.

How could this place look like this in just a few seconds?

Abaddon, who was in a daze during the madness, suddenly heard harsh ridicule. Only then did he realize that he had made a big mistake while in a trance. He had been deceived by Carlos and another existence that had not been exposed.

Chaos is indeed gaining the upper hand, but does Chaos really include Abaddon and his Black Legion?

the answer is negative.

"Damn! Damn! Izala! Izala answer me!" Abaddon called out sister Kayan's name in panic, and received only deathly silence.

"Warmaster! We must retreat! Think again on Blackstone Fortress!"

At the personal reminder, Abaddon reacted suddenly. He gritted his teeth and spat out the order to evacuate. Veterans of the eternal war surrounded Abaddon. They struggled among the endless swarms of monsters spawned in the Vengeful Spirit. Many warriors were torn to pieces by the monsters. Getting close to the escape cabin was simply an impossible task.

Watching his men fall one after another, Abaddon was anxious, but with his arms broken, he had no choice but to huddle behind his followers and stare. How could he, who always prided himself on being proud and brave, accept this?

Carlos's voice sounded again, and this time he couldn't hide his gloating mood. In front of Abaddon and everyone with him, he loudly spoke of the only title Abaddon had in the long river of destiny.

Big loser.

Big loser Abaddon! From the past to the future, he will always fail!

The physical disability, the extremely bad situation of the war, the failure to protect the safety of Kayon's sister, and the various factors of being fooled and ridiculed by Carlos completely overwhelmed Abaddon's reason, and there was only endless anger left in his body. He rushed directly out of the position that his followers had barely built, and walked a bloody path among the monsters with only his legs.

Carlos didn't take Abaddon's anger seriously. Without the blessing of the magic sword, Abaddon was no different to him than trash. With a slight flexion of his fingers, the powerful psychic energy pressed Abaddon to the spot, unable to move.

Carlos, who likes to kill people, even changed his face to everyone who was stabbed in the back by Abaddon, laughing in unison and forcing Abaddon to watch his men being overwhelmed by endless monsters.

"Hahaha! Swallowed! Swallowed! All the brothers you cherish have been swallowed into your belly! How do you feel now! How do you feel!"


Carlos whispered into Abaddon's ear, "Big loser, do you know who the golden figure is that guided you to the magic sword?"

"Ugh! You damn devil! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

"Quack! That golden figure is the incarnation of the emperor you hate the most! Draconian is a curse imprinted on the origin of mankind and the incarnation of the empire's destined destruction. But why can this kind of artifact be destroyed by you? What about the little Space Marines in your hands instead of the hands of those more powerful Primarchs than you? Is that because you are the destined loser, and your inherent loser nature weakens Draconion and makes the Imperium weak? The final destruction of the world has been delayed again and again, and the Emperor saw this and directed you to find Draconion."

"This is not true! This is all your lies!"

"Just struggle, I like to see the ugliness of people who can't accept the reality! Jie Jie Jie!!!" Carlos laughed strangely, and then sent out a strong wind to lift Abaddon away and throw him out of the Spirit of Vengeance. Got out.

He had already dealt a heavy blow to Abaddon's spirit, and now he was driving him further down the road to madness, just like his father's fate.

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