"Isn't there a time when the view in this poor place is good?" Lin Fan complained about the turbidity of Nurgle's field. He could not see anything clearly except the flowers that could accommodate him.

Nurgle looked at Lin Fan quietly for a long time, and then said, "As a mortal, it is rare for you to reach here. I should reward you, but now I have many questions to ask you."

"You ask." Lin Fan replied, and then tried to follow the voice to find Nurgle's location.

"I recently lost a bone containing my essential power in an area of ​​the real universe. I smelled a familiar smell on your body. I think you must know something, right?"

"Oh. Haha. That's it." Lin Fan laughed hard and did not answer the question directly. He did not find Nurgle's location at all during the chat, and he wanted to delay it for a while.

The sound sounded more like the entire area from the ears, eyes to the brain was covered by Nurgle's mouth. If we continue to think about this example, the next battle with Nurgle will become very difficult.

The earth under your feet is Nurgle, the taste in your mouth is Nurgle, the air passing through your respiratory system is Nurgle, and the turbid and thick sky is also Nurgle. Nurgle exists as an abstract concept, and Lin Fan can only compete with him in an abstract way.

Currently Lin Fan only has three options.

One is to eat with an open stomach, no matter what disgusting things Nurgle summons, just eat with your head down. What a fucking mountain of maggots. I jumped in and made a full 360° Thomas rotation. Then I pounced on the Great Unclean One and chewed him up. None of the Nurglings tried to escape. I grabbed the Nurglings and tried my best. He stuffed the dough into his mouth after a few clicks.

Lin Fan was not willing to choose this method. Although there was nothing wrong with it physically, he really couldn't accept it mentally. And with Nurgle's size, who knows how long Lin Fan will have to eat here to weaken Nurgle. Maybe if he eats here, the galaxy will be heat-dead.

The second method is to vomit violently, vomit out all the old soup in the stomach to purify the land, and rely on the purified Nurgle demon and Nurgle himself to start a vigorous civil war.

But Lin Fan felt that this idea was unrealistic. Not to mention whether Laotang's quantity could withstand Lin Fan's squandering, Lin Fan could not solve the distortion caused by the accumulation of Laotang's life force. Whether these deformed creatures can still listen to Lin Fan's orders by then is another matter. Lin Fan can even imagine what Nurgle will say at that time.

"You actually try to defeat me with the power that already belongs to me?"

Then the third one, this is the method that Lin Fan feels most certain to defeat Nurgle, but it is also the one that he feels is the least controllable.

That is to use one's subjective ability, concentrate on staring at Nurgle himself, and then imagine a pure white scene.

If what the Silent King told him was true, then Lin Fan would use his subjective power to leave Nurgle with irreparable injuries, but the cost was also made very clear by the Silent King.

"Subspace and reality, soul and body, these things are very closely connected. The fluctuations of subspace will disrupt reality, and changes in reality will react on subspace. The picture woven by your subjective consciousness is independent of these two , but the space that accommodates your subjective images is not independent. The more subjective images you create, the less space our universe can use. In terms of subspace, a pure space composed of souls and thoughts, I think it will be worse, and the soul of the area occupied by your subjective picture will completely die."

Lin Fan never dared to use the third method. Bai Huan could still remember the scene of destroying the entire universe in a single thought. He could only choose between the first and second options.

And because of Lin Fan's long silence, Nurgle also sneered twice. Although he was slow, he was not stupid. Before Lin Fan appeared, he had always thought that the two dead soaps, the Emperor and Tzeentch, had teamed up to trick him. Now it seemed that the responsibility could be completely shifted to the magical boy and the Emperor in front of him.

Nurgle's body grew more arms. They scratched and scratched a lot of filth from Nurgle's body, and then swung it in the direction of the golden throne. In an instant, the curses guarding the throne were Pressure increased on the Legion and the Custodes who were fighting the daemons in the Webway of Terra.

"The next step is to deal with you." Nurgle said quietly, and Lin Fan suddenly became alert. The turbid miasma around them turned into angry faces. They puffed up their cheeks and blew a fierce breath at Lin Fan among the flowers, and countless demons flew in on this stench.

Lin Fan immediately picked his throat and spit out more pure old soup into the center of the flower. The flower expanded several times in the smelly wind, and suddenly became tenacious from being shaky, and the many pollen the size of a human head contained in the flower also Come to life, they float on the demon's body, controlling the demon's body like a parasite.

But a flower is still too small in this filthy place, and even if Lin Fan's throat is enlarged hundreds of times, the old soup spit out is not as much as a drop of sweat on Nurgle's body. If Nurgle had not been deeply interested in this flower, he would have strangled the flower to death and made Lin Fan fall into the endless swamp and struggle.

At this difficult moment, Lin Fan had no choice but to take out the holy statue given to him by the Emperor. The double-headed eagle, which had always been shining golden, had extremely obvious rust stains under the influence of Nurgle's decaying power.

"Emperor! Just give me the fire!" Lin Fan yelled at the icon. He really didn't want to use the third method to weaken Nurgle. He was afraid that he would accidentally destroy the souls of half of the galaxy. Destroyed.

However, this time the Emperor's response was not so timely. When Lin Fan thought that the icon had been ineffective under the influence of Nurgle's decaying power, the Emperor's voice came intermittently.

"Boy, you have to find a way on your own. I can't help you here. I can feel the fraudster staring at me. He is looking for an opportunity to stop me from suppressing the power in the throne."

"Okay then." Lin Fan didn't plead with the emperor. If the emperor said he couldn't take action, then his situation might not be much better than Lin Fan's.

Lin Fan put away the holy statue, then cut off the feet of a Great Unclean One holding a rusty bell, and spit a large mouthful of old soup into his face.

Without taking a second look at how pleasing this unclean person was after being purified, Lin Fan ordered him to fight quickly. While he was thinking about a solution to the endless corruption in front of him, a green and crystal tear floated quietly in front of Lin Fan's eyes.

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