After hearing this, Lin Fan couldn't help but said happily, "Then it's not invincible? Just find a ship that can sail through subspace, and it will flash across the galaxy!"

The more Lin Fan talked, the more excited he became. He could already imagine the wonderful scene of using this artifact to defeat the Tyranids.

What? You said that your bugs can surround the entire galaxy and launch an attack? Then I will use the Wolf Moment to find the past timeline in subspace to make the real universe static. One second, I appear in the easternmost part of the galaxy and severely humiliate the Norn Queen. The next second, I run to the cafeteria to chat with Delia. Wouldn’t it be wonderful?

"Ahem." Leman Russ coughed twice, "This thing is not as convenient as you think. We can't always find a timeline of the past years in the subspace, and often can only rely on its own Delayed ability action.”

"Oh. That's it. How long can the delay be?"

Leman Russ handed over the dial so that Lin Fan could see the details of the Wolf's Hour. Then he pointed at some symbols and scales on it and said, "The slowest is half an hour in a year, and the fastest is and The current flow of time in the universe is consistent.”

"One and a half hours, if you are lucky, this thing can speed up subspace navigation faster than the Webway." Lin Fan was also amazed, and then he frowned.

This thing looks really familiar. Where have I seen it before?

"Ruth, where did you find this thing?"

"In a gloomy tomb, it looks out of place in the warp. It is surrounded by pale cracks and green deadly lightning."

"I guess those are Necron items." Diego reminded from the side.

Lin Fan suddenly realized at this moment that he had found the key fragment from his complicated memory.

While staying with the bystanders, the Star God specifically showed Lin Fan the aftermath of the Silence King's aftermath of the Battle of Heaven in the Milky Way.

One of the most important items is to repair the disruption caused by space-time weapons to the galaxy. During the War in Heaven, hyperdrives were everywhere, which made the space-time continuity of the universe extremely fragile and full of bugs.

Although Lin Fan did not understand the profound meaning of words such as time expansion and space rupture from the two extremely intelligent ancient orcs, he did understand that the discontinuity of time and space was not a good phenomenon.

The Silent King and his science technicians used technology that was too advanced to be understood to cut the chaotic timeline, just like cutting off all the branches except the trunk of a big tree. But Lin Fan did not see the details of the Silent King's handling of the cut timeline in the onlookers' display. These things were not like tree branches that could be burned at will.

Perhaps the Silent King tied up these cut timelines, sealed them in a fortress activated by the polarity of the Black Stone, and threw them into the meaningless subspace of time and space.

But how did Leman Russ get this thing out? There is no reason for the Silent King not to place a powerful army in the fortress, and it is not an exaggeration to even let it be directly managed by a dynasty dedicated to military affairs.

When he mentioned the guards of the Wolf's Hour, Leman Russ's face stiffened unnaturally. It was obvious that there was a lot of fishiness involved. Under Lin Fan's questioning, Leman Russ reluctantly said that he and Diego were able to defeat a Necrontyr dynasty only with the help of an alien god.

The Laughing God Silegor and his troupe of harlequins came to Leman Russ's aid.

"Silego, the Laughing God? What about him?" Lin Fan had no impression of this god whose name resembled Golego. He only occasionally heard from Slaanesh that Silego came to her palace to steal Eldar souls and saints. message from the server.

And the quiet Isa on the side also said softly that she was able to firm up her faith and choose to leave Nurgle because of Xi Lego's reminder, "He said that the ice wolves of Fenris will bring the scarlet Cyclops and the subject together." In Nurgle's garden, tell me not to miss my chance."

Lin Fan touched his chin thoughtfully.

The four major plans of Warhammer World.

The Star God the Deceiver, the Laughing God Xilego, the God of Change Tzeentch, and the autistic father who fears old age. Lin Fan felt that the first three beings were much better than the Emperor in terms of formulating plans and conspiracies. After all, they had existed for too long. Before the Emperor was born, they had laid countless traps and plans. Wait for a good time to start.

So what is the profound meaning of Xi Lego's behavior? It is said that after the alliance between humans and the Eldar was confirmed, Lin Fan did not see Xi Lego show up, and he could not even receive any news from the Harlequin Troupe. These guys who behaved strangely in the Eldar just seemed to have disappeared from the world.

Lin Fan asked Isa, and she said she knew nothing about Xi Lego's plan. After the Pantheon was destroyed by Slaanesh, the West Lego was the fastest.

Leman Russ carefully recalled many details of his meeting with Xi Lego, and then described the scene to Lin Fan.

Why a scene? Because Siregao and his harlequin troupe never speak human words, they often use exaggerated opera performances to express their thoughts to the public.

Leman Russ's vocabulary seemed pale and barren in front of the Harlequin Troupe's performance, but this cannot be blamed on his low cultural level. You must know that few among the Eldar today can understand the Harlequin Troupe's operas.

The God of Death who has a fiery personality and forthright attitude is one of them. So she has been promoting the importance of simplified records of history and culture among the Eldar groups who have joined the cafeteria. Currently, there are more Eldar supports. Only those old-fashioned people who stick to tradition have raised objections. It seems that they have had enough. Incomprehensible prophecies and riddles.

However, these descriptions tortured the listeners beside Leman Russ, and Lin Fan felt that his mind was filled with wolves.

Jumping wolf, running wolf, howling wolf, etc.

Finally, Magnus couldn't stand it anymore. After spitting out all the wolf fur from his mouth, he roared at Leman Russ, "You wolf-loving freak! You might as well establish a relationship with the wolves on Fenris." It's just a palace of lust! I dare to believe that if Slaanesh turns into a damn werewolf!"

Lin Fan didn't dare to speak, he knew that Slaanesh was really capable of such a thing.

Leman Russ was angered by Magnus's explicit humiliation, and he made an equally heavyweight counterattack against Magnus.

"If I am a wolf lover, then what are you? Do you tear out the books and enlighten me? No wonder there is a disgusting smell everywhere in your library."

"That's dry powder used to protect book covers from corrosion! What do you know, you damn bastard!"

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