Granted, Nurgle doesn't show much love to the orcs. He will also order his descendants to clean up the orcs on the planet and use their corpses to fertilize the garden.

But this does not mean that Nurgle will brutally wipe out the orcs. The death of the body is just the beginning of the life cycle. Your decaying body will become a paradise that nourishes other lives. The prosperity of other lives will continue your life in disguise, and the world will continue to cycle like this, endlessly.

But Lin Fan broke the cycle and completely disappeared the carrier that was supposed to nourish other lives. He weakened not only Gorge, but also Nurgle. While Nurgle's total life volume further declined, it also irreversibly reduced the upper limit of the world's life capacity.

Although Lin Fan's reduction was not huge, the Milky Way is so big that no space is redundant.

Nurgle was angry at the loss of these orcs and mourned the loss of these lives. This was the first time that he had the idea of ​​killing a being completely. Lin Fan's existence was a serious threat to all life. Even the cruel emperor and the unscrupulous Slaanesh could not reach Lin Fan. One in a billion who behaves badly!

Nurgle threw down all his gardening tools and took out the weapons he actually used to fight from deep inside his body. This weapon is like a puddle of primitive water. There is no life in it, but it contains all the conditions needed to create life.

This primordial water was as old as Nurgle himself. The moment it was removed from Nurgle's body, Nurgle's demon lost its physical form. Whether it was the Great Unclean One or the Nurglings, they all turned into a pool of turbid and indistinguishable liquid.

The influence continues to spread, turning the Plague Gardens that Nurgle had protected so long into an ocean. The Imperial Guard stationed in the Terra Webway were also washed away by the primitive ocean. Their armor was slowly decomposed by the ocean and assimilated into part of the sea. The plague zombies walking on Terra and many worlds also turned into pools of flowing water, washing away everything they could come into contact with. Those towering and majestic giant Titans also fell silent in the tsunami.

Isa's face became even paler. She had never seen Nurgle so angry, but she could truly understand Nurgle's anger. If she thought about it in his shoes, Isa felt that she would do even worse than Nurgle. Be excessive.

Nurgle gathered the water ball in his hand, "I swear to all living things! As long as I still have breath! I will never give up destroying you!"

After saying that, Nurgle pushed the dying brother away and slapped the water ball on Lin Fan. This primitive water mass can decompose all complex life forms and reduce them to their most basic form.

However, this only applies to this world, and Lin Fan, as an existence outside the rules, is not affected.

For Lin Fan, he only felt like his eyes were blurred and his body was wet. He still wondered if Brother Gor had spat on him, and then he felt his thighs being hugged, and a pitiful plea came from his ears.

"Please, please stop. You can even hand me over. Please."

Is this Isa's voice? what happened?

Lin Fan blinked a few times. After staring at the white color for so long, he could still see the white shadow even if he closed his eyes. When he recovered, he saw a crying Isa hugging his thigh and pleading. The Primarch on the side looked at Lin Fan with an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

"What's going on?" Lin Fan asked doubtfully. Among the Primarchs, only Corax could remain calm. He stretched out his finger and pointed at Lin Fan's back.

Lin Fan looked back and discovered a mountain range that was constantly dissolving and trying to reconstruct.

"That's Nurgle." Before Lin Fan could ask further questions, Corax added amidst Isa's cries, "You. You erased his life essence. Although it was only a little bit, it seemed to be enough. Let Nurgle lose control. After all, life is very complicated and delicate, and even a little mistake can lead to extremely bad situations, just poor children."

Lin Fan blinked a few times and pursed his lips, not knowing what to say. He touched his head at a loss and looked guilty, "I just hope we can get rid of them. After all, our time is precious and cannot be wasted here."

"Time is precious? That's billions of lives! Billions of lives!" Isa wailed and fell on Lin Fan while crying and hitting his body with her fists.

As the goddess of life, Isa's feelings are much clearer than Corax's. The white color Lin Fan released on Goge wiped out tens of billions of orcs, including orcs, grunts, snots, and countless orc spores, mushrooms, and scugs.

The same goes for the white color that Lin Fan released in Nurgle's life essence, causing a massacre of life in the entire galaxy almost instantly. From the lowest single-celled organisms to species with the most complex life forms, part of them has been completely wiped out. The closer the species is to Nurgle, the more terrible the blow is.

Countless bacteria and germs disappear in the living body, but no other bacteria and germs take over their work in a short period of time. Therefore, the death of bacteria also prompts the living thing to take a step towards death.

But the life level of bacteria and germs is too low after all. It would take hundreds of billions or trillions of bacteria to reach the life level of a deer or a horse. And how many kinds of life does Nurgle's life essence carry? Even Isa couldn't figure it out clearly.

As a result, countless infected individuals disappeared, their souls in the subspace were erased, and the real body was turned into a cold inorganic shell. The lifelike statues made the remaining survivors tremble with fear, fearing that they would be next. Got to myself.

In the war against the plague walking zombies, people were surprised to find that the staggering and bloated walking zombies died in large numbers. But before they could celebrate, they discovered that the wounded and sick in the field hospital behind the hospital, the hospital monastery, and those infected during the treatment process Many doctors and nurses also died due to the disease. Weak children and the elderly and frail elderly also fell in droves.

The Imperial Guards struggling in the ocean also found themselves wrapped in a solid body made of inorganic matter. They quickly crawled out and waited for further attacks from the Nurgle Demon, but only received a deathly response.

Isa explained all this to Lin Fan. Lin Fan sighed deeply with a heavy face, and then said self-deprecatingly, "It's a good thing I restrained my sight, otherwise the universe would be destroyed again."

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