Take it easy, just two words, take it very hard.

Tohsaka Rin's face turned red by Shirou Emiya's sudden compliment and his sincere request for help clearly proved this.

But one thing is that magicians like Tohsaka Rin can be easily impressed.

Emiya Shirou just said these extremely sincere words.

If it were a lunar magician in the traditional sense, he would just laugh out loud and not be moved by it at all - what a joke, what does the disaster of the Holy Grail have to do with me? As long as the Holy Grail's function of granting wishes/leading to the source is true, even if it costs the entire Fuyuki City or even Japan to burn to ashes, any hesitation on the part of the magicians in the moon world will not be enough for their desire to pursue the source..

But Tohsaka Rin is different.

Her father's premature death left her without any traditional magician education.

Although a certain Mapo priest was a pleasure monster with an evil nature, he unexpectedly fulfilled the role of Tohsaka Rin's guardian very well.

Logically speaking, the twin-tailed eldest lady who should have been forced into poverty due to the failure of the Tohsaka family in the Fourth Holy Grail War was trained into a magician with excellent talents in all aspects - even with great care Instructing Tohsaka Rin Bajiquan directly gave birth to the possibility of Devil Muscle Rin.

How to say boxing.

After all, the magic boxer Tohsaka Rin is also a possibility in the parallel world. With Miss Nian’s martial arts skills, it’s true that Mother C even agreed to it when she came.

"Rin, do you really want to stop thinking about it?"Seeing how easily Tosaka Rin was persuaded, Red A was worried.

It's strange, I remember that the script didn't seem to be written like this. And did I have a side that could express my inner thoughts so strongly on the surface


The Heroic Spirit Emiya looked calm and calm, but the more he looked at Emiya Shirou carefully, the more he felt that something was wrong, because this was not the memory of the Heroic Spirit Emiya Shirou at all! At this point in time, Emiya Shirou should be a more incompetent, weaker, useless high school student who only holds dreams borrowed from others and dreams of unrealistic dreams, and is a half-hearted magician.

The master is right.

But what about now? You call this monster-level physical master who almost killed Lancer with his bare hands

, Shirou Emiya?

The inhuman monster who brings a strong sense of oppression to himself as a guardian is called Emiya Shirou?

What a joke!

I, the heroic spirit Emiya, must report this person to the Tohsaka Residence! On the way to the alliance meeting, while Shirou Miya and Rin Tosaka were chatting happily, Red A, who was lurking nearby with the ability to transform into a spirit, was also constantly reviewing the encounter just now, trying to find out what happened like this. The uniqueness of Emiya Shirou.

Obviously, Emiya Shirou's understanding of the disaster ten years ago and the Fourth Holy Grail War is the key point to distinguish between them.

Logically speaking, he should not have known about the disaster ten years ago. What happened?

But Shirou Emiya in this world line not only knew it, but judging from his speech just now, he even made a lot of preparations for it - maybe this is what Shirou Emiya in this world line can change. The reason why he is so powerful that he can even defeat the Servant with only enhanced magic and physical skills.

Tohsaka Rin was able to defeat Lancer in a head-on battle using only the most basic magic such as enhanced magic against Emiya Shirou. This thing is very surprising. Every time I mention it on the way, it is very incredible.

However, Heroic Spirit Emiya feels okay about it.

After all, as long as there is a suitable environment, he can kill the Servant alone with projection magic. This is not a small thing. It's worth mentioning.

What he really cares about is the peculiar temperament of Emiya Shirou in this world line.

It cannot be cultivated by hard work and hard training, but must go through hellish training. The spirit of a strong man that can only be achieved after experiencing countless battlefields - this feels so damn abstract, because Fuyuki City has not cultivated such belief and the soil of such will.

The black-hearted boss exploited people like crazy, and took the initiative to go to various dangerous areas, and experienced countless battlefields, right?

The heroic spirit Emiya wanted to reject his sudden and outrageous guess, but he soon remembered that Shirou Emiya in this world line had the qualifications. The particularity of Emiya Kiritsugu, as well as the dark past that Emiya Kiritsugu doesn’t want to mention......Gan! So he really secretly went to the battlefield and left his own footprints in the most dangerous places in the world at a young age, so he transformed into what he is now?!

Gua! Don’t do that kind of thing!!

The strong Emiya Shirou, don't show me your mouth and teeth!!

Heroic Spirit Emiya was very melancholy.

Because this time he was on vacation, he seemed to have no legitimate reason to kill himself.

If Heroic Spirit Emiya's speculation just now is true.

The strong man in this world line, Emiya Shirou, let alone drowning with his ideals, directly backhand naked choke, strangulating the unrealistic borrowed dreams in the past, is more like what he would do.

"What is this red P thinking about?"Emiya Shirou, who finally reached the Tohsaka Residence, frowned.

He could not yet see the Servant hiding nearby with the ability to transform into a spiritual body.

However, the innate talent of Shiro Shiro Emiya, as well as the natural increase after upgrading to the second-star Shirou Emiya His mental power allowed him to keenly sense the complicated sights from the heroic spirit Emiya, as well as some subtle and looming hostility.

Speaking of which, before traveling through time, he actually liked watching classic lunar plots like"I Kill Myself." The conflict between the heroic spirit Emiya and the mysterious archery man is simply unbearable.

However, when it all becomes a reality,

Emiya Shirou himself becomes a miracle man.

It was only at this time that he truly understood why the existence of red P was so annoying.

Fortunately, under the strong pressure of the talented magician Tohsaka Rin

, a certain mysterious archery man still did it. Being able to transform into a mysterious housekeeper, use his all-round housekeeping skills to make a pot of good tea and provide services to the two participants in the Holy Grail War who are talking.

This makes Shirou Emiya, who calls himself a miracle man, feel extremely happy in an instant. So comfortable.

So when he talked to Tohsaka Rin about the conditions for the alliance, which was to let her help him learn magic knowledge and teach him various basic skills, Tohsaka Rin's tone became relaxed and happy involuntarily. He was also smiling.

For a moment, Tohsaka Residence was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Only the mysterious archery man who was forced to perform the service seemed a little unhappy with his gritted teeth.....But who cares? Anyway, the final result is good, and everyone has a bright future, right?

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