The value of the intelligence palace has been verified once again.

Because at the moment Saber listened to Emiya Shirou's words, put her hand on his chest, activated her magic power, and carefully sensed it.

A golden light.

It just bloomed in Saber's perception.

"this is...."

"This power is....."

Saber, who had never expected that she would be reunited with her lost scabbard at Emiya Shirou's place, suddenly widened her eyes.

Immediately afterwards - he said the famous sentence in a tone that was almost a whisper:"So, Shirou is my scabbard."

Although they were the same words, they had completely different meanings.

Saber's murmur was more of a sudden realization.

She finally understood why Emiya Shirou could use such a perfunctory summoning of the spirit to summon her to the land of Fuyuki City again.

I finally understood why Emiya Kiritsugu could carry out so many unknown transformations on Emiya Shirou, but Emiya Shirou could still appear very healthy. Even himself, before Emiya Shirou showed his power in all aspects, he couldn't see anything abnormal about his body.

Illya is the best example of this.

Various body modification processes were also carried out for the Holy Grail War.

The abnormalities in Illya are extremely obvious - whether it is her age and body shape that has almost stopped growing, or her abnormal nature that can be sensed by everyone just by using magic power, they are all clearly revealed. Illya's sad fate as an Einzbern cyborg.

Saber doesn't know much about magic.

But even in this situation, she can make a clear judgment.

With Illya's current physical condition, her fragile body like a primary school student, her last remaining vitality.....It is estimated that it will only be about one or two years at most, and it may even be lower.

So - what about Shirou Emiya, whose body transformation is even more extreme than Illya's?

How can he be so healthy? How could he make it so that no one could tell there was anything wrong with his body?!

In the past, Saber's mind was full of doubts, but now she is relieved - because the answer is her scabbard, the distant ideal land of Avalon, the only treasure that Emiya Kiritsugu possesses. It has the powerful ability to maintain body functions for a long time.

Since then, the 'truth' of the matter has become very clear in Saber's eyes.

When Shirou Emiya was a child, he was the only survivor that Kiritsugu Emiya rescued from the disaster caused by the Black Holy Grail. In order to save Shirou's life, Kiritsugu Emiya chose to take out the scabbard from his body and place this treasure. Into Xiao Shirou's body.

Then, just like Shirou today, he finally chose to let Matou Sakura, the victim of the monster, kill the monster with his own hands and bid farewell to cowardice.

Back then, Emiya Kiritsugu might have had the same idea in mind when he attacked young Shirou.

With the help of the power of the scabbard, Xiao Shirou was able to withstand many body modification surgeries that would have been excessive. And it was also because of the deep integration with the scabbard that Xiao Shirou was able to develop such a strange and powerful power.


I have formed an extremely deep connection with myself.

Saber now has two options.

One is to continue to call for the scabbard that resonates with her own magic power. As the owner of the scabbard, as long as she wants to, she can easily take it out of Emiya Shirou as long as she maintains the current connection. Secondly, he continued to use his magic power to resonate with the scabbard, but instead of taking it out, he used his own magic power to truly activate the power of the scabbard and maximize its passive ability on Shirou Emiya.

"What kind of choice is this?"

Saber shook her head and gave up the idea of retrieving the scabbard without hesitation.

Because in her eyes, the scabbard was more important to Emiya Shirou. In fact, the reason why Emiya Shirou was able to maintain his current good condition was extremely important. Maybe it was relying on the power of the scabbard to provide balance, so she just silently communicated with the scabbard to release its power.

This surprised Emiya Shirou:"Saber, won't you take it back?""

Saber shook her head again.

She didn't speak, as if everything was silent.


Until now, Shirou Emiya couldn't understand what she was thinking.

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't matter whether you take the scabbard Saber back or not. Anyway, if the time comes when she really needs to use it, even if Saber is not around, Emiya Shirou can use the command spell to summon her, which should be fine.

Until then, Emiya Shirou's first day of the real Holy Grail War finally came to a happy ending.

What he just didn't expect was a little bit.

When Emiya Shirou went out during the day, he and Saber were alone.

Wait until the miracle man returns from the jungle.

There were more people going home with him.....A whole six people?!

"No, I can understand Sakura not wanting to go home for the time being, but what is the situation with you two?"

"Was your house also bombed by me?"

Looking at the several people who literally filled his room.

Especially the berserker who, under the command of Illya, forced his huge body to squeeze in.

Shirou Emiya's whole body was filled with excitement. Somewhat speechless:"Tohsaka, your family is so big, why don't you go back? And Illya, there should be your maid waiting for you in Einzbern Castle, right? Is it possible that you also want to stay up all night?!"

"Sakura just suffered such a big change tonight, I'm here to care about her"

"Shirou, Shirou, let me see what's hidden in your room.....Berserker! Please help me move this away. I heard that boys of this age will hide some strange things in the cabinet. I think Kangkang!!"

Obviously, these girls from the Gosan family who crowded into Emiya's house either out of curiosity or wanted to find a place of peace of mind had no intention of paying attention to Emiya Shirou's accusation.

In Matou Under the leadership of Sakura,

Tohsaka Rin and Illya's actions in Emiya's house were like a big adventure, as if there was something new to satisfy their curiosity wherever they went.

"Don't worry, Shirou."

But what's even more worrying is what's behind, because the relaxed Saber is even more threatening.

She can even make the Miracle Man's hands tremble with just one sentence:"Also, Shirou....I'm hungry."

This farce lasted until very late.

And in order to satisfy the king's stomach, the rice vat that the Emiya family had just partially filled was emptied again as a matter of course.

The only thing worthy of Emiya Shirou's comfort was.....

That probably means he is no longer the only one performing British magic this time.

Because a mysterious man with a back just wanted to turn into a spirit and run away, but he was caught back by the quick-eyed and quick-handed Emiya Shirou. Then he was escorted into the kitchen like a prisoner, allowing this black-skinned and white-haired guardian who would definitely be A-level if housekeeping skills had a skill level, to fully demonstrate his skills, thus greatly reducing the level of"British". Magic's personnel consumption.

In this way...

Basically, the Heroic Spirit Emiya himself was not very satisfied except for being taken away to cook like a prisoner.

After a good fuss and a good venting, everyone felt very satisfied to be able to enjoy the delicious supper in time - everyone was smiling, Emiya Shirou thought, that must be right.

The next day, eight o'clock.

Relying on the 'sacrifice' of a mysterious man with a bowed back who was the only one who screamed last night.

Shirou Emiya had such a refreshing sleep.

In other words, it took some effort to convince Taiga Fujimura who came to visit me in the morning.

Fortunately, Saber Juyu was there, and Illya seemed to be concerned about Taiga Fujimura. All in all, the reason why there were so many people in Emiya's house was finally successfully blamed on the late Emiya Kiritsugu, creating a perfect closed loop in a certain sense.

After that, Caster, who received a message from Emiya Shirou, also came from Ryudōji Temple to the Emiya residence where the luxurious lineup of the three Gosori families had gathered to discuss how to arrange the Holy Grail after the official alliance was formed.

To put it simply, Caster feels that the Great Holy Grail can still be saved.

She planned to use this period of time to try to see if the pollution inside could be purified. If not, then proceed to destroy it.

Caster's proposal was unanimously approved by everyone - well, actually Emiya Shirou nodded indifferently, and then passed it directly.

But just when Shirou Emiya was about to take the opportunity to ask about the artificial magic eye again, trying to fill in the last piece of the puzzle to realize his natural power, the last regular participant in the Holy Grail War, Lancer, suddenly appeared.

"There's a golden guy who asked me to inform you."

It can be seen that Lancer is in a very irritable mood at this time.

However, due to the order of a certain Mapo priest, he can only repeat the words of the shiny guy truthfully:"The final decisive battle location is in Fuyuki City. Outskirts, Einzbern's castle"

"Whether you want to form an alliance or not, Shirou Emiya....No matter if you want to continue the unfinished battle with him, he will grant Shirou Emiya this unique honor as the King of Heroes."

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