This is the final battle.

Using the sky as the stage, Emiya Shirou and Gilgamesh launched a final fight on the golden ship.

The arrogant Gilgamesh did not choose to drink the elixir in the treasure house to heal himself, but remained so seriously injured that he might die at any time. His spirit body dissipated and returned to the dying state of the Heroic Soul Seat. Fight.

Out of the last respect for this golden king.

Although his body was punctured in many places and the large amount of blood loss made Shirou Emiya a little dizzy, he did not choose to immediately use the command spell to call Saber and transfer her to the golden ship named Vimana to support him.

After all -

Gilgamesh has his pride, and Emiya Shirou also has his self-esteem as a warrior.

There is no conflict between caution before the war begins and respect at the end of the battle. Rather,.....It is precisely because Emiya Shirou has such a belief in his heart that his domineering talent awakens so quickly and his growth rate is so terrifying! boom!!!!! So every minute and every second, the overlord-colored domineering energy that is stronger than the last second blooms above the clouds.

Invisible fluctuations raged on the golden ship of glory.

The power of will that is enough to distort reality can even suppress this Noble Phantasm ship until it trembles and makes a crisp crunching sound.

"ah....How glaring."

When Vimana's golden ship raised its height to its peak.

When the brilliance of the sun shone in all directions, echoing the overlord-colored domineering energy that Shirou Emiya burst out at this moment, for a moment, Gilgamesh actually had some visions. , he seemed to see many familiar figures in the maniacally laughing Emiya Shirou.

Among them were his past self and his deceased friend.

What a hateful man.....

He actually made the aloof king weak. Such a crime must be repaid with blood!!

"Let me give you a taste of it!"

Gilgamesh, who was unwilling to 'cheat' with the elixir, knew that his life was not long. Therefore, this hero king whose life had come to an end no longer had the need to be stingy with his treasures:"The true power of the hero king, That supreme glory that is enough to open up the world!!"

Obviously, at the end, Gilgamesh is going to take action for real.

He is going to use his last strength on this precious phantom to completely end this final battle.

But it is a pity.——

"King of Heroes, your movements are too slow!!"

Poof!! The next second, there was blood splashing.

I don't know when Shirou Emiya had a black, rough, unmarked long sword in his hand, just like the work of a novice swordsmith. He just made a sudden move. The arm of Gilgamesh that had just been taken out was not so much a sword as it was a combination of multiple cylinders, and the sword was engraved with dangerous blood-red lines.

Yes, it was cut off by force. Shirou Emiya pulled out the Noble Phantasm that pierced his body at a speed far beyond Gilgamesh's imagination.

After being seriously injured and extremely weak, Gilgamesh was unable to continue to deal with this kind of close combat. It was difficult to resist the extremely fast attack, and it was natural that one of Emiya Shirou's arms was cut off.

Gilgamesh subconsciously opened the King's Treasure and tried to fight back, but unfortunately, Emiya Shirou was in better condition at this time. Being able to defeat the King of Heroes in terms of accuracy and shooting speed


Gilgamesh's sudden broken elbow seemed to be the signal to end the game, even if he was immediately bound with the Heavenly Chain, plus a massive amount of energy.

The heavy rain of gold pursued him, thus successfully blocking Shirou Emiya from launching further attacks.

However, the ace that fell far away was destined to be unable to be picked up immediately, and the unmarked long sword in his hand became more powerful every time he swung it.

The more sophisticated Emiya Shirou would not give Gilgamesh a chance to struggle.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Suddenly, the sound of hammering was no longer heard. It was Emiya Shirou who held the weapon and slashed with sword pressure like a storm.

The swordsmanship from the God of Death, Lin Guang, and the ninja sword skills of Naruto Lin Guang gave Emiya Shirou the ability to fight with the enemy even when he held the weapon for the first time. He was able to improve his swordsmanship to a level that Gilgamesh could take seriously in a very short period of time, but what really amazed Gilgamesh at this time was not Shirou Emiya's growth rate, but his hands. This unmarked long sword itself!

Every time it is used to shoot down a golden treasure phantom arrow, brilliant sparks will explode in the air.

Every time it directly confronts a powerful noble phantom, this unmarked long sword will produce a huge impact. change to obtain....Completed?

"this knife....Not a fake."After his elbow was suddenly broken, Gilgamesh completely lost the ability to move. Now he can only stay in place, continuously strengthening the projection of the King's Treasure's Noble Phantasm. He squinted his eyes to make a judgment while fighting Shirou Emiya.

"Emiya Shirou, he can't even be considered fighting now, he is forging!"

"Is he using the king's treasure and the king's power to hammer and forge his own exclusive weapons?!"

Yes, forging.

Gilgamesh's superb eyesight could see the essence at a glance.

The unmarked long sword held by Shirou Emiya at this time was not actually a sword, but the scenery in Shirou Emiya's mind. Manifestation is an extension of his origin, another aspect of the world hidden in his heart.

If it unfolds, it may be the smelting world of forged iron, or it may be the bloody battlefield of infinite swords. After the end - this is the ultimate weapon exclusively for 'Emiya Shirou'.

Every direct conflict with the Noble Phantasm Heavy Rain is a heavy blow for Gilgamesh's active participation in this iron-forging ceremony.

A single collision may destroy the slowly birthing Wuming Long Sword, but it can also 'temper' the impurity, making it become more pure and perfect, with an inherent structure that is completely different from the Heroic Spirit Palace.

This is the purest and most powerful power Shirou Emiya can exert now.

It is also the most honorable ending he chose for Gilgamesh.

"Are you ready, Gilgamesh?"

The fierce confrontation with the king's treasure forged this infinite sword into the only ultimate weapon.

Immediately afterwards -

Emiya Shirou's blood-stained palm brushed the blade of the unmarked sword.

In an instant There were countless red and black lightning surges, which was the true manifestation of Emiya Shirou's overlord-colored domineering power after many years of growth, catalyzed by this newly forged ultimate weapon. Forged by a falling hammer, this blade is opened with an overlord-colored domineering spirit that burns to the extreme......

It was Emiya Shirou's most powerful blow.

This knife......

It is to declare the end of everything, and it is the best gift to send away the King of Uruk!

"What nonsense are you talking about, Shirou Emiya!"

Taking advantage of Shirou Emiya's opportunity to use his overlord's domineering energy to open the Wuming long sword, the one-armed Gilgamesh successfully recovered and regained control of his most powerful Noble Phantasm:"The flawless one. Naturally, I am always in the best condition!"

Immediately afterwards, in order to avoid another accident of breaking an elbow.

At the same time that Wei Shirou raised the unmarked long sword that was already pitch black and was still jumping with dangerous red and black lightning, Gilga Mish also held up his own Noble Phantasm and read loudly the words of the Liberation Noble Phantasm:"Heaven and earth are at odds, Enuma Elish!"!!!"

The terrifying magic storm as red as blood completely enveloped Gilgamesh's entire body.

Then he fell with a sword without hesitation.

It was a 'wind pressure' slash composed of countless space faults, and it turned into a sword. A red storm attacked Emiya Shirou, who also raised his weapon and was about to slash him with his sword.

"don't blink....."

Emiya Shirou, who was facing the deviant sword and light cannon, suddenly smiled.

He could feel the scabbard in his body beating, and he could feel the joy of the unmarked sword in his hand. Of course - at the moment when he faced the terrifying power of the deviant sword, his fighting spirit also grew rapidly again because of the renewed fighting spirit. His domineering look made Shirou Emiya's sword-swinging movements extremely powerful.

"The terror only lasts for a moment!"

One sword, slashed down.

Fighting against the ultimate light cannon with the ultimate slash.

In the next moment, everything in front of Shirou Emiya's eyes was cut open by him.

The crimson storm of the sword, the Hero King Gilgamesh He, as well as Vimana, the golden boat of brilliance, were all cut off neatly in front of this sword. Not only that!......

Time and space itself is affected by the power of the Deviation Sword!!

The power of multiple worlds was superimposed here. It was entirely due to the unreplicable miracle of 'Traveler Lin Guang' that he was finally forged into two pieces in front of the ultimate sword. They were all cut into two by this purest sword. The most powerful force was completely shattered.

Shirou Emiya, who was high up in the sky, might not be able to appreciate the horror of this sword.

He just felt exhausted.

It felt like my soul had been hollowed out with this knife.

But the Servants who were still waiting on the earth, waiting for the opportunity in the natural magical realm created by the advent of the tree world, and ready to support at any time, all witnessed this scene with extremely shocked eyes.

——Because the sky is really cut open!!!

The thick clouds were split into two, and the sunlight that was supposed to shine on the earth was wantonly distorted.

When the terrifying power, like the weight of Mount Tai, enveloped the entire land.

Not just the servants at Einzbern Castle.

Even Tohsaka Rin, Matou Sakura, Illya and others who stayed outside the big forest, and even all the citizens as far away as Fuyuki City, all saw this horrific scene that could only be called a spectacle at the same time.

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