After a long time of struggling over strange topics, Aarons finally negotiated the details with the new employee.

Xia Ye, a beautiful and intellectual beauty from the sheep tribe, officially became a servant of the Marquis's family with a monthly salary of 40 silver coins.

Because she had financial experience, Aarons asked her to take charge of account-related work first, and she would decide the scope of other housework by herself.

"Housework is not a high priority. But in addition to financial work, you have to give the children an hour of general education class every day, and it would be best if you could teach them some magic-related knowledge."

"My daughter's magic level is only about level two, because she has a special talent of her race to release magic at this level, and it can only be used to assist the work of tailors."

"Just let the talented children get started, and I will consider finding a full-time teacher for them later."

After all, Xia Ye is now the only person in this house who knows some magic, so Aarons plans to make the best use of her talents and let her do more important things.

After all the conditions were settled, Aarons took Xia Ye to greet the people in the house. The person in charge of the orphans had no objection to the newcomer, but the old gardener once again said something familiar.

"Master, you must be restrained, restrained! I have no objection to your liking for the strange servant, but you must take care of your body!"

"Here she comes again! I don't plan to bring her to my room!"

When Aarons temporarily arranged Xia Ye in a separate bedroom and returned to the study with Karin, he told his true thoughts-

"This person came at a very coincidental time, and she just happened to have the ability I urgently needed... I guess she is not a small person."

"You mean, she might be a spy sent by other forces?"

"Other forces are unlikely. After all, it is a high probability that my territory will be deprived by the emperor. They don't need to make trouble at this time and send people to monitor me."

But other local forces will not do this, which does not mean that no one is interested in Aarons's movements. With just a little thought, you will know who wants to know the situation here the most.

"Could it be that... she is someone sent by the emperor?"

"I can't confirm this guess. She may just be a poor person who happened to wander here."

If it is the former, then Aarons must keep a sufficient distance from Xia Ye.

The royal spy will definitely not assist him in controlling the territory wholeheartedly, but may set some traps.

"Anyway, you don't have to deliberately monitor her, just communicate with her normally. I will find a way to test her myself."


After a brief briefing with Karin, Aarons came to Xia Ye's bedroom alone. After he knocked gently on the door, the door quickly opened from the inside.

"Young Master... Young Master, what do you want to see my daughter for?"

The sheep beauty who walked out of the door slowly was still wearing the intellectual glasses, and her expression when she spoke was as calm as before.

"I have something to ask you. When the house is ready, come to the study with me and talk in detail."

"I don't deserve it. If you have any questions, just ask my daughter directly."

Try to keep your eyes above the other's neck, Aarons took Xia Ye back to the study.

Although being alone with such a beautiful woman with a proud figure and aloof and elegant appearance always makes people feel a little bit of evil fire, Aarons still forced himself to suppress the wavering desire in his body and talked about serious topics.

"I just introduced it to you. Now I have no normal source of income. Although the current savings are barely enough to last for two or three months, after this time I will really go bankrupt."

Because the Marquis is dead, the taxes and dividends that should have been paid to the Marquis's family are now privately withheld by each family. After all, as long as Aarons officially gets out of this place, the money will no longer have to be paid.

"So I want you to give me some advice - what should I do now to get another sum of money as soon as possible, so that I can at least get a chance to turn things around."

This is of course also a test from Aarons.

If Xia Ye makes some suggestions that are impossible to realize or no suggestions at all, then she is very likely to be a spy sent by the royal family to monitor the Marquisate.

"Do you want to make a fortune quickly and legally? Then why not use the title of Marquis?"

"The title of Marquis? No... Do you remember what I said just now, that the Marquis is dead?"

"It is precisely because the Marquis is dead that you can use his name to make money."

Aarons was not finished at the beginningHe understood Xia Ye's suggestion, but when he saw the old books on the table, he suddenly realized the point he had overlooked.

"You are the only living person in the Marquis's family now, so if you sell anything, outsiders will only think that it is the legacy left by the Marquis."

"I actually overlooked this point..."

Xia Ye's suggestion is actually very simple.

Now that the Marquis and his wife are dead, Aarons is the only person in the family who still has a direct relationship with the Marquis. So no matter what he takes out to sell, outsiders will only think that it is the inventory of the Marquis's family.

Even if those things are not valuable in themselves, as long as Aarons claims that they are all the legacy of the Marquis's family, there will definitely be people who are willing to buy them for collection.

"You are the only one who can prove the legitimacy of the Marquis's family now, so what you say must have value."

After saying that, the expressionless white-haired beauty reached out and gently pushed her glasses, and then bowed respectfully to Aarons.

In addition to feeling ashamed of his habitual thinking, Aarons also admired and was more vigilant towards Xia Ye.

Such intelligence and sharpness, coupled with this stunning appearance... are definitely not the level that ordinary women can reach.

"Huh... Then let's not waste time."

Picking up the spiritual microphone in the study, Aarons immediately dialed the number of Karin's room.

"Karin, come to the study now, I have an important task for you and Xia Ye to do."

When the heroic wolf beauty hurried to the study, Aarons immediately told her the new plan he had just made.

"Take her and go to the armor store I took you to yesterday immediately, and bring the boss there, Mongert, to me."

After that, Aarons took out two metal cards from the desk drawer that looked like employee nameplates in his previous life and handed them to the two of them personally.

"This is the coat of arms of the Marquis family. If anyone dares to cause trouble for you, show them this."

Although the nameplate used to be an identity certificate that only the Marquis's confidants could have, Aarons doesn't mind letting the two newcomers get such an identity now.

"If everything goes well, we'll be able to start making money soon."

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