After using the spirit language to notify the other party to come to the house for discussion, Aarons soon met the mercenary leader at his home.

Although he did not want to cause any incidents at home, Aarons still underestimated this man named Kuran - he actually brought a lot of gifts to the children in the Marquis's house, and even brought some daily necessities to the supervisor.

This man is too sensible!

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I came in a hurry and didn't bring anything, please forgive me."

"... Do you call that not bringing anything?"

The children received unexpected toys and gifts, and the activity room downstairs is now in an uproar. Aarons has nothing to say about such a perfect gift.

However, he now has a more intuitive understanding of this man's intelligence gathering ability.

"It's just a small gift, not a sign of respect."

"Since you have investigated this far, I don't need to put on airs of a noble. As you can see, I am the only one left in the Marquis's family, and this territory may need a new owner in half a month."

"What do you mean by saying this, sir?"

Because there is really nothing worth remembering on his side, Aarons was too lazy to continue pretending. He directly stated the problem he encountered and planned to see how the other party would react.

"I just want to make some money before I am kicked out, so that I won't be sent to a place where no one lives and I don't even have the capital to be happy."

However, Aarons didn't intend to tell all the truth. He made up a half-true and half-false reason casually, pretending to be a little smart but not very capable.

"Sir, you are a man of character. I heard that a guild spent a lot of money to buy several sets of old armor left by the marquis from you. You should not be short of money now, right?"

How far has this guy investigated?

Aarons thought about it for a while and decided to try to find some breakthroughs from other places.

"I am not as capable as you to make a living, so I have to save some money to raise these kids first, and then let them make money for me."

"Oh? That's your plan... Those children are all talented. If they can find a better teacher, they may all be able to reach the level of level 4 in the future."

After hearing about his future plan, the man named Kulan frowned obviously.

Aarons also found out some of the other party's details because of this - this man should only know what he has done, but not his motivation for doing things.

- So this information gap should be his advantage.

"Training those little ghosts? That will cost a lot of money. I'm not a philanthropist. I've already done my best to raise them."

"That's true, but since you're publicly recruiting mercenaries, you should have found a way to make money, right?"

"The target is of course the mine I asked you to investigate. I want to take all the income and spiritual gold from the mine, and I'm sure I can make a lot of money."

"Well... According to our investigation, the magic source stones currently stored there plus the spiritual gold that has not been sold are worth at most thirty gold coins. This amount of money is indeed very high for ordinary people, but you..."

This amount is indeed too little for the nobles. Even if Aarons is just an heir without real power, he shouldn't set his sights on such a small amount of money.

"Why, are you questioning my judgment?"

After realizing that the other party didn't know his motives, Aarons immediately disguised himself as a dandy boy with only a little cleverness.

And the mine, a low-value target, did confuse the other party's judgment of him.

"No, no. If you have made up your mind, then tell us what to do."

"What we need to do is very simple. First, send someone to inform them that the mine will belong to me from now on. If anyone dares to oppose or resist, arrest them all immediately."

"So... do you want to go with me?"

After finding that the other party was obviously confused, Aarons took the opportunity to propose a crude plan that was almost thought out.

Although this can indeed temporarily seize control of the mine, as long as the mercenary group leaves, the people there will immediately be out of control.

"Of course I have to go. I also plan to see with my own eyes how many idiots there are who are planning to resist."

"I understand. I will go back to gather the members now, and we can officially set off tomorrow morning."

"Very good, then I will wait for you outside the east gate."

After the negotiation was officially established, Kulan immediately left the Marquis's Mansion. Aarons also immediately called Karin and Xia Ye to the study room, and repeated the conversation between the two of them.

"... Although this guy has investigated my affairs, he still doesn't know what I will do specifically. So I will go with him tomorrow to see the situation and test their background."

"Master, I want to go with you."

"Why? You can't fight normally now, right?"

Somewhat unexpectedly, Karin took the initiative to ask to go with him.

Although Aarons didn't think that he needed to be protected because he was worthless, Karin's attitude was quite firm.

"I want to test the extent of my recovery, and I can also help you confirm the strength of those mercenaries."

"I agree to let Miss Karin exercise her body. I have been adjusting the status of her prosthesis these days, and I hope she can test its performance in actual combat."

The two women held the same attitude on this matter, and Aarons couldn't think of any good reason to refute it.

"Okay, I agree. Also, Xia Ye, after we leave tomorrow, you take the investigation report to the city office to find Director Chen and tell him to send some people to take over the mine as soon as possible."

"What are you planning?"

"I can't run that place for a long time, so it's better to do a favor to the people in the city office. Even if I lose the territory later, they can get an extra income."

-Although things haven't started yet, Aarons has already thought about how to end it.

"I know, I will notify them on time."

"Also, don't forget to prepare a few clothes as a reward. Since that guy said that the reward is only clothes, just give him a few pieces."

After a simple arrangement, Aarons spread out the map of the Marquis' Territory on the table again. He waved his hand at the same time, signaling the two beauties to go back and continue their work.

Xia Ye, who was still working, left the room immediately, but Karin stayed alone again.

"Master, I want to ask you a question."

"Go ahead, I'll try to answer it if I can."

"If I can't fight from now on...will you still let me stay with you?"

After realizing that he seemed to have never seriously thought about the answer to this question, Aarons slowly raised his head and looked at the uneasy face of the wolf beauty.

"If you can't fight, then you can't. I didn't intend to ask you to do anything from the beginning."

-Although this seemed to be just a comforting word, Karin's face flashed a trace of haze for some reason.

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