After walking around the city alone for a long time, Aarons didn't find any way to make money.

Most people in the city were waiting to see his joke. Even if he was now the only legal heir to the Marquis's family, it didn't mean that this territory really belonged to him.

The empire would definitely not let go of such an important territory as the border and let an incompetent person rule it.

The royal family has not yet officially announced the death of the Marquis's family. It is estimated that they also want to take the opportunity to test the ability of the heir.

If it is confirmed that Aarons cannot control this territory, then the empire will definitely send people to take back this land and send him to a remote place to spend the rest of his life.

Even the people in this city don't take him seriously, and other places in the Marquis' territory will not listen to his orders.

"It's really a start with nothing."

After thinking about it, Aarons decided to go home first and sort out the information.

Because he had no qualifications as the successor lord, the original Aarons had not received a systematic education. Even if he went to the aristocratic school in the imperial capital, he didn't learn any common sense of ordinary people.

He didn't even know the basic properties of the important energy source, the magic source stone, let alone any business or technical knowledge.

"If the Marquis was still here, this unlucky guy would definitely be thrown into some remote corner to eat and wait for death."

Although Aarons' current life goal is to lie down and wait for death, he doesn't want to be sent to live in a remote place for the rest of his life.

Obviously a lucky time traveler, if he ends up with nothing like before, then this luck will be wasted.

Fortunately, the study of the Marquis's house was not looted by the servants. The books and newspapers that had not been collected should be enough for Aarons to roughly understand the basic situation of this world.

"Old man, I'm back."

After passing through the barrier that only certain people can enter, Aarons saw the old gardener Raul in the courtyard of the mansion.

Because he was worried that the servants who had escaped before would come back to steal the property in the mansion, Aarons had already asked Raul, who was a part-time security guard, to help modify the entry and exit permissions of the barrier.

Now only the two of them can enter and leave the Marquis's mansion freely, and outsiders who want to forcibly break the barrier set up by the Marquis himself must have at least level five strength to do so.

"Young Master, you are back, um... um."

"What's wrong? Just say it if you have something to say."

"When I came back just now, a strange merchant was trying to sell me goods. I heard from the merchant that there was a secret treasure that could quickly upgrade one's strength, so I told him to bring the goods to you in a while."

Secret treasure that makes people stronger? This kind of thing sounds like a scam.

Aarons didn't believe in any secret treasures at all, but the old man's original intention was also for his own good. After all, a Marquis's heir only has the strength of an ordinary adult, which is indeed a bit embarrassing.

"Well, when will the merchant come?"

"It should be here soon... Oh, here it comes, just outside."

"That's perfect, let me see what he is up to."

Before he entered the house to rest, he was forced to leave the yard again, and a gloomy fire rose in Aarons' heart.

If the merchant dared to blatantly use fake medicine or fake treasures to cheat him of his money, he would immediately report it to the city government.

"You are the eldest son of Marquis Moti, Mr. Aarons, right? I have heard a lot about you."

After walking out of the barrier with the old gardener, Aarons saw a tall and thin man with a gloomy face coming to greet him.

Not far from the gate of the mansion, several animal-carrying trucks covered with curtains were parked aside for rest, and the drivers kept looking at Aarons and his companions, seeming to be very interested in the situation here.

"I am a trader, and I was planning to transport some goods to the north to try my luck. Just now, your old servant took the initiative to come to me and ask if there is any medicine or treasure that can enhance strength. Such loyalty really touched me."

"Forget the polite words. Besides, I also know that there is no such thing in the world."

Aarons had dealt with many merchants in his previous life. Those who took the initiative to flatter the buyers right away were generally scammers who did not sell genuine goods.

This gloomy man was probably the kind of unscrupulous scammer who would come to sell health products and IQ taxes.

"Oh, you don't understand this. Although it is true that there are no medicines and treasures in the world that can upgrade people, this is not what I want to sell."

"Not secret medicine and treasures? What else is there?"

"Hehe, I wonder if you have heard of 'aliens'?"

Aarons had no information about this word in his memory, so he subconsciously showed a confused expression.

And the merchant was sensitiveThe sharp perception of his expression change, the already somewhat cold laughter immediately became more evil.

"That was a thousand years ago when the demons and humans fought against each other. The demons brought a group of aliens that looked like humans but were somewhat different. Although the invaders of the demons were finally completely wiped out by the brave men at that time, those aliens brought by them as slaves and cannon fodder were fortunately allowed to reproduce on this continent."

Although this sounds like an outrageous legend, Aarons did see records related to the "Demon War" when he was studying the history of the continent.

Although I don't remember it very clearly, this businessman should not be lying.

"Thank you for the explanation, and then?"

"Hehe, don't worry. A few years ago, I accidentally found an ancient book. And the things recorded on it scared me."

Although it was clear that the merchant's next words must be half true and half false, Aarons couldn't expose the other party's lies here.

After all, he has no money and no strength now, and he will only be laughed at if he loses his temper casually.

"Why was the brave man able to wipe out all the demons by himself? It was not because he got some chance or treasure. In fact, there was only a very simple reason."

As the merchant spoke, he waved to let one of the trucks slowly move over. The goods on the truck, which were tightly covered by the curtain, made Aarons curious.

When the gloomy merchant opened the curtain on the truck himself, Aarons and the old gardener gasped in shock at the same time.

"The ancient book said that anyone who kills aliens with their own hands can gain a part of their power. And the brave man killed countless aliens at that time, so he became an invincible strong man."

-In the iron cage under the curtain, a young alien woman with reddish-brown wolf ears and tail, different from humans, with incomplete hands and feet and bruises all over her body, was now slumped inside.

"Hey, slave trade is illegal in the Empire."

After seeing the skinny and ragged woman in the cage, Aarons immediately realized what kind of business the merchant was doing.

"That being said, I didn't plan to open a business here. And you should know that the Empire has no control over your place."

Although the story the merchant told just now might be false, the foreign woman who looked like she was about to die was a real "real thing".

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