After returning home, Aarons was not so nervous.

The Marquis's Mansion was protected by a solid barrier. As long as it was not directly attacked by level 5 magic or fighting spirit, the people inside were safe.

The servants who escaped before said that there were loopholes in the barrier, but it turned out that they were just talking nonsense. Xia Ye also checked the barrier for this purpose, but found no problems.

As long as the children are not in danger, it will be fine - Aarons only has this idea.

"Master, did you want information about the royal family before? I went to the city office to compile a document, please take a look."

"So soon? I thought I would have to wait a few days."

"The volunteers over there heard that you wanted information, so they actively provided a lot of information."

Aarons didn't understand why someone would take the initiative to help him, but Xia Ye's words might also be exaggerated.

After taking a not-so-thick report handed over by Xia Ye, Aarons immediately started reading.

Because he had always suspected that the death of the Marquis's family might be related to the power behind a certain prince.

However, the report only contained some basic information about the three princes and intelligence composed of various rumors - for example, the eldest prince, Quinlan Armand, was full of talent and loved the people like his own children, and had a very high reputation in his territory. The second prince, Mylan Armand, officially advanced to level five the year before last, becoming one of the more than 30 level five strong men recorded in the empire.

Seeing this, Aarons roughly understood that people with level five strength are indeed not easy to meet on the street.

"The third prince is not yet an adult, so he doesn't have much support from the nobles... I remember that the princes who didn't become emperors had to leave the empire to find their own way out. He was born too late, which is a bit pitiful."

And Aarons saw another very interesting information - the emperor's third child should have been a princess, but the princess suddenly disappeared from people's sight for some reason ten years ago, and no news was heard since then.

There are rumors that the princess, who was only ten years old at the time, died in an accident, but the empire has never confirmed this statement and has not issued any official announcement.

"Princess, if my brother is alive, the emperor would probably marry the princess to him."

Although there is a big age gap between the two, if the emperor really wants to win over the genius youngest son of Marquis Moti, marrying a princess is certainly one of the best ways.

"So it seems to be one of the two princes. Xia Ye, who do you think it might be?"

"His Royal Highness the eldest prince has worked hard to govern the country and has received support from many nobles and civilians. I heard that his territory is almost as prosperous as the imperial capital. The second prince has been guarding the southern border and has made many military achievements over the years. He is quite popular in the army."

"... Both of them may be afraid of my father's power, especially the second prince."

There is nothing wrong with this inference. After all, if the second prince intends to compete for the throne, he must find a way to win more support and eliminate dissidents as much as possible.

However, both princes had reasons to murder the marquis, so Aarons did not dare to determine who did it.

"It seems that we need to find an opportunity to investigate again..."

"Master! Something big has happened!"

However, just when Aarons was about to take a break, Karin, who was originally with the children below, suddenly rushed into the study.

"You have to go down and watch the spiritual vision quickly. The emperor is going to issue an official decree!"


Aarons did not expect that the emperor would issue an edict in a live broadcast.

But when he saw the central round platform of the imperial city and a group of golden armored guards in the spiritual vision, he once again understood the absurdity of this alien world.

"Master, this is..."

"Els, don't talk first! Other little guys, be quiet first! Let me hear this edict clearly!"

Because Aarons looked very serious, the children who were originally a little noisy also quieted down.

And on the wide spiritual vision screen, a tall man in solemn and gorgeous clothes soon appeared-

That was Emperor Armand VII.

[Good morning, citizens of the Armand Empire. I am the current lord of the empire, Armand VII.]

[Today, I want to announce an important matter to all my subjects.]

[A month ago, Marquis Maren Moti, who guarded the western border of the empire, died in a plane crash, and the future rising star of the empire, Aarons Moti, also died in that accident.]

The tone of the emperor, who was over 60 years old, was neither sad nor happy, as if he was just talking about something that had nothing to do with him. This also made Aarons frown, and he kept feeling uneasy.Premonition.

[The empire has lost two talents at once, which really makes me sad. And the border territory that was once prosperous is now in chaos without anyone in charge. ]

[I am very worried about the people on the border, so I have had detailed discussions with all the loyal ministers and famous generals, and also specially sent important personnel to the border territory to secretly investigate and visit. ]

[However, although I am determined to solve the problem of no one in charge of the border as soon as possible, Lingqing Wushen proposed to me that I hope to take this opportunity to reproduce the glorious history of the founding era of the empire. ]

——Hearing this, Aarons' hands were already clenched into fists nervously.

[I have thought about it again and again in the past few days, and decided to adopt the advice of the Protector of the Country Wushen. Therefore, I chose to issue an edict to all my subjects in this way today——]

[First, confer the title of honorary marquis to Aarons Moti, the eldest son of Marquis Moti, and receive the third-class annual salary, and do not inherit the marquis territory. ]

[Second, the eleven cities in the former Marquisate, except for Moti City, will be open to all honorary nobles. Any honorary nobles without fiefdoms can come here to fight for the right to rule each city, within two years. ]


If the deprivation of the right to inherit the territory was still within Aarons' expectations, then the second item in the edict was completely incomprehensible to him.

——All honorary nobles can come here to fight for the territory? There are hundreds of honorary nobles in the entire empire!

[I will use this to test whether the honorary nobles are worthy of the name, so I named this the Battle of Proof of Honor. ]

[After the final deadline of two years, the honorary nobles who can still control the right to rule the city will be directly conferred as the local lord. ]

[And the city of Moti, where the former Marquis Moti lived, will be a neutral city in this battle, and I will send a commissioner to station there and supervise the participants. No feudal nobles or royal family members may directly participate in this war, but they may discover and support capable people to prove that they are indeed worthy of the name of nobles. 】

"——What kind of stupid rule is this!"

Aarons finally got angry.

It was not a big deal for him to become an honorary noble without territory. As an honorary noble, he could also participate in the competition for the city of the Marquisate. As long as he could use the power of the city government, there would be no big problem in keeping Moti City.

But Moti City was set as a neutral city. Later, the imperial commissioner would directly enter and supervise the entire event, and it could not be used as a contestable city.

——This rule is indeed very fair to other honorary nobles, but it is purely malicious to Aarons.

"You have to make me start from scratch, right! Damn!"

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