Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 101-Mark's Entrustment

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I must be dead when you read this letter, although it may not happen anymore, there is always something in case.I have devoted almost everything I have to the restitutionists, even if I give my life, I will never stop!But the only thing I can't let go is my daughter Mia, she is only ten years old, and I am her only relative.Gao Wen, I know this may be difficult, but the only person I can ask for is you.Those eight gold bars are my life savings for you and Mia.Mia currently lives at 37 Clos Avenue in the Trosts District. Please go to Gawain. I believe in your character.


The content of the letter is not much, and the handwriting is a bit dazzling, but the information in it is enough to shock me that Mark has a daughter!?"Huh~" I sighed slowly, closed the letter paper, looked at the box in my hand, and smiled bitterly: "You trust me too much, Mark." For the safety of Mark's relics and the completion of the entrustment, I Decided to find a reason tomorrow to leave others to go to Mia alone. As for whether to take care of it or not, it depends on Mia's own wishes.Save the book

The next morning.Grisha stayed in the warehouse to take care of Karla, while Alan and Mikasa and I went to receive today's relief food.After receiving the bread, I took my share, and then waved to Ellen, Mikasa, and Amin: "I have something to do, you go back first." "What are you going to do?" Allen asked. "Send something." I showed them the box in my hand and said, "I'll go with you." Mikasa grabbed the corner of my clothes and said, "No, I'll be back soon." I shook my head and refused. Said, "..." Mikasa suddenly lost his face and looked at me with pitiful eyes like an abandoned kitten.

"Uh~" I suddenly felt soft, and I couldn't find a reason to dismiss Mikasa, "Well, Mikasa come with me, Ellen and Amin, you bring back the share of uncle and aunt." I sighed helplessly. He sighed and said.Mikasa immediately smiled happily, with a speed comparable to the face change in a Sichuan Opera. I twitched the corners of my mouth, knowing that I had lost to Mikasa's cute selling skills, and I didn't know who she learned from.Allen nodded to me and took Amin away. I took a bite of the bread in my hand and started looking for Mia's place with Mikasa.

"Gawain, who are you going to give something to? What is in this box?" Mikasa asked vaguely with bread stuffed in her mouth, "a friend's daughter." I replied and bit again. After I found the Crow Street, I walked towards the 37th office."My friend's daughter?" Mikasa was dazed, I hummed, took her hand and continued forward, and introduced: "She's Mia Manjing, the same age as you." "Hey? How old is your friend? "Mikasa asked again, and I flicked on her forehead: "Don't ask so much, we are here." "Huh!" Mikasa pouted dissatisfiedly and stopped asking questions. He raised his head and looked towards the front with me A wooden single-story cottage, with the sign number 37 hanging diagonally on the door...

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