Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 126 Xu Jingkun Appears

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Whoosh!The figure manipulated the three-dimensional mobile device to fall down to avoid the giant's giant palm, then retracted the previous wire, and at the same time shot another hook and anchor onto the giant's calf, and then turned the body to hold the double knife in the hand with a straight knife. With a knife in reverse, he quickly approached in a spiral slash, cutting off one of the giant's calves with one knife.When the giant lost his balance and fell forward, the figure shot the steel wire into the center of the giant's back neck, and then violently accelerated and rotated the body with another spiral to cut the giant's back neck.

This set of operations is smooth and flowing, killing one's own goals before other giants can react, this kind of battle seems to be a visual enjoyment.After killing a giant, the figure kept moving, and shot a hook on the arm of a fifteen-meter giant, then suddenly accelerated and cut off one of the giant's arms, and then changed to an upward spiral. Cut off the giant's eyes, and then a beautiful backflip fell on the giant's head."Roar!" Lance also reacted at this time. He roared and kicked the five-meter-level giant alive with his leg, and then knocked a fifteen-meter-level giant to the ground with a fist. The last time he crossed his shoulders, he fell down a ten-meter giant.

In these few seconds, the figure also beheaded the remaining 15-meter-level giant. He fell on the ground in a cool manner, threw the blunt blade in his hand to the ground, and then removed the wooden box on both sides of his waist. He pulled out a pair of new ones, then lifted his hood and flicked one of his black shredded hairs. He looked up at Lance, who was killing the giant. "This guy is the ancestor giant? Is the strength still good." Xu Jingkun stretched out his hand. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, he was the one who killed the two giants just now, and he had already killed the four giants before that, "I have killed six, how long will you have to fight Gawain? Soy sauce? Come here quickly!" Xu Jingkun took out the messenger card and said.The first Chinese website

"What's the hurry, I'm using Eagle Eye Technique to confirm the movements of the giants!" I replied, "You have a 10-meter giant approaching at three o'clock, and two 15-meter giants at nine o'clock. , The ten-meter-class one is handed over to me, the other two ends, one is Lance and the other, is there enough gas?" "Enough is enough!" Xu Jingkun waved his hand, then blew his whistle to call for his horse, with a Riding on the horse in a dexterous posture, he galloped to his left, and Lance followed him and ran towards the giant.

"It's almost done. Go to the refugees' side. Hold them firmly. Only a few operators will be left on the airship." I ordered, "Master Ackerman, then how do you go down to deal with the giant? "Yake asked suspiciously, "Of course I just jumped down." I stretched out my hand and patted Yake on the shoulder, and then jumped off the airship with a sudden force."This must be at least a hundred meters above the ground!" Damo yelled from above, and I smiled slightly. The reason for going down this way is to show my strength in front of everyone. After all, I am regaining power. If the next leader of the faction has no strength, how can he restrain the people below?Especially for those who are new to the Restorationist, I have enough prestige among the old members, and I have to establish prestige among these newcomers.With a thought to my heart, a pair of radiant magic wings condensed from my back...

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