You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"The second ability is to spy on the memories of the masters of the attacking giants, including the future." Grisha continued, my eyes widened, the attacking giants could spy on the future!?Is there such a bug?"This ability is not as powerful as you think." Seeing the shocked look on my face, Grisha explained, "What can be spied on in the future is completely random. If this ability is really that powerful, Ai The Erdia people will not fall to this point."

I opened my mouth and wanted to say something more. Suddenly, Lance sent a strong mental shock wave across all directions. The air was distorted by the naked eye, and a very weak giant roar suddenly appeared in my brain. The sound, the sound is full of majesty and indomitability.The strange thing is that such a strong mental shock wave did not affect me at all. I can clearly feel the strength of this shock, but it is completely unaffected like a bystander. At this moment, what Hank has said seems to be I heard: "The Ackerman family was persecuted by Wang Zheng because they couldn't be brainwashed." "Ackerman, the demon hunter, what does it have to do with the power of giants?" I couldn't help muttering to myself.

Everyone who was asleep was awakened by this mental shock wave. They all got up and looked in the direction of Lance, and then a blank expression appeared on their faces. They all walked to Lance, kneeled to the ground, and fell into In the state of insanity, the only people in the audience who were safe and sound were me, Lance, Grisha and Xu Jingkun.Bang!The shocked Xu Jingkun immediately flew over the three-dimensional mobile device, "Is this, is it successful?" He asked, "Is it a successful launch of the ability." I replied, "Next to my operation, help I'll protect the law." "OK." Xu Jingkun nodded and flew to the side of the tree trunk to start alerting.100 Literature

I pressed my hand on the back of the giant's neck, closed my eyes, and plunged my mental power into it, and began to sense the power of the ancestor giant. In a moment, I "see" a golden light group, which stretched out. There are many thin lines connected to one side, and there are many white light spots connected by thin lines on that side. "The golden light group should be Lance/Ancestral Giant, and those white light spots should be other Eldi Demi." I made a judgment in my heart, "Let's contact Lance first." I began to carefully explore the spiritual power toward the golden light group, and called Lance's name in this spiritual world.The light ball suddenly fluctuated, "Gawain?" Lance's voice sounded in the space, "Is this a success?"

"It should be regarded as it." I replied, "but now is not the time to chat, hurry up and cooperate with me!" "How to cooperate?" Lance asked, "just don't resist." I said, combining mental power with the ball of light Connected together, "Oh, good." Lance replied. With his cooperation, I quickly gained control of the power of the ancestor giant. You know, the demon hunter has been inherited for thousands of years. During this period, various skills have been developed to the peak, and the power of the giant still relies entirely on self-groping, not to mention that Lance is not resisting, even if he desperately resists me, it is just a little effort.Through the power of the ancestor giant, I easily grasped the thoughts of thousands of Eldia in my hands...

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