You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Enduring the headache, I told Xu Jingkun about my arrival in the mysterious space. The latter frowned immediately, "The demon hunter, does anyone know who we are?!" Xu Jingkun said in surprise, "Well, it seems that there is still a secret between the demon hunter and the power of the giant." I said weakly, "No matter, I need to rest for a while, you can think about it yourself." He said, closing his eyes again.

For the next three days, I was in a coma for two-thirds of the time to supplement my excessive consumption of mental energy, while the team continued to move forward under the leadership of Grisha, Lance, and Xu Jingkun. Moving east, they continued to rescue and harass the team defeated by the giant and search for food along the way. In three days, the number of the team was increased to more than 5,000!It's turned five times.Grain was also found in the barns in various places that were stored a year ago, most of which were in good condition and could be eaten. There was no need to worry about the food in the team at all, and the morale was much improved.

"There are still about 80,000 people in the east. None of them have been attacked by giants or dispersed. The situation in the middle is unknown, but most of the people in the middle are old, weak, sick and disabled. I take a pessimistic attitude towards them. The west must be better than the east. Wherever they go, their front team must have been disintegrated. Now, as far as I am concerned, the efficiency of all the main forces staying in the east is too low. I suggest that we divide our troops to the west to rescue the survivors, and finally find a way to join forces." Xu Jingkun pointed to the map and analyzed it. Grisha and Lance and I were sitting around and listening, "I agree with Xu Jingkun's proposal." I said, the three-day rest has restored my state to 80%, and I can continue to command the team. Up.520 novel

"I have no objection, but I think we should also pay attention to protecting the current team." Lance said, Ge Shilai also nodded in agreement, I glanced at the four of us, and immediately made arrangements, "Xu Jingkun, Lance, you go, take an airship and one-third of the people." I arranged that this one-third does not refer to the entire team, but one-third of the restorative members."Okay." The two nodded together. "Also," I continued, "The team needs another mind control."

"Use the brainwashing ability of the ancestor giant again?" Lance asked, "No, let Xu Jingkun and I come to mentally hypnotize them this time." I waved my hand decisively, joking, there is no hidden in the spiritual world of the ancestor giant An extremely powerful existence is likely to be the ancestor Ymir. In this case, I will not provoke the opponent's bottom line."Can you?" Grisha asked, "No problem, using spell cards to build a formation of spiritual influence, and then using speeches and other means to guide them, is enough to ensure their loyalty." Xu Jingkun replied, and Grisha clicked. Nodding: "Then leave it to you."

Xu Jingkun used the spell cards to build a formation, Grisha and Lance deal with the trivial matters of the team, and I was forced to write the speech. It was really helpless. I had to write something like a speech...

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