Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 140: Necessary Sacrifice

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Among the 3,000-person team, I was the only one with the ability to kill giants, and the greater the number of giants in the middle, plus the giants attracted from the eastern region behind the team, I am really alone. The avatar lacks skill, and the number of the team has dropped from 3,000 to more than 2,600.

boom!I fell to the ground with the corpse of a giant, spit out a mouthful of blood, clutching my chest and gasping for breath. Just now, I fought a giant attack and killed this guy. Now it seems that this business seems to be at a loss. ."Damn, this sword is too short." I said with the holy silver dagger in my hand. This dagger was made according to my body shape when I was ten years old. It has been two years now. This sword is against me. It is indeed a bit short. When slashing the back of the giant's neck, the sword must be completely submerged to kill the giant.It really consumes energy.

It has been a week since we were separated from Grisha and the others, and the number of the team is only half left. They are also very competent in the decoy mission, which also fills my heart with a strong sense of guilt, and there are corpses everywhere. At the same time, the scene of vultures eating human corpses is depressing."None of the survivors found it. It seems that the expeditionary army in the central part is basically dead." I jumped off the half-turned-steam corpse of the giant and walked towards the surrounding crowd.

The giant I killed just now is an agile stranger. Unlike those stupid brainless giants, the stranger has simple wisdom and is much more difficult to deal with than ordinary giants.According to their height, giants can be divided into three-meter, five-meter, ten-meter, and fifteen-meter classes. As a strange species, there is also a division of abilities.At present, there are only two kinds of divisions. One is the strong type. This giant looks like an enlarged version of a human bodybuilder with distinct muscles and powerful weight; the other is agile type, which looks weak but extremely fast. Fast, there is the distinction between normal running and crawling on all fours, which is much more difficult to deal with than the strong type.Daxia Chinese Website

cough!I clutched my chest and coughed up another mouthful of blood. Despite this, I did not take this non-fatal injury to my heart. According to the powerful recovery ability of the Demon Hunter, I can fully recover in a few minutes, and it is only Physical attacks cannot kill me, as long as my soul is not destroyed, I can be resurrected.

"Master Ackerman, we are surrounded by giants." A thin middle-aged man shouted, "Go away, Master Ackerman, we will cover you!" said a gray-haired old man, "Yes. , Master Ackerman, do your best, let's go, we will continue to act as bait for this mission!" Another person shouted, and I stood on the spot as if I was struck by a thunder: "You all know?! "We have basically discussed it before you give the notice. Let those of us who are useless to act as bait to lure away the giants and cover the large forces, otherwise no one can run away." The old man smiled freely. , He walked up and hugged me in his arms, and whispered comforting: "Don't be guilty, child, thank you for taking us this trip, now you should go."

I was so dazed by them that I was supported on a horseback, and I carried my horse to the north, evading what I should face...

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