You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"I said, Gawain, what do you think?! What do you want to be a trainer if the leader of the reinstatement is not right? Did you eat something wrong?!" In the office, Lance was furious at me, obviously. I am very dissatisfied with my decision to join the training corps, and if I go, everything will fall on him, but Lance doesn't want to see it.

Regarding joining the training corps, I naturally have my own considerations. One is to follow the plot, so as to facilitate contact with important plot characters, and to have a good entry point when a series of things happen three years later, and it is also easy to play I know the advantage of the plot. Another reason is... "As far as I know, the current training corps should have mixed with at least three Marais fighters, but they all have the power of giants." I said. Lance suddenly changed his face when he heard this. He stepped forward and walked in front of me, and asked anxiously: "Are you sure?!" I nodded confidently, although I don't know the future plot, the known giants. The only capable person is Yani, the female giant.Reinhardt, but it is not difficult to make basic judgments based on the giants of armor and super giants that have appeared before.

"Then you let Allen join the training corps! You don't know how important the power of giants is to us!" Langston was anxious, grabbing my collar and roaring, "That's why I want to join the training corps. "I raised my eyebrows and said, "You are the ancestor giant, of course, you can't take the risk, but we can't just ignore the Marais warriors. In this way, we can discover the identity of the other party and stare at them. I’m the only one who can take Feng Allen to retreat.” Lance was taken aback for a moment, then sighed helplessly, and said weakly, “Well then, you go, pay attention to safety.” 33 Novel Network www.

I smiled a little embarrassedly, and then started talking to Lance about business affairs again: "Oh, yes, I have one more attention on the development of business." "Tell me." Lance took a look at me. In terms of business, you and Xu Jingkun have a lot of ideas. Unfortunately, he and the investigation team went out to investigate outside the wall the day before yesterday. Otherwise, there are more people here to help me deal with things. The inspiration of the wall of Mary’s wall dragged back." I said, "Many specialties in the wall of Mary are not in the other two walls. Most of them are luxury goods used by nobles to enjoy. There are some things that are currently missing in the wall, such as salt, and we can collect these with the help of airships."

"Yeah!" Lance slapped his thigh hard and said with a suddenly realized look, "We can send two airships at the same time, one to guard the giant, one to collect, and then return to the wall to collect the collected things. Selling at a high price, so that we can make a very high profit at a very low cost, Gao Wen, you are a genius!" Seeing Lance’s shining eyes, I couldn’t help reminding him: "Be careful not in a short time. Selling too much will cause the price to decrease. Remember the phrase'things are more expensive'." "I see, expert." Lance nodded seriously, with a happy expression on his face.

"That's okay, there is still a week away from the official report of the training corps. This week I will take care of the matter seriously. By the way, I will also arrange future plans. I'm going to base three, goodbye, Lance." I patted. On his shoulder, walked out...

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