Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 148 Threatening Questioning

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Hearing these words of Keith, everyone couldn't help but grimace, and they couldn't help but straighten up. Only I was still careless, offering my heart to His Majesty the King?Ha ha!Not to mention that the king on the bright side is a puppet. Even the real royal family, the Lai family, has almost been annihilated by the restitutionists. Give them a heart?Don't be funny!I'm not crazy again.

Keith walked down the high platform step by step and began to threaten the recruits. When I saw the animation, I naturally knew that the purpose of this was to let the recruits deny the past self, learning like a blank sheet of paper, and at the same time, it can be scared. Retire those who overdo it.However, the instructor will also use the eyes of the opponent to determine whether to interrogate the opponent. People with firm eyes can usually avoid this process.

"What's your name?" "York Sirleaf, the goal is to join the garrison." A young boy with red hair and small eyes tremblingly replied, facing the ferocious face of Keith, "Really? But I think you're a horse breeder at most!" Keith glared at him, then reached out and held his head and turned back, "Now turn back!"

"What's your name?" Keith walked to a short girl with a double ponytail and asked, "Mina Jones!" The girl replied, "It's too quiet! I think you are inferior to a pig and dog!" Si yelled, "Yes! I'm not as good as a pig and dog!" The girl shouted, Keith waved his hand, "Turn backwards." Then he walked to the next goal...Read the book

"Who are you guys?" "Yes! Born in Tolost, Thomas Wagner!" a blond boy replied, "The voice is too low!" "Born in Tolost! Thomas Wagner!" "Too! Small! Say out "I am a pig" to practice over there, practice until I can hear it!" "...Yes!"

The four of us waited for about twenty minutes before Keith walked in front of us, "What is your name?" Keith stared at Armin and asked, "Here! Born in Higanshina District, Armin Arnold !" Amin replied in a loud salute, yes, Amin's real name is Almin, and the name "Amin" is just a name for closeness among our friends."Almin! Why did you guy come here?" Keith put his bald head almost on Amin's forehead, and said in a gloomy tone, making Amin feel extremely terrified, "To give your own part to the victory of mankind. A lot of strength!" Amin's voice couldn't help being lowered, "Sounds good! Then let you act as a bait to attract giants! The third column turns backward!" Keith put his hand on Amin's head and let He turned.

"Who are you guys?" Keith approached a boy with a well-proportioned beige hair and asked, "Yes! Jean Kirstein, born in Trost District!" "What is your kid here for?" Si asked loudly, making him stunned for a moment, and replied with a relaxed expression: "In order to join the gendarmerie and live in the interior." "Well, you guys want to go to the interior?" Keith raised his head slightly, "Yes. "Let's answer, bang!Keith slammed his head on Jean's head, "Woo." The sudden pain caused him to cover his forehead with his hands, kneel and sit down, "Who allowed you to sit down! Just so weak." The guys also want to join the gendarmerie?" Keith said disdainfully, continuing to move forward...

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