You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Don't be so troublesome, and you can serve some good dishes according to our number." I raised my chin to him and said, "Good sir." The man nodded respectfully, and went downstairs with the menu.After that, I turned my head and looked at Allen and the others who were writing "Curious" on their faces, "You can ask." "Why are our treatment so good?" Allen asked immediately, "No." "I took the purple and gold coat of arms from my chest and placed it on the table, "That's why."

"What is this?" "Its workmanship is so exquisite!" "Gao Wen, is this a symbol?" Amin finally hit the point, "Yes, with this stuff, I can be in any of the Dark Silver Chamber of Commerce An industry takes anything at will." I replied, "Gawain, how did you get this thing?!" Mikasa immediately grabbed my hand and looked worried, "Don’t worry, this is a The rich man gave me thanks for my life-saving grace to him." I held Mikasa's hand and smiled and said, "Help? When are you..." Allen asked puzzledly, "How can I count Half a doctor, I don't know who started crying when I heard about learning medicine?" I squinted at Allen and said, Allen blushed and stopped talking.

The craftsmanship of the chef in this shop is pretty good. A meat dish, two vegetarian dishes and a fish soup made everyone feel satisfied. After walking back to the dormitory, I lay down on the bed and started taking a nap.Starting at 2:30 in the afternoon is strict physical training. Xu Jingkun is responsible for this part of the training. The 10-kilometer run, 100 push-ups, 200 squats, a lap of frog jumps, plus Xu Jingkun’s non-stop mockery, a set of training. After coming down, almost everyone was very tired. Fortunately, the training ended before five o'clock. There was no other training in the evening. The time before dinner was used to communicate with each other.Biquge 88

"It's amazing! It's been five hours." Outside the wooden house, a training soldier looked at Sha Xia who was still running on the playground and exclaimed. Xu Jingkun provided Sha Xia with food and water at noon and asked her to I went to the dormitory to tidy up the house and rest for a while, but then Sasha was tragically ordered by Keith to continue running the circle."It is true, but instead of hearing the penalty run until the last breath, she still has a more tragic expression when she hears'Your dinner is gone today'." Allen answered, "Daupa Village, I remember it is one of the few small villages in the forest that live on hunting.” Connie thought for a while and said, Allen opened his mouth to reply, but was suddenly attracted by the sight on the other side.

"What's that?" Allen pointed to the right and was carrying several people in regular clothes toward the three carriages outside."The knockouts are all guys who have asked to leave and can't stand the harsh training." I glanced over there and said, "Of course, it may also be because Xu Jingkun said that the training corps had a death quota in the afternoon that made them scared." "This It's only the first day." Amin sighed, "This is nothing else. The weak and incompetent can only leave. Heh! They are the guys who are willing to get relief." Allen said disdainfully.

I glanced at Alan, but did not answer."Speaking of it, your name is'Gavin Ackerman', right?" Mark looked at me and asked, "Well, what's the matter?" I turned my head and looked at Mark, who is known as a good old man in anime. People, I feel pretty good about him, "Um," Marco touched his watermelon-head haircut, "Instructor Xu Jingkun seems to have the surname'Ackerman' too, can you ask about your relationship? ?"...

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