You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Comparing with the strong and fighting against the two are simply incomparable. The physical exhaustion is completely the same as the sky and the underground. Just now I am not at all tired after completing a record of one challenge, but now I only compare a few tricks with Yani. His breathing is heavier.As for the people watching from the sidelines, they are already in a state of stunned, "It's amazing." Let's say, "I feel like we can't beat them in ten years of practice!" Connie exclaimed, "The tricks they used are the same as us. What I learned is completely different." Marco also clutched his waist and bared his teeth.

At this moment, Yani suddenly launched another attack!She shook her left hand for a while, then her right hand suddenly leaned toward my right shoulder. It seemed that she was planning to use the knuckle after the leg was not pleased.I didn’t retreat but moved forward. I raised my right leg and kicked at Yani’s lower abdomen. For this reason, Yani had to force a move. I pressed my legs with both hands to avoid one leg, and I took advantage of the victory. An elbow hit her chest, and Yani had to take a step back.But how could it be so easy to dodge my attack? With the right hand, I hit Yani's head with a punch from top to bottom. Inevitably, Yani had to cross her arms to catch me.

"Huh!" Yani couldn't help but snorted. The demon hunter's attack is not so easy to take. The amazing power alone is enough for Yani, but the master is a master after all. After taking my trick, Hoya Ni quickly stepped up and got stuck in my leg. As soon as she pressed my right hand on my shoulder and tried to knock me down, I sank and wrestled with her.Yani didn't fall down for a while, and Yani's face changed slightly, and she immediately wanted to withdraw, "Want to go? It's not that easy!" I stretched out my hands like lightning and clasped Yani's shoulder, took a big step and then another move. Over the shoulder, Yani fell to the ground.Good-looking novel

Yani turned over half-empty waist and abdomen, and successfully landed with both feet. I took advantage of her unsteady footing and slammed into her body. This time, Yani was already using the old force and the new force before she was born, but I was finally knocked down. The ground, his expression was painful, and he gasped for a while before being pulled from the ground by Xu Jingkun."Don't stare at me, I keep my hand." I squinted at Xu Jingkun and said with lips, then beckoned to Mikasa, "Are you okay, Gaowen?" Mikasa ran over and asked worriedly, "Hit me "A little bit." I whispered, "Huh?" Mikasa was stunned for a moment, without moving, "drumstick." I reminded me with lips, Mikasa blinked, and reached out and punched my shoulder.

"Ah!" I yelled exaggeratedly, and fell to the ground pretending to be badly injured, seeing other people's faces with black lines, "Don't worry, chicken legs won't run into trouble." Xu Jingkun said one word from his teeth. I squeezed out this sentence, and then said angrily to the crowd who were still onlookers, "What are you still doing? Continue practicing!" Everyone suddenly became a bird and beast, and Xu Jingkun took this opportunity to chat with Yani, and I was I continued to lie on the ground to be lazy, not even moving my position, but everyone pretended not to see my behavior.

The sky is cloudless, and the warm winter sun shines on me, which makes me feel sleepy. I yawned lazily and said to myself: "This kind of weather is the best time to sleep. !"...

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