You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!With my initial magic show as the beginning, the atmosphere immediately became alive. Connie came up to tell a joke, Thomas played a bagpipe, performed an apple-throwing acrobatics, and Mia did a dance.By the way, after getting along for so long, I still didn't know that Mia could dance, and she danced pretty well. Many people saw her eyes straight.

"Well, let me sing a song for everyone." Khrista said to everyone with a blushing face, and the crowd of onlookers immediately clapped.I remember that some good people in the training corps made a ranking of corps beauties a few days ago. Khrista, Mia, Mikasa and Yani happened to occupy the top four. Some people sighed that the beauties in the front were running. Go to Class 9.How to say that the nine classes should also come out evenly.Later, for those who said this, I brought the boys from Class 9 to the door and asked for one by one. After that, the words about "even one or two out" disappeared.But because of this, Ymir always felt that I wanted to plot against Khrista. I really don't know how long her brain circuit was, and "Ymir" and "Ancestor Ymir" don't know what the connection is.

Among the so-called "Four Beauties" in Class 9, Khrista is the most popular because she is kind, cute and easy to talk, followed by Mia, and Yani is too cold to make people feel close. Mikasa is also very cold, at least it is very cold towards others, and many interested people can see the relationship between her and me, naturally there will be no one to be boring, and I am not easy to provoke.

Khrista sang a folk song in praise of the beauty of spring. Although the lyrics are not very good, it is really good to sing from Khrista's mouth. I can't help but sigh that he deserves to be called a goddess in anime. People."Sing one more song!" After Khrista finished singing, Rainer couldn't help but yelled, "Sing another song!" Connie also followed suit. With the two of them taking the lead, the boys naturally followed in the fun."Ah!" Khrista was a little flustered. She looked around at the crowd, and finally turned her eyes for help on me. I smiled at her, but applauded, and everyone followed.Girls' Novel Network

Encouraged by the applause, Khrista finally sang another song. During this time, Ymir kept his dissatisfied eyes on me, but it did not affect me much.

"The food is ready!" Suddenly shouted Sasha. When I looked back at the barbecue, I knew that Sasha had already eaten some. "Oh!" When I heard that it was possible, everyone rushed forward. A few skewers of meat that are charred on the outside and tender on the inside, you must know that it is not easy to eat meat once, and Sasha is also quite kind, and did not steal the skewers.After the 20 skewers were divided, everyone started to take the remaining barbecue potatoes and grilled mushrooms, and then brought the new batch of food to the grill.

"What are you doing?" Xu Jingkun's voice suddenly came from behind, and everyone's movements suddenly stiffened, "Instructor."Connie turned stiffly and said hello, "Yeah." Xu Jingkun responded with a smile, then sniffed, "I seem to smell food." "No! Absolutely nothing!" The second one. It was Sasha who jumped out. Seeing her reaction, it was obvious that Keith's physical punishment for stealing sweet potatoes on the training ground left her with a huge psychological shadow....

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