You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"It's okay, by the way, I saved unexpected people." I nodded to Xu Jingkun and said, with the tacit understanding between us, he naturally knew how to cooperate with me.I stood sideways to the side, Xu Jingkun took a step forward, and after looking at the four of them, he extended his right hand to Eric, the most luxurious of them,: "It turns out to be Lord George, honored to meet." Eric smiled bitterly. After a moment, he shook Xu Jingkun's hand: "My current situation can't be called Your Excellency, let's withdraw quickly."

I can’t help but frown when I see Xu Jingkun’s stepping movement. Although he conceals it well, I still see that his left leg is injured and his abdomen seems to be injured. Even if it will not hinder the action, the combat strength is still certain. Will be affected to a certain extent, it seems that our action this time is indeed too risky."Sorry for interrupting your conversation, but our time is really not enough. Let's arrange an action first." I interrupted Xu Jingkun and Eric's conversation, and the two nodded together in recognition of my words."How about our casualties?" I looked at Xu Jingkun and asked, "Twelve people were killed, three seriously injured, and four lightly injured. We are not counted." Xu Jingkun replied without hesitation, and I nodded. Begin to give an order: "You take the four of them to find something to eat and rest for a while. By the way, let someone collect useful information for us. The person you brought will lend me."

"Received." Xu Jingkun beckoned to Eric and the others and took the people away. I beckoned to the restorative force group members who were left there: "Come and help me." "Yes, leader!" He replied excitedly and ran over."I am responsible for opening the box, and you are responsible for moving the box down." I ordered, and he nodded and started to work.Use the Holy Silver Shortsword to cut the lock on the box, and then open the box to see what's inside. The method is simple and rude and extremely efficient.There are sixteen boxes in total, ten boxes contain three-dimensional mobile devices for humans, and the other six boxes contain machine guns and bullets!Unexpectedly, Wang Zheng actually produced a machine gun. Although I don't know how powerful it is, it has already sounded the alarm for the restitutionists. It seems that we should speed up technological progress.Cola Literature

Due to lack of manpower, we only brought two boxes of three-dimensional maneuvering devices and one box of machine guns, and then two pallets were found in the small building."Put the corpses of the brethren in a cart and take them back for a good burial. The other car puts the seriously wounded and supplies, and all the others ride horses." I instructed. Everyone nodded and started to work on things. I'm alert together.The sky was completely dark, but the members of the armed force set alight on the house, and the fire illuminates the surroundings so clearly that it won’t make people obscure.

"How do you deal with the live mouth you caught? Do you want to interrogate?" Xu Jingkun asked suddenly, "There is no time, no one will kill." I waved and replied helplessly.It is not easy to catch a live mouth, but now there are no conditions for interrogation, or maybe a lot of useful information can be obtained, which is a pity."Give me action faster, time is running out!" I suddenly felt a little irritated, and couldn't help but urged, somehow suddenly there was a sense of urgency in my heart, as if the enemy was coming soon.My sixth sense has saved me many times. This time I still choose to believe in my own feelings and immediately ordered everyone to evacuate...

Staying at home and dare not go out, so I had to work hard to code, but the state was a bit bad.

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