You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"The time now is around 4pm. It is not normal and inappropriate for you to delay for too long. You try to find a chance to settle down for the next step... No, it is too obvious. In short, you can try to make the task more related to the nobles. We will make arrangements for the rest." Xu Jingkun said, he waved his hand down vigorously, and said in a decisive tone: "I'd rather let them be lost than startled."

Outside the classroom, everyone who had just finished class saw me coming back and immediately gathered around, "Gawain, are you okay?" Mikasa asked worriedly, "Your complexion doesn't look good." I waved my hand with an ugly expression. He signaled that he was okay, "Gao Wen, what did the military police say to you? What mission?" Connie asked curiously, and everyone in Class 9 also formed a circle and looked at me with concerned eyes. That bunch of shit nobles!" I cursed angrily, not loud, but it just happened to be heard by everyone in Class 9, "Gavin, what happened to the bunch of nobles?" Allen asked in confusion, I He shook his head: "It's nothing, but I will be transferred for a month from today. Marco will take over the position of my monitor when I am away. I can't say about the task and the confidentiality agreement. In short, the task is very nonsense."

"Is there any mistake? The transfer for one month." Connie cried in disbelief, "What about the training? Next month, I will have a theory class about giants." "The instructor of that class has already told me about it. "I shrugged, "Gawain, is your mission dangerous?" Mikasa took my hand and asked, "There is no danger, it's just annoying and nonsense." I sighed helplessly. With the other hand, he scratched his head dejectedly, "Squad leader, why did they choose you?" Rainer also leaned over and asked, "They did not designate me, but chose the person with the most eye-catching performance to make a portrait. I am the first to train all, haha!" I smiled reluctantly and waved to them, "Okay, do whatever you should do, I'm going to pack up." Baidu Novel

When I packed my luggage and walked to the intersection of the training group camp with my luggage, a golden and red wooden carriage was already waiting there. On the upper right of the carriage was a small flag fluttering with blue embroidered on it. In the middle of the shield is a golden lion head, which should be the family crest of a nobleman."Mr. Gawain-Ackerman? Please get in the car." At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a housekeeper's costume and a white wig walked out of the carriage. He owed me slightly. , With an arrogant expression on his face, I couldn't help but froze for a moment. The guy in front of me was not someone else. It was the person who was kept in the cell next to Eric when I met Eric, but his outfit and temperament are compared to before. It can be considered a different person, I almost didn't recognize him.

"Mr. Ackerman?" The butler increased his tone, and at the same time there was a hint of disdain in his eyes, "Hey!" I ignored him, and walked towards the carriage, pulled the driving door and sat in, and the butler followed I got into the car behind me, closed the door and knocked on the front baffle lightly, indicating that the driver could start."You did a good job just now, and you almost didn't recognize you in your outfit." I looked up and down the housekeeper and said with a smile.

Sleepless late at night.

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