You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Mia’s successful infiltration can be regarded as unintentionally slapped everyone in the face, but I couldn’t get the slightest anger at it, "Well, it’s amazing." I rubbed Mia’s head and praised." Hee hee!" Mia smiled happily, buried her face in my arms, "Brother Gawain, I miss you so much." Mia's voice was a bit distorted, and now I was completely out of anger. Just stroking Mia's hair gently with his hand, and did not speak, although there are many questions to ask her, it is obviously not the time to ask.

Lance and others are now only embarrassed besides being ashamed, but if someone from another organization does this, they will definitely catch the opponent and torture them and then click away, and then hack the base. How many times does his defense double, and want to leave after spying on intelligence and showing off his power?Think of this as your backyard!But now that person is Mia, and she is also considered a half-revolutionary person, which made Lance and the others feel much better, but Mia's subsequent show off to me was slashing their faces again. , Especially Mia's tone in the narrative is still very relaxed, which is simply making up the knife.Even so, they still have to show their smiling faces now. They can't scare Mia with a gloomy face. I turned my head and glanced at Lance and others, whose expressions were so false that they were about to cry, and I used my eyes to indicate that they could go out. If they were amnesty, one by one quickly ran out of the room.

"Mia, how do you know that this is the site of the reinstatement rather than the station of some gendarmerie regiment?" After holding for a while, I asked what I was most confused about, "the reinstatement does not have uniforms and flags, but The Gendarmerie has it." Mia replied naturally, "That's it," I suddenly realized, "It looks like these things are going to be made next." Bibi e-book

"Well, Brother Gawain, can you show me around the base?" Mia thought for a while and asked in an expectant tone, "A lot of things here look so fun." "But you have to promise me I won’t tell anyone about today’s affairs, can it be done?” I said after a few seconds of silence. I haven’t missed anything for half a month, and Mia can only stay at most one afternoon to show her the unclassified ones. It is not impossible to stay with her for a while."I promise I won't tell anyone." Mia said with a serious face.

He took Mia's hand and walked out of the room, but bumped into Lance, who was still waiting outside, "Aren't you supposed to go to work?" asked suspiciously, "I was sneaked into the base". It's a shame, why should Lance stay busy and strengthen his defense? Why is he staying with me?"Loza has already dealt with it." Lance waved his hand with a helpless expression, "but the point is that we don't know where our defense is wrong, and we need Mia to help us point it out." When saying this Lance's tone was full of humiliation, even if someone sneaked in. He couldn't find the loophole but needed the help of the sneaker. Lance felt that his face had been lost.

"Okay, okay, brother Gawain, accompany me!" Mia said happily. She naturally couldn't ask for it to show off her record to her brother again. She immediately gave up her previous visit plan and took me to the outside.Lance sighed and followed behind.After spending an afternoon with Mia, I arranged for Yake to escort her away, and then I continued with Lance to summarize the report of the armed forces group. By the way, the uniform design of the armed forces group and the flag design of the reintegration faction were put on the agenda...

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