Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 207 Three-dimensional Mobile Device Training Course (1)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!When I saw Rainer and Berthold again, my feeling was very complicated. This kind of feeling that I can’t wait to rush to kill each other immediately, but can only pretend to be ignorant and treat each other as a friend is like eating Xiang Xiang Disgusting, but luckily I pretended to be in a bad mood, so no one noticed that my mood was wrong.In order to prevent them from discovering the change in my attitude, I forced myself to ignore their identities and treat them as ordinary trainers, and wait until the Troost District retakes the total account three years later!

In the beginning of the spring, the training soldiers finally came into contact with the long-awaited three-dimensional mobile device. Since they formally joined the training corps, the first three-dimensional mobile device practice class, everyone was very excited."Amin, this is what it feels like to put on a three-dimensional mobile device. I am full of power now!" Allen said excitedly, "After waiting for so long, I finally have personal access to the three-dimensional mobile device. This is what we deal with. A giant's weapon." "Yes, Ellen, I have already learned the operation manual about the three-dimensional mobile device, and now I can finally practice it!" Amin's face was also full of excitement.

"Assemble!" Xu Jingkun shouted loudly. The people in Class 9 quickly formed two rows. Everyone looked at Xu Jingkun with expectant eyes, waiting for him to give instructions to start training.The actual three-dimensional mobile device is slightly different from the animation, but in general there is not much difference. It is a large rectangular wooden box on each side of the waist. The box contains four pairs of super-hard blades. It is a gas tank for storing gas. Behind the waist is a gas ejector. The most complicated part of the whole device. There is a hook and anchor launcher on both sides of the waist belt. The armpit is where the knife handle is placed. The leather strap secures the device.14 Novel Network

"I emphasize again, the trigger at the index finger of the knife handle is to recover the steel wire and spray gas, and the trigger at the middle finger is to inject the hook anchor with the steel wire and release the fixation. Don't be confused! Also, pressing the guard is stuck or Loosen the blade. Although you are not equipped with a blade this time, don't forget to familiarize yourself with the specific operation." Xu Jingkun looked around the crowd and said, "That's it, disband, and start free training!" When I heard the word "disband" , Everyone cheered immediately, and the training location was in the Giant Wood Forest next to the training corps. Twenty instructors were always ready to rescue the injured trainers due to operational errors.

Whoosh!After shooting the hook anchor on the right on the trunk of a tree, and then pressing the trigger of my index finger to make myself fly, I couldn't help but sigh: "The Forest of Giant Trees, I really don't know how this kind of thing appeared." Compared with other training soldiers who have to shoot two hooks to fix themselves and concentrate on taking off, I seem to be too careless. After all, things like three-dimensional mobile devices are really difficult for ordinary people, but even for me The Demon Hunter who has carefully studied its structure and is extremely balanced is not a problem at all.

Shooting two hook anchors at the same time to fix themselves in order to fly is a novice approach, because this method is difficult to quickly change direction to avoid danger in the middle, it is not flexible enough, and it cannot escape quickly, because changing the path requires the use of hook anchors to recover the wire. It takes time to relaunch, and this time is enough for you to be killed...

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