You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"It's the first operation after all. It's normal to make some mistakes and get some injuries. Everyone is basically the same, but I feel that compared with the operation mistakes and hitting a tree, I can't even stand and land on my forehead. It seems even more embarrassing!" Ren said with a sneer, and their taunting mode turned from warm-up to intense."Ha! Only idiots will lower their standards and think that it is normal to hit a tree. I wish you to maintain your normal level until graduation!" Allen said with a sarcasm, "To each other, I wish you always show yourself The heroic posture of falling down on the ground!" Jean retorted unceremoniously.

The mutual conflict between the two quickly attracted the attention of everyone in the cafeteria. Before, when there were many people, they were not very noticeable, but now they are very conspicuous when there are few people. Obviously, they have not yet reached the point of continuing to fight against each other regardless of the crowd. The realm of "I don't care about you" soon ended the topic."Go away, go back to the dormitory to rest." After seeing that there was no excitement, I reached out and pressed Mikasa and Mia's heads, then got up and walked outside. The crowd quickly dispersed, and everyone returned to their own. position.

Due to the large number of injured people, there was no course arrangement in the afternoon, and everyone was allowed to move freely. However, the scope was limited to the training corps and could not go out. The three-dimensional mobile device was still open to everyone and allowed to practice independently, so I and Amin , Mikasa, and Mia trained for another afternoon.In the evening, the training corps announced a dead person. The guy directly hit his neck because of the wrong way of flying. However, Bingtang seemed to have anticipated this situation and announced that the next training will continue as usual. The next month will be other courses in the morning. , In the afternoon, three-dimensional mobile device practical operation class.Lihuo Book Bar

The training days always go by very quickly. I basically spent the next year in training. I had a meeting with the people from Class 9 in the morning on the day off, and I went home with Alan and the others in the afternoon to visit Aunt Carla, although It’s a bit lonely to live alone, but overall Aunt Carla’s life is pretty good, with our allowance to make ends meet, and there are no unsightly people who come to make trouble.From time to time, the restorationists will secretly send me some documents to make decisions, and they will also report on the current progress.The military team has expanded to 1,200 people; the white-glove team "Dark Arrow" that Eric is responsible for has completed the formation and began to perform tasks; the Dark Silver Chamber of Commerce has become the largest chamber of commerce in the wall, and other chambers of commerce have only lingering space; except Outside the Central First Gendarmerie Regiment, the Intelligence Department has already planted its own people in all the troops inside the wall; even the Scimitar Gang, which I didn't pay much attention to after I was founded, has an influence on the southern part of the Wall of Roses.

The days passed peacefully. Rainer and the others would occasionally hold secret meetings, but I didn't realize that they had any other accomplices.However, the relationship between Yani and Xu Jingkun is getting closer and closer, and they can often be seen walking together, and his name for Yani has also become "Ani" in private."It's been more than a year in a blink of an eye." Walking in the woods covered with fallen leaves, I couldn't help but sigh. When I thought that this kind of life would be more than a year, I couldn't help but wonder whether my original decision was correct. , After all, the training of the corps professors is a bit too simple for me. Although I have a happy life, it is a waste of time. Is it too much for me to follow the development of the plot?Will there be better development if I choose another method?

This kind of thinking made me absent-minded all afternoon, but a news in the evening interrupted my thinking and gave me the urge to kill...

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