You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Muralism is a religion that believes in walls. They promoted that the walls were shaped by God with his supreme might, and they oppose anyone doing things that blaspheme the walls, even if the walls are installed with fixed cannons and other defense facilities against them. It is also taboo in terms of doctrine.Before the fall of the Wall of Mary, the Mural was just a small organization that was not valued and had little influence. But after the fall of the Wall of Mary, the Mural took the opportunity to proclaim that “The wall is sacred and inviolable. The Wall of Leah was broken because someone blasphemed the wall and angered God, so God will punish him. If human beings don’t wake up, they will usher in destruction.” The saying that many foolish people join the wall religion, plus The secret promotion of the nobles made the wall religion rise up and become the number one big religion in the wall, and its influence has been greatly enhanced.

As far as I know, the wall religion was established by Wang Zheng's instruction. The purpose of the wall religion is to make people respect the wall and stay away from the wall, so as to prevent people from discovering the super large innocent giant in the wall.In the beginning, Wang Zheng had 100% mastery of the wall religion, but later on, the wall education has grown stronger and gained great independence.Because of Kenny Ackerman’s joining Wang Zheng, Wang Zheng’s persecution of the Ackerman family has ceased, so the behavior of the wall church is undoubtedly spontaneous. Although I don’t know why they did it, I will let them Pay a heavy price for this!

"Are you sure you want to involve her?" Xu Jingkun glanced at Mikasa and asked, "Our next action is very dangerous." "This is family revenge. Do you think it is possible not to bring her?" I turned my head to look. Seeing Mikasa's question, he couldn't help but think of the tragic situation in his mind, "We have to do a thorough account of the things of the year!" I clenched my fist, "I will make those guys regret being born in this world. Of!" Huaxiu Chinese

Under Xu Jingkun’s leadership, Mikasa and I easily entered Keith’s office. Keith was very surprised by our visit. “We need to ask for leave. We will approve it for seven days.” I handed the letter in my hand to Keith. Keith opened his mouth and took a look at the letter. His pupils shrank and he folded the letter and gave it back to me. Then he took the leave slip from the drawer and said, "Govan, about this I feel very sorry, but now I don’t have any reliable power to help you, take care of myself, and you can go to Levier about this matter.” I nodded, did not speak, and gave the letter to Mikasa. .

After reading the letter, Mikasa's face suddenly turned white, covering her mouth with her right hand, with an incredible expression on her face."Then let me go." I picked up the leave slip and nodded to Keith, took Mikasa's hand and turned away, Xu Jingkun followed me closely, "The first priority is to save people first, and revenge can be done later. Let's talk about it." He started, "I'll go to Levier, you take Mikasa to Base One to ask about the situation. We meet in Yila Town."

After pulling three horses out of the stables, we started to split up. At this time, Mikasa finally had the opportunity to ask a question: "Gawain, what is going on? Why does the mural want to persecute our Ackerman family? Yes...what's the matter with your identity?" I was silent for a few seconds before I said, "All of this starts with the murders of Uncle Hank and Aunt Yanhu... Mikasa, you have to be mentally prepared, because What I want to say next is something that most people in the wall don’t know. This includes the truth of the world, and I will tell you everything I know."...

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