Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 218 Interrogation (1)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!puff!The captive was awakened by a water polo that had been subjected to cold ice. He shuddered and opened his eyes, only to see two young people with black hair and black eyes looking at him coldly, "Who are you?! "He asked in a panic, trying to move his body but found that he was firmly bound."Hello sir, we need to ask you a few questions. If you cooperate with us, we will give you a happy one. If you don't cooperate, we will let you feel that life is better than death." I smiled and said Tao.

The captive's eyes widened in horror at first, but then his expression turned hideous: "I warn you! I am the archbishop of the Knees region, how dare you kidnap me! Now put me back obediently, and I still You can consider forgiving...Ah!" Xu Jingkun inserted a dagger into the captive's thigh, and said coldly while stirring it fiercely: "I am neither in the mood nor patience to accompany you in this nonsense! Answer me well. Question, and then I will give you a happy one, otherwise I will cut off all ten of your fingers!" "I will never...Ah!" The captive's entire face was deformed in pain, his left little finger Falling to the ground, blood shed all over the floor.

I took out a healing spell card to stop the blood for him, and persuaded, "Why do you have to answer our questions, so you don't need to be tortured." The captive gasped, his face was full of sweat. After a few seconds of silence, he said in a hoarse voice: "You...what do you want to ask?!" "That's right, it should be so good!" I snapped my fingers and said with a smile, "First Tell me your name, sir." "Flegg, Friag Leonardo." The captive replied, "Hello, Mr. Leonardo, what is the name of the other person with you? "I continued to ask.361 reading

"Kyle-Sileiser." Frege sighed and said, seeming to have given up resistance. Seeing that the time should be around the corner, I suddenly asked a key question: "Mr. Leonardo, I heard that you guys a few days ago After hunting down a pair of Ackerman mother and daughter, what is the result?" "I haven't caught them yet, but it is already certain that they are hiding in the slums in the north." Frege replied in a daze, and then reacted, "You Are they their accomplices?!" His expression quickly became ugly, looking very angry and scary, "You descendants of demons! Damn Ackerman's chores! I curse...Ah!!!" Xu Jingkun slashed him. His left ring finger was cut off, causing him to let out a scream.

"You bitch bastards! Damn it!" After relieving his breath, Frege began to yell again, and Xu Jingkun kicked him into his mouth to stop him temporarily, "It looks like cut hands. It’s not stimulating enough for you," Xu Jingkun said in a flat tone, but I could feel his hidden anger, "After I dug out your eyes and feed you, maybe you can change your mind. Let’s talk.” He said, and took his feet away. Frege spit out a few teeth and exclaimed, “I don’t know anything! You guys who deserve to go to hell, God will punish you. Yours!"

"It's a pity, Mr. Leonardo, we didn't need to get this step." I said coldly, holding my arms around my chest. "Last chance, say no?" "No! Yes! Yes! I am absolutely. I won’t succumb to you!” Frege roared with wide-eyed eyes. Xu Jingkun pressed his head against the tree with one hand, and pressed the dripping dagger against his left eye socket. I turned my head away and didn’t look at it. The scene coming down, "Ah!~"

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