You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Kyle was recruited immediately after four fingers were cut. After that, Xu Jingkun and I endured the nausea. We interrogated Frege again. After the confession was correct, we cut off their tongues and the remaining fingers. Then they hanged them on the flagpole of the gendarmerie regiment, and used their blood to write the words "Blood Debt and Blood Pay" on their clothes.I believe that when the Murkists and the Gendarmerie Group discover them in the morning, they will go crazy.

"When someone finds these two bodies after dawn, the gendarmerie and the mural will definitely come out and hunt down the murderer like a mad dog." Leewell washed his hands carefully with water three times, confirming After being absolutely clean, he took out his handkerchief and wiped his hands dry. "Then they have to know who the murderer is. They want to catch us because of these guys? Dreaming!" Xu Jingkun said disdainfully, "Speaking of you. The cleanliness is still so serious." "I don't have cleanliness during the fight." Lewell snorted softly, "What are we going to do next?" "Sleep." I said, "Sleep?" Will squinted his eyes in a puzzled way, "Yes, because of the previous action we successfully diverted the attention of the wall teacher, but our consumption is not small, so we need to rest to restore our strength and maintain the maximum Go and save people in good condition." I explained.

"We rest until 12 noon, and then go directly to the northern slums, first to find food and then to find people." I announced the next plan, "They may move the location." Xu Jingkun frowned, "Oh, that's not right. Judging from the next movement of the gendarmerie and the wall sect, it is impossible for them to transfer." "Well, it's 5:30 in the morning. The four of us stand guard in batches, and the others find a place in the jungle to hurry. Sleep. Raytheon and I are in charge of the second and third batches of posts respectively." Liwell said, taking over the most tiring work, knowing that being awakened in the middle of sleep is the most uncomfortable.Xu Jingkun glanced at Mikasa who was still in a sluggish state, winked at me and then turned to Lewell and left.Xunread

"Mikasa." I sighed, and gently moved her into my arms, "Sorry, I shouldn't have pulled you in." Mikasa gave a light hmm, then shook his head again, and said palely. "This is my own choice, Gawain, no matter how dark the road ahead is, I will accompany you. Moreover, this is my revenge. I will personally make the accomplices who hurt my parents pay the price, and I will help The clansmen let those bastards pay their debts!" ​​Mikasa's body was trembling slightly, obviously because of excessive stimulation.I was moved and couldn't help but hug her tightly: "Thank you Mikasa, I will stay with you forever."

The first shift is often the easiest. This task is given to Mikasa, and I am in charge of the last shift.After comforting Mikasa, I also freed up a small open space at will, and then lay down on the open space and fell asleep until I was called by Lewell to stand on the last guard.

"Get up and get up, it's twelve o'clock." I called the three of them one by one. "There is a small puddle next to it. Go there and wash our faces. Then we go to the slum to have lunch." Both Xu Jingkun and Xu Jingkun got up as soon as they opened their eyes. Only Mikasa was pulled up by me after struggling for a few seconds. The gap between the two was undoubtedly revealed...

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