You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Although our original plan was to find food first before finding people, there is a saying: "People are iron rice or steel, and you are hungry if you don't eat." Breakfast is gone. If you don't eat lunch, then If we encounter any accident, we don’t have the strength to do anything, and if we find someone first, we might be able to have lunch, so the changes in the plan will not hurt.

"Thunder God is watching him, we are the three queens." Lewell ordered, Xu Jingkun nodded and patted the bastard on the shoulder: "Let's go, lead the way." After a distance of about three meters, Lee Will walked to my side and said in a subtle voice, "My judgment has made some mistakes." "Huh?" I opened my eyes suddenly, looked at him in surprise, and asked in a low voice, "Not very Is it going well?" "It has nothing to do with this!" Lewell said in a low voice, his tone sounded a little angry, "I made some mistakes in my judgment of the slum. This is not an underground street. The environment of the underground street should be between the black street and Between the slums. Speaking of which I would rather go to the black street than here, although the black street is a gathering place for scum, but they at least know that they are creditworthy when trading, and reputation is also very important to them. It is their foundation in the underground world."

Speaking of this, Levell paused, he turned his head and glanced back, and then continued to say after confirming that there were no trackers: "The dark forces here are different. They are all people who are unable to mix in the dark. They may not do detrimental things, but in some things they have no bottom line and no credibility, which means that we can’t rely on the power here to save people without knowing it. I even doubt it. Our whereabouts will be exposed in a few hours, so our next actions must be fast, and we must be ready to get involved with the people who come to arrest them." Say Weiwei

I pondered for a few seconds before nodding, and then said: "I see, I will go for Thor now. He is good at setting traps, allowing him to place a few burst spell cards around here, even if he can't achieve the killing effect. Create chaos, just in case.” After replacing Xu Jingkun, he immediately left the team to set up spell traps, and then followed the mark to join us.After walking with the bastard for more than ten minutes, we came to a single-family three-story building. The top of the building was structured like a spire. This is probably why it is called a "small turret"."How many places have I brought, this money?" The bastard rubbed his hands and smiled charmingly. Mikasa frowned in dissatisfaction and gave him a stern look. The bastard immediately shrank his neck in fright. speak.

"No hurry, wait until we are sure that they will talk about it after this, then we can decide whether to pay you or break your leg." Lewell said coldly, the bastard took two steps back in fright. Shaking his body a few times, he said with a sad face: "Several princes, you sirs, let me fart in a lot. Money...I don't need money, please do it." Lewell sneered twice and turned his head to signal. I went to confirm the identity of the resident, I nodded to him, walked to the entrance of the small turret, looked around and made sure there was no other entrance before I knocked on the door.

"What are you doing?" A few seconds later, a sturdy bald man with a long scar on his face from the left forehead to the right corner of his mouth opened the door and asked impatiently. I was taken aback for a moment, then immediately Smiling and said: "Hello, I'm looking for Ms. Ackerman." "You have found the wrong place, there is no one you are looking for here." The strong man said coldly, and closed the door with a bang...

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