You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!A trace of embarrassment flashed across the face of the brawny scarred man, but he did not let people put down their weapons, but was a little at a loss, "Okay, Shawar, everyone put down their guns." A middle-aged man in his place The man suddenly said, she has a pair of long, narrow red eyes. When he looked at me, I felt as if I was being stared at by a beast in the jungle. It was extremely oppressive. I had to concentrate on looking at him to keep the wind from falling. .After staring at each other quietly for a few seconds, he smiled at me, withdrew his momentum and said: "Hello, my name is Lijia, you can also call my nickname Ghost King, I am the leader of the crying ghost."

"You can call me bloody hands." I faintly spoke, but there was a stormy sea in my heart-after the momentum confrontation just now, I found that this guy has a quarter of the blood!I just don't know why my hunting instinct has no reaction at all, which also makes me wonder what secrets are hidden in this world.

"Our time is running out. Let us see them quickly so that we can escort them away." Liwell said blankly. Liga's eyes shifted to Liwell, and he smiled at Liwell. He lowered his head: "Your Excellency Captain Levell, I have long admired the name. But before I let you see them, I need to ask first, is this the official action of the investigation corps or your private action?" "This is my private action." Lewell stared into his eyes and said, "That's it, please come with me." Liga nodded again and walked to the inner room.

Going up the stairs to the third floor, Lijia stopped in front of a door. He reached out and knocked on the door, and said in a whisper: "It's me, Gary, the king of ghosts." A few seconds later, the door was covered with silver. A woman with grey hair and a pair of sword eyebrows opened up. She has a very good figure. This also makes the wounds in her clothes tied with bandages can be seen from the outside, but although she suffered a serious injury, her aura was not affected at all. Influenced, the woman raised her eyebrows, and the whole person asked, "Riga, what's the situation? Who are they?" "Madam, according to the spy's return, the frescoes and military police suddenly increased this morning. With the intensity of the patrol, they are basically covered with their eyeliners except for the black streets and slums. We may not be able to hide for long." Lijia's attitude seemed very respectful. He turned to look at us and continued, "They said they were from your clan , Can help you and Lilith leave." Go to Tingshu website

A look of surprise flashed in Phoenix's eyes. She turned to look at us and asked, "You are all?" I nodded and said, "There is another person who is laying a trap outside. He is probably coming soon." "I." Go down to pick him up." Liga immediately spoke, turned and went downstairs, "Go into the room and talk." Phoenix sighed and stepped aside, "Actually, you shouldn't have come." "It's all time. , Don't say any more meaningless words." Leewell said impatiently, stepped in, and Mikasa and I followed.

There is only one big bed in the room. Sitting on the bed is a girl with hazel hair of about seven or eight years old, holding a little bear doll. She is wearing a white dress with bare feet and is looking at us with curious eyes."Hello, brothers and sisters." Lilith said timidly, "Hello, Lilith." I responded with a smile, "Hello." Levell nodded stiffly, seeing that he seemed not good at dealing with this. This kind of scene, after a simple greeting, we are ready to enter the topic...

I will add a chapter today, and I won’t do it on weekends. I’ll wait until the 16th and I’ll start the third shift.

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