You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"There is hot water in the dormitory. You can wash off the snow on your face first and sit as you like." I turned my head and said to the girls who were still standing together slightly at a loss, "I'll get hot water." Thomas walked first. In the bathroom, "I'll help." Jean followed. Obviously because the girls were there, the performance of these guys was also very adequate. I curled my lips and turned to get the towel. Mikasa silently followed her. There are still a few white snowflakes on his head, which looks a little cute.

She helped Mikasa pat the snowflakes off her head and rubbed her head again. I said, "Is it cold?" Mikasa shook her head slightly, a flash of excitement flashed on her face, and she whispered: " Gao Wen, I can master the elementary skills of Holy Flame, look." As he said, Mikasa stretched out his right hand, and a cloud of white Holy Flame suddenly appeared from the palm of his palm, and then the Holy Flame quickly covered the entire palm. Mikasa made a fist with her right hand, and a fist made of holy flames popped out in front of her fist. "How about it, Gao Wen?" Mikasa looked up at me with a look of expectation, and only wrote three words on her face. Please praise”."This Nizi really gets longer and more beautiful." I couldn't help thinking in my heart, reaching out and scraping her nose, and said: "Very good."

Mikasa happily shook his fist, like a kid getting candy, and at the same time retracted the holy flame."Hot water is coming!" Thomas shouted, and everyone immediately surrounded the past. Now that the fire has just risen, the heating in the dormitory hasn't worked yet, so naturally everyone can't help but move closer to something warm.7 questions novel

Wet half of the towel with hot water, then wiped Mikasa's face, and then used the dry half to dry her face. Mia went to Alan to borrow the towel, but the others were not so good.Rainer graciously dampened the towel and twisted it and handed it to Khrista. The gentle Khrista naturally thanked Khrista and stretched out his hand to pick up the towel. Unexpectedly, Ymir took the towel first and re-fresh it. After wiping Khrista's face, Lena's expression was very exciting immediately.But when Berthold handed the towel to Yani, Yani shook her head, took out the handkerchief from her pocket and said, "I have it myself, and the instructor gave it." Click!A glass heart of Berthold shattered into pieces.Let me look at me with envy, and finally turned his head to admire the snow scene outside the house.

"It's a dish! I've definitely helped this, but you guys can't do it, tut!" I despised in my heart, and then wiped my face with a towel, turning around and preparing to add some firewood to the stove.!The knock on the door suddenly sounded, and everyone's eyes immediately focused on the door, "Perhaps Daz is back." Marco opened his mouth and walked towards the door of the dormitory, "I'll open the door."

As soon as the door was opened, the wind and snow poured in along the gap, and everyone couldn't help fighting a cold war.Xu Jingkun helped Daz walk in and closed the door immediately. He glanced at the people in the dormitory and said: "It seems that everyone is here. Let me inform you that the afternoon training is cancelled and you can move around freely." Just after landing, there was a low cheer from the crowd. In such a cold day and such a strong wind, no one wants to leave the warm dormitory. This is great news!Xu Jingkun gave a light cough, and everyone in Class 9 immediately calmed down. He took out a map from his pocket and continued: "Tomorrow will be snow mountain training. Training results will be recorded in your total score. The route is here. On the map, you can choose to form your own team. The detailed rules will be discussed in the evening by Captain Keith, but I hope you do what you can.

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