You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!The people sent by the Northern Training Corps to communicate on the first day got into trouble: "Because some of them molested some of the girls from Class 10, but Class 10 had a fight with them, and then all members of Class 10 were beaten. Get down on the ground." This is really an excellent distraction, and it immediately angered everyone in the Southern Training Corps.

"Hello, my name is Jerry Joseph. I am the captain of our exchange team." A tall, rugged, red-haired man said to me with a haughty expression, "I heard that you are here in the south. It’s great, and it seems that it’s just like that now. So what’s the tenth class is too infrequent, we only moved a bit, and they all got down right after warming up. I hope your class 9 can be better than them.” I can hear clearly. When everyone in Class Nine clenched their fists and gasped, the other person looked at us with contempt.Originally, I was particularly reluctant to receive the time to receive them. It was a waste of my precious time. Now that they behave so poorly, then please satisfy them.

"We are really not very good. I can hit ten of you just so-so." I smiled and said, "As for our ninth class, beating you is just a matter of effort." "Then give it a try. Who beat anyone!" Jerry's face suddenly became gloomy, he took a step back and waved his hand, "I hope you don't cry and find your mother after you lose!" "Class 9, go!" I shouted, everyone behind him Immediately rushing to the opposite side, the people of both sides immediately mixed together, roaring, cursing, grunting and screaming when the fists hit the human body.

The first person I looked for must be Jerry, and he also came to me as soon as possible. The squad leader vs. the captain, whoever knocks down the opponent first will definitely gain a great advantage in momentum, and everyone in the fight will deliberately avoid it. After all, we are more or less focused on us, our victory is particularly critical!Jushuku

Jerry cautiously stepped forward and confronted me in a fighting posture that was slightly different from the fighting skills taught by the training corps professor. Obviously my "Kkyogen" just now shocked him a lot and made him decide to use a steady and steady fight. Way to deal with me, but I have no patience to fight him slowly.You must know that the fighting skills of Class 9 are actually weaker than theirs, but there are three fighting masters, me, Mikasa, and Yani, who can stabilize them. Just like Tian Ji horse racing, first use weak to hold them. , And then use our three strong as the breakthrough point to quickly resolve the battle, form a situation where more fights less, and finally settle the victory, so I must get Jerry quickly, we can't lose this battle!After all, I don't want to bear Keith's anger.

"Ha!" I yelled at Jerry, and when I saw that I took the initiative to attack him, a trace of contempt flashed in my eyes. I hit my face with a straight fist with my right hand, but he didn't expect me. It was just a fictitious move, the body avoided his straight fist in an awkward posture, and at the same time, he violently kicked out and kicked his crotch.Jerry still had two tricks. In this case, he abruptly dodged most of it, but the remaining power still made him snorted, but my attack was not that simple. I hadn't landed on the right leg. Under the circumstances, I jumped with my left leg, and then I used my body to drive the left leg to kick out again, "Oh!" This time Jerry couldn't escape again, and he fell to the ground with me, clutching his crotch, and I crawled with my left hand. Get up, join the battle group again...

The role of Jerry will appear later, just dig a small hole, anyway, I will definitely fill it.

Also, this is the addition of this week, come and get a recommendation ticket to hit me!Whoever recommends the most votes, I will add a chapter specifically for him.-_^

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