Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 263: Camp and Quarrel

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!The sun is gradually sinking to the west, and the team has just completed half of the distance. This speed is really slow. It took more than nine hours to complete the 20 kilometers. It is necessary to know the longest time for the 42 kilometers of the marathon. It was only six hours, and the speed at which they rode was no different from walking.After waiting for them for more than an hour in the morning, I lost my patience. I rode a horse to the forest first, solved lunch and took a nap by hunting in the forest, and then waited for them until the evening.

"The food rationed by the Corps is really tasteless." Connie sighed. Soon after entering the forest, these guys found a creek and set up camp there to make a fire and cook. They neither searched the surroundings to eliminate risks nor arranged for people to be sent out. Obviously, the marching system mentioned by the instructor has long been left behind."It would be fine if I caught that lizard before." Sasha said regretfully, "Okay, stop talking about lizards." Letting said depressed, "I ran to hunt lizards before." Allen snorted. Letting stunned for a moment, and sneered: "It's always more realistic than hunting giants!?" "What do you mean, and why are you training the Corps?!" Alan immediately stood up angrily after hearing this.

"Two guys, here again." On a big tree twenty meters away from them, I sighed with my right hand holding my forehead, "Kies putting these two guys in a group is a big mistake. Don’t think of peace when they are there.” “At least it’s not here to die.” Jean stood up and stood opposite Allen, “What are you talking about?! Some things are better not to be nonsense!” Ai Lun stared at him tightly and said, "This...this..." Amin looked nervously at the quarreling two people, holding a pen in his hand not knowing whether he should write it, "Don't remember, Almin!" Ma Jianzhang quickly stopped. He said, "This is just a small chat after dinner." 000 Literature

After Ellen and Jean's quarrel, the physical conflict attracted everyone's attention, resulting in no one spotting the robber who had secretly lurked around them, even Mia was absent-minded and didn't notice the abnormality around them.With a single-barreled shotgun in one hand, Mark sneaked into a tree only ten meters away from the training camp, and stared at Mia's side face with one eye. He rubbed it with his other hand. With a light sigh on his face, he moved back, even though he knew it was not the time to meet.

I curled my mouth, took a small stone from my pocket and threw it towards Mark’s head. After being hit by the stone, Mark suddenly looked back at where I was. I stretched out my right hand and shook his middle finger. After another thumbs down gesture, he said with his lips: "Despise you, Mark, I despise you!" Mark's eyes can also see things in the dark, and he can also read lips, I believe him Can understand what I mean.

Mark took a deep breath, did not respond to me, but continued to leave. After venting my unhappiness with Mark, I changed a comfortable position and lay on the tree trunk and continued to look at Alan and the others. The plot robbers will choose to wait for the trainers to fall asleep before launching an attack, taking Herista as a hostage and stealing everyone’s three-dimensional mobile device, but the ghost knows if Mark’s intervention will change the plot, I Always be prepared is...

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