You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!As soon as the voice fell, everyone who was assigned to the 1st team suddenly wailed, and Daz, who was stolen from the 3D mobile device because of carelessness in the 2nd team, also looked depressed."Gawain, can't you just be accommodating?" Allen leaned in and pleaded, "Yes, Gawain, this was just an accident, and besides, didn't we also kill the bandit?" Connie also echoed with a smile. "Come less!" I slapped Allen on the head, "You and Jean performed the worst in the entire marching training. Although the following actions have been done well, this fact cannot be changed. I will report it truthfully! "

The expressions of Ellen and Ran froze immediately, and without giving them a chance to speak again, I continued: "Also, do you think that the robbers have been caught by you?" Everyone was taken aback when they heard this, "Isn't it? "Ma Ke asked suspiciously, "They started in two batches. There were five people in the second batch, but I killed them all." I shrugged and said, "Now I have something to deal with, these robbers. You bring it to the gendarmerie to report the case. And...severe your hand for this guy, don't let him die."

After speaking, I controlled the three-dimensional mobile device and flew towards the town. Next, I should merge with Mark’s Association and take him to the Restorationist. As for his meeting with Mia, I can arrange it in three days. It’s been five years since the rest days, anyway, so I’m not in a hurry.Because I had to rush back to train the Corps, I took Mark to the restorative base and briefly explained to the person in charge of the base, and then left in a hurry, so that afterwards Lance and others met Mark. I haven't seen it.

And after returning to the training corps, there are still a lot of things waiting for me-I need to report to Keith about the performance of the 9th squad on this march, and about the experience, function performance and improvement opinions of the three-dimensional mobile device-lurker model. I have to write the report, and help everyone in Class 9 point out the mistakes and correct them... What a trouble!There is only one month left to graduate. I can predict how busy I will be next, and a cruel war is about to come.Kiss novels

"Oh, I'm so tired!" I threw myself on the bed in an unimaginative way, and complained, "How come there are so many things!" "Gawain, you are so embarrassed to say," Connie glanced weakly on the bed. I glanced at me, "Because of your report, Instructor Keith fined us to run forty laps, forty laps! I feel like my life is gone." "Ah, then I am really sorry." I said without sincerity, "It's really pleasant to see you being punished." "Gavin, your sorry is really insincere." Allen said with a slight dissatisfaction. I glanced at him and blew up comfortably. Whistle.

"I really want to beat him." I made a whisper, and several people in the dormitory nodded in agreement, "I will invite you to dinner if you win with one hand." I curled my lips indifferently. I’m about to graduate. Have you figured out which corps you will go to next? Connie?" "I’m not sure yet," Connie shook his head. "Actually, if you can go to the gendarmerie, you should be more prestigious after returning to the village. When I came here before, people in the village laughed at me and said how such a short man could be a soldier." With a topic that distracted them, everyone started a lively discussion, and I could hide away and laugh...

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