You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Grisha..." Seeing Ellen's performance at this time, I seemed to see Grisha's figure. At any time, I can successfully boost the morale of my companions and lead by example. Many of Grisha's advantages have been perfectly inherited by Allen. That's it."What's wrong, brother Gawain?" Mia asked with some confusion, "It's nothing, just saw the figure of an old friend." I smiled and said, "Let's go, it's time to go to the battlefield."

"Gawain." Mikasa hurried over from behind. "What's wrong with Mikasa?" I asked, rubbing her head, "Well...if you fight for a while, come to my side, I will... I will protect you." Mikasa grabbed my hand and whispered. I smiled helplessly when I heard the words, and raised her hand to give her a thump: "Don't make trouble, I..." "Mikasa-Ackerman trainer, "Ian, the squad leader of the elite squad of the garrison regiment, came over and said, "You have been specially sent to the rear guard. Follow me." "With my ability, it will definitely drag everyone back!" Mikasa suddenly became anxious. , Holding my hand unconsciously increased his strength, "I didn't ask your opinion," Ian said blankly, "Now the evacuation is very slow, and the residents need more elites around." "But. , But..." Mikasa still wanted to speak, I immediately covered her mouth, "Woo~"

Mikasa stared at me with wide eyes, "Obey the order, Mikasa." I let go of her and squeezed her smooth face, "Although you are the chief, don't forget that I am the training corps. The strongest among them! It’s almost the same for me to protect you. Go ahead and don’t worry me." Mikasa hummed softly, "Gavin, I only have one request." "Don't worry, I will come back alive. "I waved my hand and said, "Kiss me." Mikasa blinked, "What?" I was stunned. Mikasa didn't speak any more, but closed my eyes and stretched out my hand to wrap my neck and face. It was blushing.17 Pen Fun Pavilion

At this time, if I didn't know what to do, I should be dragged out and shot.I lowered my head and lightly kissed Mikasa's lips: "Go, pay attention to safety." Mikasa hugged me and ran away.I took a deep breath, and when I turned around, I remembered that there was another Mia who was watching the show. "Brother Gawain, how does it feel to kiss?" Mia asked with a grin. I couldn't help but blush. Hand rewarded her with a violent shudder, and said angrily: "Guess."

There are a total of six members in Class 35: "Me, Mia, Tom, Cole, Marco, Roxy". Our defense zone is right next to Class 34. Tom, Cole and Roxy belong to Class 10 in the training corps. The members of I don’t have much intersection with me. They are only in the state of acquaintance, but the members of class 34 are all members of class 9. They have a good relationship with me on weekdays. I have to find a way to save them, otherwise According to the plot, Class 34, except Amin survived and Alan awakens, was wiped out. Even if I ignore my current teammates (except Mia and Marco), I will save them.

There is no way to save people without leaving my teammates behind. I stood on the roof and looked at a few people in Class 34 not far away, and then looked at the teammates in Class 35 around me. I suddenly had an idea in my heart.To put it simply, the mission of the training corps is to hold the giants and buy time for the residents to retreat. That is to say, as long as you complete this task, no one will care how you complete it. In this case, the defense zones of Class 34 and Class 35 are just right. Together, wouldn't a joint action solve all problems perfectly?

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