You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!After hearing this news, everyone couldn't help but fell silent. Now we have lost two of our companions, and no one knows whether we will be the next person to die."I know." I said after a few seconds of silence, "Allen, Thomas, go and move Cole's body into the building, where at least he can not be eaten by the giant." "Yes, monitor." Some people responded with a depressed mood, and others sighed lightly.

"Squad leader Gao Wen, a seven-meter-class giant was found ahead, please give instructions!" Marco's report interrupted everyone's grief, and everyone focused on me, waiting for my next order."That's okay, Milius come with me, and the others pay attention." I glanced blankly at the seven-meter giant who was walking towards us with a sluggish expression, and ordered, leading the two of them. Rushed to the giant, "That can be responsible for attracting the giant's attention, Milius is responsible for attacking the giant, I will cut its back, and be careful not to get hurt!" The two took a deep breath and responded loudly, "Yes!"

I carried my double knives and ran fast on the roof. While the giant was overwhelmed by Nako and Milius, I walked around behind the giant, and then used a three-dimensional mobile device to speed up the giant's back. "It's done, you guys..." Just halfway through the sentence, I suddenly felt my scalp explode, and quickly pulled Milius next to me back, boom!The wall on the side suddenly shattered into several pieces, and a five-meter-class giant rushed out of the room, biting the one who was too late to dodge, click!The blood splattered out immediately.

"Damn, why is it a strange kind again! Why do I have such an idea?" I scolded fiercely in the air, dragging Milius to the side of the roof, wow!Milius knelt on the ground and vomited immediately. I stared at the strange species that was devouring the corpse. My face was uncertain. If you know that strange species are rare, this conclusion is an investigation. The corps summed it up with blood, but I actually met two in a few minutes, no luck!If there is no lottery ticket in the wall, I will go back and buy two.I love to read novels

"You go back first, I'll take care of this guy." I pointed at the other people's direction with the blade. My eyes were always strange, Milius nodded palely, and controlled the three-dimensional mobile device to Allen and the others. When I flew away, I twisted my neck and felt a little annoyed-so far, there was no problem with my command, and the two casualties were all due to strange behavior."Damn bastard!" I leaped down from the roof with a pair of knives and rushed towards the strange species, who also rushed towards me quickly.

I pressed the trigger to release the lock of the blade, and at the same time threw the blade at the eyes of the strange species with both hands, scoff!Unexpectedly, the strange species was immediately hit, deprived of my vision, I turned to the left and avoided its grasp, went around its back, and at the same time pulled out a wooden box from both sides of my waist. For the new blade, the one just now is just blunt, now it's just right to replace it!I increased the speed to the maximum and took the back of the odd-type seed, and cut it down with both swords at the target. The odd-type seed's movement immediately stopped, and I fell forward weakly, and the body began to turn into steam.

I controlled the three-dimensional mobile device and flew back to the place where the crowd gathered, but found that everyone looked back with horrified expressions, "What's wrong?" I followed their sights, and I couldn't help but breathe. I saw four giants walking. Our back is dangling, which means that our back is cut off.

One more chapter!In other words, why every time I add a change, there are fewer recommended votes on the day?T_T

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