Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 298: Difficulty in the Gas Supply Room

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Lewell immediately looked at the handsome, tall, blond man with blue eyes who was standing in the middle of the hall thinking about the problem. "Irvin!" Lewell unceremoniously interrupted his thinking. He walked aggressively towards him, and pointed to the box in the hands of Han Ji. The tone was bad, "Don't tell me you plan to use these tatters to deal with the giants!" The investigative corps dared to be so rude to Captain Irwin. The only person in is Levi, and the others, even the research madman Hanji Zoye, will at least maintain the most basic respect for Irvine.

"Don't be so impatient, Levell," Irwin rubbed his temples and said helplessly, "I haven't figured out how to deal with the giant in the gas supply room. I can only ask Han Ji to search for it. Anything that might come in handy, if you think it’s too messy, you can go to the lounge next to it to rest for a while.” “How can it be so troublesome!” Levier said impatiently, “Just let me, Xu Jingkun, and Phoenix pay it back. Go on with Gawain and use teleport to kill them all. You have to make it so complicated for a problem that can be solved easily!" "This is the final plan. If there is no other way in a while, I will Will adopt it." Irvin waved his hand and said, ignoring Livier's bad attitude towards him. The height difference between the two was almost two heads, but the momentum was just the opposite.

Lewell watched Irvine for a few seconds, and finally curled his lips and turned to the lounge: "It's up to you, just call me when you need it." I stood far away with the rest of Lewellbank. I watched Levi's dialogue with Irvine, but unlike them, I can hear every word they say clearly with my extraordinary hearing.Seeing Lewell leaving, the four of them hurriedly followed. I took one last look at Irvine, only to find that he also moved his gaze over. After our eyes met for a few seconds, Irvine nodded slightly to me. , I also responded, and then we looked away at the same time.

Turning my head to look at the people in Liweierban, I hesitated, and finally decided to stay in the lobby."Captain, then I'll go find my companion first." I shouted to Levi, who was about to enter the lounge, "Well, go." Levi nodded lightly and pushed the door into the room. The lounge.The lobby is the place with the most information, allowing me to grasp the current situation from the dialogues of each person. To be honest, I do not intend to affect the ability of Amin in the plot, but now this plot has been changed too much by me , I don’t know if Amin will have the opportunity to show his abilities. If there is no chance, I will have to push it.Xishi Literature

"Gawain, are you okay?" Mikasa ran over at this moment, took my hand and asked nervously. I reached out and rubbed her head, and said helplessly: "Will you have a little confidence in me? I am Better than you." Mikasa's face turned red, and she lowered her head and said in a embarrassing low voice: "I just...can't help worrying about your safety. I don't want to lose my relatives anymore." "Just relatives." Huh?" Looking at Mikasa like this, I couldn't help but flirt with her. "Isn't it a lover? That kiss." I squeezed her soft cheek and smiled and asked, "Please... hate it!" Mikasa's face snapped. Zihong was so red, she gave me a light punch and then quickly turned and ran away.

"Hahaha!" I couldn't help but chuckle a few times, and walked towards the people of the training corps. It's time to encourage Amin to give advice to the head of Erwin...

If you want to go out to play today, I will post first.^ε^

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