Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 300: Strategy to Retake the Supply Room

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Are you the trainer who said there is a way to retake the gas supply room?" Irvine stared at the tense and cramped blond mushroom-headed teenager and said, "Yes...Yes, the 104th training corps trainer Almin- Arnold sees the head of Irvine!" Amin said after hearing the words, he quickly clenched his right hand to his chest, with his left hand behind his back and gave a standard military salute. At this moment, the squad leaders of all the elite classes rushed over after hearing the news and all used them. The scrutinizing eyes stared at Amin, wanting to see what clever scheme this trainer could come up with.

"Tell me about your approach." Irwin smiled friendly to Amin, and someone immediately moved a table and two chairs to let them sit down. "Yes!" Amin sat down on the chair. He took out a sketch in his arms and spread it out on the table. When he talked about his plan, Amin seemed to have changed himself. The cramps and tensions on his face were instantly wiped out, replaced by strong confidence. Such a huge contrast made all the squad leaders of the elite class surprised, and they were more curious about the method that Aming said.

"My plan is like this," Amin said, pointing to the sketch on the table. I can't see what he drew on the picture for perspective reasons. "There are three ways to reach the gas supply room from here. There are two ways to get there, one is to arrive by elevator, and the other is to go by stairs. We can divide into two teams, one will set off first and walk up the stairs to the beam of the gas supply room to ambush, according to the supply soldiers When they evacuated, there were seven giants of 3 and 4 meters in the supply room, so I suggest sending a team of ten people to perform this task; the other team can have 12 to 14 people, and they need to carry muskets on the elevator to reach the gas The supply room was used as a bait to attract the attention of the giants. When the giants gathered together, they shot the giants in batches in order to deprive them of their eyesight. At this time, the previously ambushed team simultaneously shot off the giants’ back Neck, take back the supply room!" 97 Chinese

After Amin finished speaking, all the high-level officials of the investigative corps remained silent for a long time. Amin suddenly became nervous when he saw this, and his previous confidence began to disappear. "Of course, these are just some of my personal immature opinions. There must be many that are not perfect. The place." Amin said quickly, reaching out to grab the sketch that he had spread on the table, "Sorry, it's a delay of your precious time, I'll just..." "No, Armin," Irwin finally returned. God came, and held Amin's hand, "Your plan is very good, we will follow your plan."

"Huh?" Amin's eyes widened in surprise when he heard the words. Ervin let go of his hand, got up and patted Amin on the shoulder and said to the squad leader of the elite class: "You all heard what he said. , Liweiban and Xu Jingkun are responsible for beheading the giants; Han Ji, take your class to check all the muskets again, and don’t have situations that cannot be fired at critical times; Mick, you go to organize the manpower to get into the elevator , Remember to explain the situation to them clearly, and don’t forget to tell Almin’s credit, just like that, act!"

"Yes, Captain Irwin!" The monitors immediately saluted and said in unison. Amin was finally relieved. Irwin patted Amin on the shoulder again and chatted with him cordially. The conversation is over, the next time is waiting...

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