Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 302: Han Ji who does everything possible to look at the giant

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!The investigators and training soldiers who had finished replenishing the gas and blades left the supply room and boarded the wall. The former lively supply room quickly became empty. On the rooftop of the headquarters, there were still a few trainers and investigators standing. Soldiers."Ervin, I want to see the strange species that kills giants." Han Ji sat on the ground and hugged Captain Elvin's thigh and wailed, "Let me go and see, or I will Do not look down on purpose!"

"It's enough, four-eyed boy, get me up!" Li Wei grabbed her shoulders and pulled hard, but Han Ji didn't let go, making him somewhat helpless, "Han Ji, you have enough. "Xu Jingkun also said with a black line, "There are still people watching, it's a shame!" "I don't care, I have to watch the strange species!" Han Ji made a noise like a kid who didn't get candy, and I and Mikasa, Mia, and Amin watched the excitement on the sidelines, and Han Ji's character is as obsessed with giants as in anime.

"That's not a strange species, it's a giant transformed from a human." I suddenly interrupted them. Anyway, the eight people present know the truth of the world or can be absolutely trusted, and I don't need to hide it. "Humans have become giants, take me to see!" Han Ji let go of Irvine and rushed to me and said excitedly. I ignored her immediately, but looked at Irvine and said with a smile. : "Get to know me officially, Gawain Ackerman, the leader of the Restorationist." "Irvin Smith, the head of the Investigation Corps, Gawain, I have been with you for a long time." Irvin and me Shaking a handshake, said kindly, "I also want to meet you with Captain Irwin, but I have never been able to find a chance." I also said politely.Reading novels

Han Ji turned to look at Elvin, then looked at me, "Then shall we go to see the giant?" She asked in a low voice, "I was never taken with Elvin when I went to the restorative base." If you go, then Lance will be happy. When the giant experimented, he complained so much, not to mention meeting you, a research madman." I thought in my heart, "Then go and see." Irvin I opened the mouth and looked at me at the same time. I nodded to him and began to sense Alan's position, "He is now near the wall on the east side." A few seconds later I said the result, and Han Ji was impatient. Rushed over.

"Damn it, this mad woman!" Lewell hurriedly followed after considering her safety."Gawain, the giant that humans turned into is Ellen, right?" Amin finally recovered at this time, looked at me during the flight and asked, "It's very smart, I thought of the correct answer so quickly. "I said relaxedly, "Actually, I keep keeping secrets and I'm very tired." Aming laughed twice, and his sorrow was wiped out after learning that his best friend was not dead.

The 15-meter-high giant with pointed ears, whose muscles resemble a bodybuilder roared, fought hard to throw away the giants who were clinging to him, rushed to a 15-meter-class giant, and bit the opponent. The back of his neck, and then he twisted his neck forcefully and threw it onto the few giants he had just thrown away.Although its arms have been bitten off by the giant and its own recovery ability has reached its limit, its momentum has not diminished at all. On the contrary, it has become more tyrannical than before. A strong murderous aura has caused many onlookers to investigate on the wall. The soldiers and trainers couldn't help but shiver."Ang!" The attacking giant raised his hair and roared in anger, and then finally exhausted his energy and fell down, and then a figure slowly escaped from the giant's neck...

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