Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 318 Chaos Caused by Orders

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"What do you think of this?" Picksis asked without looking back, "Have you ever said that? really leisurely enough to say!" Allen's tone was full of disdain, "I We are about to yawn." "Haha!" Picksis laughed twice when he heard the words, "You are the same as the old man, and your personality is different from ordinary people!" "Even now, that powerful enemy has forced us into it. In such a desperate situation, I think it’s hard to say that the human situation is monolithic.” Allen didn’t pay attention to Pickex’s rhetoric, and continued to express his own thoughts, “Well, humans are almost in a hug, otherwise It's difficult to even fight." Picksis pointed out.

After waiting for a few minutes with nothing to do, Picksis finally took Allen to the wall directly above the inner door facing the soldiers. Looking at the chaotic scene below, he first took a deep breath, and then Roared at the bottom with the loudest voice: "Quiet!!!" Amidst the roar of Pikexis like a river east lion roar, everyone fell silent, and everyone looked at the skin standing on the wall with surprised eyes. Kexis, apparently the huge "quiet" that seemed like thunder on the ground had an excellent effect.

"Next, the old man will give some explanations on the battle of the Troost District." Seeing that everyone stopped talking, Picksis said immediately, "The successful goal of this battle plan is-to remove the big hole in the broken door. That’s how it’s going to be blocked. As for the means of blocking the big hole, let’s start by introducing him.” Picksis stretched out his hand and motioned to Allen to come forward, “This is the trainer Alan-ye of the training corps. Gehr." Picksis started, and Allen walked forward for a military salute.56 novel

"He is the successful person of the giant living experiment that we have secretly studied. He can create the body of a giant and manipulate it with his own will." Pickex's lie came out, but this is also a way to stabilize people's hearts. And one of the means to increase credibility, "After becoming a giant, he will lift the big rock near the outer door, carry it to the broken door, and then block the hole." No matter what everyone below is. In response, Pickex's tone was still calm, "and your task is to ensure that he is not attacked by other giants while he is moving the rock."

As soon as Picksis' order was given, the soldiers below were completely in chaos, "Stop nonsense!" Daz shouted angrily, "How could I put my life on such an inexplicable reason! You! What do you think of us?! We are not the blade you lose when you use it up!" "What kind of human weapon is said, and you know it is a ghost!" A garrison also agreed, "When we are stupid Ah, he wants us all to die here today! I'm going to quit!" After that, he turned and left, and the two training soldiers next to him hesitated and gritted their teeth to keep up with the garrison soldier. pace.

"Me too!" "Me too!"...Many garrison training soldiers left one after another, and the supervising team was completely unable to control the situation. Dissatisfaction and panic grew like snowballs, and soon spread to the whole army. Except for the unshakable investigative corps, the garrison and training corps have reached the brink of collapse...

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